Code of Alabama

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Section 45-2-21.05 Referendum - Timing costs. A referendum provided for by this subpart shall
be held not less than 60 days from the date of the local authorization and not more than 120
days from the date of the local authorization. The referendum shall be held at the next regular
election or at a special election called by the governing bodies of the municipalities holding
the referendum, or by the county commission. The governing body or the county commission calling
the referendum shall pay the costs associated with the referendum. (Act 2003-236, p. 585,
§6; Act 2003-238, p. 590, §6.)... - 909 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-21.35 Referendum - Timing; costs. Any referendum authorized by this subpart shall
be held not less than 60 days from the date of that authorization and not more than 120 days
from the date of that authorization. The referendum shall be held at the next regular election
or at a special election called by the governing bodies of the municipalities holding the
referendum, or by the county commission. The governing body or the county commission calling
the referendum shall pay the costs associated with the referendum. (Act 97-872, 1st Sp. Sess.,
p. 224, §6.)... - 882 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-20.40 Authorization; referendum. (a) This section only applies to Colbert County.
(b) The sale of alcoholic beverages during certain hours after 12:00 p.m. on Sundays is authorized
within the county. The county commission may, by resolution, and the governing body of any
municipality located within the county may, by ordinance, regulate and permit the sale of
alcoholic beverages after 12:00 p.m. on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees of the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. (c) The county commission shall hold a referendum to determine
if alcoholic beverages may be sold on Sunday. If a majority of the voters voting thereon vote
in favor of the question, then the sale of alcoholic beverages after 12:00 p.m. on Sunday
shall be authorized. (d) The referendum shall be held at the next regular election or at a
special election called for that purpose by the county commission. Costs of the referendum
shall be paid by the county. A second or subsequent referendum shall... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-37 Use of county sales and use tax funds for general educational purposes. (a)
When approved at a referendum election held for such purposes in the manner hereinafter prescribed,
any local board of education may divert any earmarked revenue derived by it from county sales
and use taxes heretofore levied and imposed by local laws enacted by the Legislature of Alabama
which exclusively earmarked such county sales and use taxes for capital outlay, construction
and maintenance of public schools and use or spend the same for general educational purposes,
including payment of teachers' salaries, other current school expenses, and costs of school
transportation, the provisions of any general, special or local law to the contrary notwithstanding.
(b) Upon the written request of the local board of education to the county commission, the
referendum elections referred to in subsection (a) of this section may be called, held and
conducted as nearly as may be in accordance with state... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-1 Legislative declarations and findings. The Legislature hereby finds and declares
as follows: (1) As the basis for enacting Act No. 84-131, the Legislature found and determined
that the conduct within Class 1 municipalities in the state of horse racing events and pari-mutuel
wagering thereon will generate additional revenues for governmental and charitable purposes,
provide additional jobs for the residents of the state and benefit the businesses related
to tourism and recreation within any such municipality and throughout the surrounding areas
of the state; it is desirable to permit the qualified voters of any Class 1 municipality to
determine through referendum whether horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon will be
permitted in such municipality; and for each Class 1 municipality in which horse racing is
approved by the voters thereof, it is necessary and desirable to provide for the establishment
of a racing commission to regulate horse racing and pari-mutuel... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-5-141.20 Powers and duties; annual dues; board of trustees; referendum election.
(a) This section shall apply only in Blount County. (b) A district for the delivery of fire
and emergency medical services may be formed in any unincorporated area of the county pursuant
to this section subject to the approval of a majority of the qualified electors who vote at
a referendum election for that purpose in the proposed district and for the approval of the
mandatory annual dues of the district. (c) In order to call for a referendum election for
the formation of a district, a petition signed by not less than 20 percent of the registered
voters who reside in the proposed district shall be presented to the county commission and
the Judge of Probate of Blount County. The petition shall contain an accurate legal description
of the proposed area and shall state the name of the proposed district. The petition for the
establishment of a district shall be accompanied by a request for the... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-27-3 Authority of local governing bodies as waste collections and disposal; household
exemptions; state regulatory program. (a) Generally. (1) The county commission or municipal
governing body may, and is hereby authorized to, make available to the general public collection
and disposal facilities for solid wastes in a manner acceptable to the department. The county
commission or municipal governing body may provide such collection or disposal services by
contract with private or other controlling agencies and may include house-to-house service
or the placement of regularly serviced and controlled bulk refuse receptacles within reasonable
(generally less than eight miles) distance from the farthest affected household and the wastes
managed in a manner acceptable to the department. (2) Any county commission or municipal governing
body providing services to the public under this article shall have the power and authority
by resolution or ordinance to adopt rules and... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-4 Elections required to approve incorporation of commission and conduct of racing
and pari-mutuel wagering thereon. (a) No commission shall be incorporated for a Class 1 municipality
and no horse racing or greyhound racing or pari-mutuel wagering thereon shall be permitted
in such municipality pursuant to this chapter unless the incorporation of such commission,
together with the conduct of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or greyhound racing
and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or both such activities, shall have been authorized by an
election held in the host county in which such incorporation and such racing and wagering
activities shall have been approved by both (i) a majority of the votes cast in such election
by voters who reside in the host county (including those voters who reside in the sponsoring
municipality) and (ii) a majority of the votes cast in such election by voters who reside
in the commission municipal jurisdiction. In order to authorize the... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-42-162.03 Procedures for establishment of metropolitan-government. Establishment
of the metropolitan-government shall be initiated by a referendum which shall be participated
in by Limestone County, the City of Athens, and such other local governments wholly within
Limestone County as by resolution of the governing body agree to participate as an entity.
The procedure shall be conducted as follows: (1) Each governing body shall be authorized to
adopt a resolution expressing intent to participate in the referendum. The referendum shall
decide two questions: a. the adoption establishing a metropolitan-government countywide and
b. the approval for disincorporation of the City of Athens and the disincorporation of such
other local governments as agree to participate as an entity. The metropolitan-government
shall be established by approval of a majority (one more than 50 percent) of the total votes
cast countywide and by approval of a majority (one more than 50 percent) of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-4-2.1 Electronic poll books. (a) The Secretary of State may allow the use of electronic
poll books in lieu of the printed lists of qualified voters provided for in Section 17-4-2
and the poll lists provided for in Sections 17-9-11 and 17-13-7. A county, with consent of
the county commission and judge of probate, may use electronic poll books in lieu of the printed
lists of qualified voters. In addition, the Secretary of State and municipal governing bodies
may allow the use of electronic poll books in lieu of the printed lists of qualified voters
provided for in Section 11-46-36 or any local law governing a municipal election. (b) A participating
county or municipality may adopt the use of any electronic poll book that has been certified
by the Secretary of State for use in this state. (c) To be certified for use by the Secretary
of State, an electronic poll book shall do all of the following: (1) Be secure. (2) Be compatible
with the statewide voter registration system. (3)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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