Code of Alabama

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Section 15-12-22 Appointment and compensation of counsel - Appeals. (a) In all criminal cases
wherein an indigent defendant has an appeal which lies directly to an appellate court and
the indigent defendant expresses his or her desire to appeal, the court shall cause to be
entered upon its minutes a recital of notice of appeal. (b) If it appears that the indigent
defendant desires to appeal and is unable financially or otherwise to obtain the assistance
of counsel on appeal and the indigent defendant expresses the desire for assistance of counsel,
the trial court shall appoint counsel to represent and assist the indigent defendant on appeal,
through the indigent defense system for such cases. The presiding judge of the court to which
the appeal is taken shall have authority to appoint counsel through the indigent defense system
for such cases in the event the trial court fails to appoint and in the event it becomes necessary
to further provide for counsel. It shall be the duty of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-18-32 DNA Database Fund. (a) There is hereby established a special fund to be known
as the Alabama DNA Database Fund. (b) The fund shall be placed under the management or administration
of the Director of the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences for the exclusive purposes
of implementing the provisions of this article. (c) The fund shall consist of all moneys received
by the director pursuant to the provisions of this section. (d) The director shall have control
of those funds as shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this article and with the
laws of the State of Alabama. (e) Monies deposited in the Alabama DNA Database Fund may be
expended by the Director of the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences in accordance with
the provisions of this article. The investment of monies in the fund by the State Treasurer
shall remain in the Alabama DNA Database Fund. At the end of each fiscal year any unexpended
or unencumbered monies shall remain in the fund. However,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-9F-3 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) CAREGIVER. The term as defined in Section 13A-6-191. (2) ELDER ABUSE.
The commission of any of the following acts or the intent to commit any of the following acts
against an elderly person: a. Abuse, as defined in Section 38-9-2. b. Arson, as defined in
Sections 13A-7-40 to 13A-7-43, inclusive. c. Assault, as defined in Sections 13A-6-20 to 13A-6-22,
inclusive. d. Criminal coercion, as defined in Section 13A-6-25. e. Criminal trespass as defined
in Sections 13A-7-2 to 13A-7-4.1, inclusive. f. Emotional abuse, as defined in Section 13A-6-191.
g. Financial exploitation, as defined in Sections 13A-6-191 and 8-6-171. h. Harassment, as
defined in Section 13A-11-8. i. Kidnapping, as defined in Sections 13A-6-43 and 13A-6-44.
j. Menacing, as defined in Section 13A-6-23. k. Reckless endangerment, as defined in Section
13A-6-24. l. Sexual abuse, as defined as any of the acts in... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-19-80.21 Legislative findings; additional court costs; Sheriff's Fund. (a) The Legislature
finds that the office of sheriff is an integral part of the court system of this state and
Coosa County. It further notes that our judicial process could not operate without the assistance
of the sheriff's department which serves summons and other processes. (b) In Coosa County,
in addition to all other fees, there shall be taxed as costs the sum of twenty dollars ($20)
in each civil or quasi-civil action at law, suit in equity, criminal case, quasi-criminal
case, proceedings on a forfeited bail bond, or proceedings on a forfeited bond given in connection
with an appeal from a judgment or conviction in the Circuit Court of Coosa County, or the
District Court of Coosa County, hereinafter filed in or arising in the Circuit Court of Coosa
County, or the District Court of Coosa County, or brought by appeal, certiorari or otherwise
to the Circuit Court of Coosa County, or the District Court... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-21-264 Taking of deposition or videotaped deposition when victim or witness unavailable
because of exceptional circumstances. (a) In any criminal prosecution, the court may, upon
motion of the district attorney, the defense, or the court, for good cause shown and after
notice to the parties, order the taking of a deposition or a videotaped deposition of a victim
or a witness when the victim or witness is or may be unavailable for trial for medical reasons
or other exceptional circumstances. On any motion for a deposition or a videotaped deposition
of the victim or witness, the court shall consider the age of the victim or witness, the potential
unavailability of the victim or witness for trial, the nature of the offense, the nature of
testimony that may be expected, and the possible effect that testimony in person at trial
may have on the victim or witness, along with any other relevant matters that may be required
