Code of Alabama

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Section 22-13-32 Monthly reports; further information to be provided upon request. (a) Each
case of confirmed cancer or benign brain-related tumor shall be reported within 180 days of
admission or diagnosis in the manner prescribed by rule. Reports are to be submitted on a
monthly basis. (b) Any further demographic, diagnostic, treatment, or follow-up information
shall be provided upon request by the State Health Officer concerning any person now or formerly
receiving services, or diagnosed as having or having had a malignant neoplasm or benign brain-related
tumor. The State Health Officer or his or her authorized representative shall be permitted
access to all records, including death certificates, which would identify confirmed cases
of cancer or benign brain-related tumor or would establish characteristics of the cancer or
benign brain-related tumor, treatment of the cancer or benign brain-related tumor, or medical
status of any identified cancer or benign brain-related tumor... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3C-7 Factors to determine risk of abduction. (a) In determining whether there is
a credible risk of abduction of a child, the court shall consider any evidence that the petitioner
or respondent: (1) has previously abducted or attempted to abduct a child; (2) has threatened
to abduct a child; (3) has recently engaged in activities that may indicate a planned abduction,
including: (A) abandoning employment; (B) preparing to move from, abandoning, or selling a
primary residence; (C) terminating a lease; (D) closing bank or other financial management
accounts, liquidating assets, hiding or destroying financial documents, or conducting any
unusual financial activities; (E) applying for a passport or visa or obtaining travel documents
for the respondent, a family member, or the child; or (F) seeking to obtain the child's birth
certificate or school or medical records; (4) has engaged in domestic violence, stalking,
or child abuse or neglect; (5) has refused to follow a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-9-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter the term domestic violence fatality review
team means an organization that includes, but is not limited to, representatives from the
following agencies or organizations: (1) Law enforcement agencies. (2) The Alabama State Law
Enforcement Agency, the Attorney General, and the President of the Alabama District Attorney's
Association, for state level teams or the district attorney of each judicial circuit for local
or regional teams. (3) The Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences. (4) Certified domestic
violence centers. (5) Child protection service providers. (6) The Administrative Office of
Courts. (7) The municipal and circuit clerks of the court. (8) Victim service programs. (9)
Providers of civil legal assistance to victims. (10) Child death review teams. (11) Members
of the business community. (12) County probation or corrections agencies. (13) Any other persons
who have knowledge regarding domestic violence fatalities, nonlethal... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-361 Investigations; reporting offenses; proceedings and actions; privileged information.
(a)(1) The State Board of Medical Examiners on its own motion may investigate any evidence
which appears to show that a physician or osteopath holding a certificate of qualification
to practice medicine or osteopathy in the State of Alabama is or may be guilty of any of the
acts, offenses, or conditions set out in Section 34-24-360. As part of its investigation,
the board may require a criminal history background check of the physician or osteopath. In
such event, the physician or osteopath shall submit a complete set of fingerprints to the
State Board of Medical Examiners. The board shall submit the fingerprints provided by the
physician or osteopath to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI). The fingerprints shall
be forwarded by the ABI to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a national criminal
history record check. Costs associated with conducting a criminal history... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-61.08 Duty to report deaths; alteration of body evidence prohibited. It shall
be the duty and responsibility of any person in the county having knowledge concerning a death
occurring under the categories defined in Section 45-2-61.03 to report such death promptly
to the Baldwin County Coroner or to any law enforcement agency who, in turn, shall promptly
report the same to the Baldwin County Coroner. Deaths reportable to the Baldwin County Coroner
shall be reported whether the cause is known or suspected, primary or contributory, or recent,
delayed, or remote. No one shall disturb or remove the body or human remains or evidence on
the body until authorized by the Baldwin County Coroner or his or her designee except for
the purpose of preserving such body or remains from loss or destruction. No person shall knowingly
fail to make such report or withhold related medical or other evidence, or willfully alter
the body or related evidence without the authority of the county... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-19A-4 Missing and endangered persons alert - When activated. (a) A missing and endangered
persons alert shall be activated by the department when a person is reported missing and an
investigation reveals the following: (1) The person is living with a mental disability, physical
disability, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or autism and is at risk of bodily harm or death.
(2) There is enough descriptive information about the person living with a mental disability,
physical disability, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or autism and at risk of bodily harm or
death to believe an immediate media alert would help investigators locate the person. For
persons living with a mental disability, physical disability, Alzheimer's disease, dementia,
or autism, a statement from a caregiver that the missing person lives with a mental disability,
physical disability, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or autism shall be considered sufficient
proof of the mental disability, physical disability,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-25-11 Statements of common carriers, contract carriers, buses, etc. All common carriers,
contract carriers, buses and trucks transporting tobacco products may be required under regulations
to be prescribed by the Department of Revenue to transmit to the Department of Revenue a periodic
statement of such consignments or deliveries of tobacco products showing date, point of origin,
point of delivery and to whom delivered, and time of delivery, and all common carriers, buses
or trucks shall permit examination by the Department of Revenue or its agents of their records
relating to shipment or receipt of tobacco products. The common carriers, buses and trucks
shall permit the examination and investigation of their records of shipment or receipts relating
to tobacco products, when and wherever it is deemed advisable and necessary by the Department
of Revenue or its agents in the enforcement of this article. Inspectors, stamp deputies and
other duly authorized agents of the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35A-51.24 Investigations. The board and the director shall make a study of all matters
touching the administration and enforcement of this part and the rules and regulations adopted
thereunder. To this end, the board or the director may visit all offices and places of employment
to ascertain information and to advise with the heads of the various departments concerning
their method of handling matters affecting the service; and to ascertain if this part and
the adopted rules and regulations are fully complied with. The board or director, in the course
of such inquiries, shall have the power to administer oaths, subpoena, and require the attendance
of witnesses and the production of records, books, papers, and documents pertaining to the
subject matter under investigation. The board, or the director, shall have the authority to
inquire into the number of employees in any office or department and, after notice and an
opportunity to be heard by the appointing authority and the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-4-6.1 Investigation of registered voter reported to be deceased or a nonresident
of the precinct. (a) To facilitate the continuous maintenance of the computerized statewide
voter registration list, each county board of registrars shall investigate written reports
from a family member of an elector, the inspector of an election precinct, the judge of probate,
the sheriff, and the clerk of the circuit court that an elector registered to vote in a precinct
has died or become a nonresident of the precinct in which he or she is registered to vote.
The inspector, judge of probate, sheriff, or clerk of the circuit court shall provide the
board of registrars, on a form to be prescribed by the Secretary of State, sufficient information
to identify the elector in the statewide voter file and a statement as to the source and nature
of the information upon which he or she believes a person is deceased or has become a nonresident
of the precinct in which he or she is registered to vote.... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-7-4.4 Fingerprints. (a) In order to make a determination of insurance producer license
eligibility, the commissioner is authorized to require fingerprints of initial resident applicants
for an insurance producer license and to submit the fingerprints and the fee required to perform
the criminal history record checks to the Alabama Department of Public Safety and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for state and national criminal history record checks. (b) The
commissioner shall require a criminal history record check on each initial resident applicant
for insurance producer license in accordance with this section. The commissioner shall require
each applicant to submit a full set of fingerprints, including a scanned file from a hard
copy fingerprint, in order for the commissioner to obtain and receive national criminal history
records from the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division. (c) The commissioner
may contract for the collection, transmission, and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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