Code of Alabama

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Section 11-20-32 Application for authority to incorporate; adoption, etc., of resolution by
governing body authorizing incorporation; incorporation of more than one corporation. Whenever
any number of natural persons, not less than three, shall file with the governing body of
any county of this state an application in writing for authority to incorporate in such county
a public corporation under the provisions of this article, and if it shall be made to appear
to such governing body that each of said persons is a duly qualified elector of and owner
of property in said county and if the governing body of said county shall adopt a resolution
which shall be duly entered upon the minutes of such governing body wherein it shall be found
and determined that it is wise, expedient, necessary or advisable that such a corporation
be formed and that the persons filing said application shall be authorized to proceed to form
such corporation, then said persons shall proceed to organize such... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-22-3 Application for authority to incorporate; resolution of approval; incorporation
of more than one corporation. Whenever any number of natural persons, not less than three,
shall file with the governing body of any county of this state an application in writing for
authority to incorporate in such county a public corporation under the provisions of this
chapter, and shall set forth in said application a brief description of the project to be
acquired or improved by such corporation, and if it shall be made to appear to such governing
body that each of said persons is a duly qualified elector of and owner of property in said
county and if the governing body of said county shall adopt a resolution which shall be duly
entered upon the minutes of such governing body wherein it shall be found and determined that
there is a public need for the proposed project, that it is wise, expedient, necessary, or
advisable that such a corporation be formed and that the persons filing said... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89A-4 Incorporation procedure; contents, execution, and filing of certificate of
incorporation; notice to Secretary of State. (a) Within 40 days following the adoption of
an authorizing resolution (or, if there is more than one, the last adopted thereof), the applicants
shall proceed to incorporate an authority by filing for record in the office of the judge
of probate of the county in which the principal office of the authority is to be located a
certificate of incorporation which shall comply in form and substance with the requirements
of this section and which shall be in the form and executed in the manner provided in this
chapter and shall also be in the form theretofore approved by the governing body of each determining
subdivision. (b) The certificate of incorporation of the authority shall state: (1) The names
of the persons forming the authority, and that each of them is a duly qualified elector of
the determining subdivision (or, if there is more than one, at least... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-175 Board of directors. (a) The corporation shall have a board of directors in
which all powers of the corporation shall be vested. The board of directors shall consist
of (1) Two persons elected by the county commission of the county; (2) Two persons elected
by the governing body of the largest of the member municipalities, according to the federal
decennial census next preceding the date of the filing of the certificate of incorporation
of the corporation for record; (3) One person elected by the governing body of each of the
other member municipalities; (4) Two persons, each of whom shall be, at the time of his appointment,
a physician licensed to practice the profession of medicine in the county, resident in the
county and engaged in the full-time private practice of medicine, elected at a mass meeting
of the licensed physicians resident in the county; (5) Two persons elected or appointed by
a majority vote of all the active circuit judges of the judicial circuit in... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-84 Contents of certificate of incorporation generally; adoption of resolution
by governing body approving form and contents of certificate of incorporation. (a) The certificate
of incorporation of the corporation shall state: (1) The names of the persons forming the
corporation, together with the residence of each thereof and a statement that each of them
is a duly qualified elector of and owner of property in the municipality; (2) The name of
the corporation (which shall be "the state products mart (coliseum) authority located
in _____ County" or some other name of similar import which is available for use); (3)
The location of its principal office, which shall be in the municipality; (4) The purposes
for which the corporation is proposed to be organized; (5) The number of directors, which
shall be not less than three nor more than five, subject, however, to mandatory increase as
provided in this article; and (6) Any other matter relating to the corporation which the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-18-70.09 Identification of unassigned voters. An unassigned voter may identify himself
or herself for assignment in any one of the following ways: (1) He or she may identify himself
or herself for assignment by appearing in person at the office of the board of registrars
or before a deputy registrar, and answering such questions and submitting such proof as may
be reasonably required by the registrars or their deputies to establish the voter's identity
and place of legal residence, and that he or she has not become disqualified from voting in
the county or election district. (2) He or she may identify himself or herself by filling
in and mailing to the board of registrars the completed answers to such questions as may reasonably
be needed and mailed to him or her in a written questionnaire by the board of registrars,
or on a form which the board of registrars shall cause to be printed in all newspapers of
general circulation published in the county, or on forms distributed... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-26-142.03 Petition for election. (a) Upon a petition being filed in the offices
of the Judges of Probate of Elmore and Tallapoosa Counties, the judges of probate of both
counties, acting jointly, shall order an election to be held in the proposed district on the
question, or questions, on which the petition requests an election. (b) The petition shall
be signed by 50 qualified property owners which shall include owners of all parcels of property
comprising 25 percent or greater, whether considered as single contiguous parcels or combinations
of parcels, owned by a single person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity, of the acreage
located within the boundaries of the proposed district. (c) When filed in the offices of the
Judges of Probate of Elmore and Tallapoosa Counties, each petition in each county shall be
accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) to
be applied to defray the costs of compiling a list of qualified voters.... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-90.02 Authority to incorporate; participation of municipality. (a) Whenever any
number of natural persons, not less than three, shall file with the governing body of Mobile
County an application in writing for authority to incorporate a public corporation under this
part, which application shall contain the proposed articles of incorporation and bylaws of
the public corporation, and if it shall be made to appear to such governing body that each
of the persons is a duly qualified elector of and owner of property in the county, and if
the governing body of the county shall adopt a resolution which shall be duly entered upon
the minutes of such governing body wherein it shall be found and determined that it is wise,
expedient, necessary, or advisable that such a corporation be formed and that the persons
filing the application shall be authorized to proceed to form such corporation, then the persons
shall proceed to organize such corporation by executing, acknowledging, and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-6-5 Procedure for incorporation. (a) Within 40 days from and after the date of issuance
by the Governor of his executive order authorizing the applicants to proceed to form a public
corporation, as provided in Section 9-6-4, the applicants or not less than three of the applicants
shall proceed to incorporate a public corporation by filing of record in the office of the
Secretary of State a certificate of incorporation which shall comply in form and substance
with the requirements of this section and be executed in the manner provided in this section.
(b) The certificate of incorporation of the authority shall state: (1) The names of the persons
incorporating the authority, together with their post office addresses and a statement that
each of them is a qualified elector of the State of Alabama; (2) The name of the authority
(which shall include the words "environmental improvement authority"); (3) The location
of the principal office of the authority, which shall be within... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89-4 Filing of certificate of incorporation, copies of resolutions of governing
bodies, etc., with probate judge; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation;
notification of Secretary of State of recordation of certificate of incorporation by probate
judge. (a) Within 40 days following the adoption of an authorizing resolution or, in the event
an application was filed with more than one governing body within 40 days following the adoption
of an authorizing resolution by that governing body that was the last to adopt an authorizing
resolution, but if and only if each other governing body with whom such application was filed
has theretofore adopted an authorizing resolution, the applicants shall proceed to incorporate
a district by filing for record in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which
the principal office of the district is to be located, as specified in the certificate of
incorporation provided for in this section, a certificate of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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