by Supreme Court rule. During the taking of a deposition or... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-12-1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) APPOINTED COUNSEL. Any attorney licensed to practice law in the State
of Alabama who is appointed by the court to represent an indigent defendant. (2) CONTRACT
COUNSEL. Any attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Alabama, or a firm, association,
corporation, or partnership of lawyers so licensed, executing a contract for the provision
of indigent defense services. (3) DIRECTOR. The Director of the Office of Indigent Defense
Services. (4) INDIGENT DEFENDANT. Any person involved in a criminal or juvenile proceeding
in the trial or appellate courts of the state for which proceeding representation by counsel
is constitutionally required or is authorized or required by statute or court rule, including
parents of children during the termination of parental rights hearings, who under oath or
affirmation states that he or she is unable to pay for his or her... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-12-25 Reimbursement of fees of court appointed counsel by defendant; default. (a)(1)
A court may require a convicted defendant to pay the fees of court appointed counsel. Fees
of court appointed counsel for the purposes of this section, shall mean any attorney's fees
and expenses paid an appointed counsel, contract counsel, or public defender. (2) The court
shall not order a defendant to pay the fees of court appointed counsel unless the defendant
is or will be able to pay them. In determining the amount and method of payment of these fees,
the court shall take into account the financial resources of the defendant and the nature
of the burden that payment of the fees will impose. A defendant who has been ordered to pay
the fees of court appointed counsel and who is not in contumacious default in the payment
thereof may at any time petition the court which sentenced him or her for remission of the
payment of these fees or of any unpaid portion thereof. If it appears to the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-19 Penalties - Violation by person whose license or driving privilege has been
cancelled, etc.; impoundment of vehicle. (a)(1) Any person whose driver's or chauffeur's license
issued in this or another state or whose driving privilege as a nonresident has been cancelled,
denied, suspended, or revoked as provided in this article and who drives any motor vehicle
upon the highways of this state while his or her license or privilege is cancelled, denied,
suspended, or revoked shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished
by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500),
and in addition thereto may be imprisoned for not more than 180 days. In addition to all fines,
fees, costs, and punishments prescribed by law, there shall be imposed or assessed an additional
penalty of fifty dollars ($50) to be placed in the Traffic Safety Trust Fund and the Peace
Officers Standards and Training Fund. Also, at the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-9-29 Filing of exceptions to report; hearing upon exceptions and report; approval
and confirmation of report; dismissal of proceedings and dissolution of district; transmittance
of copies of court decree and report of viewers; filing fee. On or before the day set for
the hearing of the final report of the board of viewers, the water management district or
any owner of land or other property in said district or any person having an interest in any
lands or other property within said district may file exceptions to said report or to any
assessment for either benefits or damages. All exceptions shall be heard by the court and
determined in a summary manner so as to carry out liberally the purposes and needs of the
district. If it appears to the satisfaction of the court, after having heard and determined
all of said exceptions, that the estimated cost of constructing the improvements contemplated
in the plan of water management or, in the case of a Public Law 566 watershed... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-80 Public law library; librarian and advisory committee; personnel; law library
fund; fee. (a) The governing body of Colbert County, Alabama, by whatever name called, is
hereby authorized to establish and maintain a public law library in the county, and to accomplish
that purpose, may from time to time, expend such public funds of the county, as are not required
by law to be expended for any other purpose or purposes, to provide suitable housing quarters,
furniture, fixtures, and equipment therefor, to keep the same in a good state of maintenance
and repair, and, from time to time, to enlarge, expand, and improve such library, facilities,
and equipment and, from time to time, to provide such books, reports, and periodicals for
the library as are not provided therefor out of the special fund created by this section or
otherwise, and to pay the salaries of an assistant librarian and such other personnel as may
be necessary and proper to operate the same, to the extent that... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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