Code of Alabama

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Section 34-24-521 Definitions. In this compact, the following terms have the following
meanings: (a) BYLAWS. Those bylaws established by the interstate commission pursuant to Section
34-24-530 for its governance, or for directing and controlling its actions and conduct. (b)
COMMISSIONER. The voting representative appointed by each member board pursuant to Section
34-24-530. (c) CONVICTION. A finding by a court that an individual is guilty of a criminal
offense through adjudication, or entry of a plea of guilty or no contest to the charge by
the offender. Evidence of an entry of a conviction of a criminal offense by the court shall
be considered final for purposes of disciplinary action by a member board. (d) EXPEDITED LICENSE.
A full and unrestricted medical license granted by a member state to an eligible physician
through the process set forth in the compact. (e) INTERSTATE COMMISSION. The interstate commission
created pursuant to Section 34-24-530. (f) LICENSE. Authorization by a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-3-24 State Farmers' Market Committee - Creation; composition. To assist and
advise the Board of Agriculture and Industries in carrying out its responsibilities prescribed
in this article, there is hereby created the State Farmers' Market Committee, which shall
consist of seven members as follows: (1) The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, or
at his discretion, a full-time employee of the state Department of Agriculture and Industries.
(2) The Director of the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, or at his discretion, a full-time
employee of the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service. (3) The President of the Alabama Farmers
Federation or at his discretion, a full-time employee of the federation. (4) One member to
be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Alabama.
(5) One member to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Alabama. (6) Two
members to be appointed by the Governor of Alabama. One member's primary... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-19-21 State of Alabama Anatomical Board - Powers; records. The said board
shall have full power to establish rules and regulations for its government and to appoint
and remove its officers and shall keep full and complete minutes of its transactions. Records
shall also be kept under its direction of all bodies received and distributed by said board
and of the persons or institutions to whom the same may be distributed, which minutes and
records shall be open, at all times, to the inspection of each member of said board and of
any district attorney of any district court in this state. (Acts 1923, No. 360, p. 381; Code
1923, §1289; Code 1940, T. 22, §175.)... - 985 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-20 Creation; composition; qualifications of members; appointment and removal
from board. (a) There is established the Alabama Board of Funeral Service, consisting of nine
members, each of whom shall be citizens of the United States and residents of the State of
Alabama. (b) The appointing authorities shall coordinate their appointments to assure board
membership is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic
diversity of the state. (c) Commencing on January 1, 2019, as the terms of the members serving
on the board on August 1, 2017, expire, the membership of the board shall be reconstituted
to consist of seven professional members and two consumer members. (1) Each professional member
of the board shall be a citizen of the United States, a resident of Alabama, and licensed
and in good standing with the board as an embalmer or funeral director at the time of appointment
and during the entire term of office. Professional members of the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-29A-8 Trust fund disputes. (a) As used in this section, the following
terms shall have the following meanings: (1) ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE (ALJ). An independent
third-party hearing officer appointed by the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Administrative
Law Judge Division (Central Panel) of the office of the Attorney General. (2) AGENCY. A department,
board, bureau, commission, agency, or office of the State of Alabama. (3) STATE EMPLOYEE.
A permanent, non-probationary employee, whether in the classified or unclassified service
of the State of Alabama, including, but not limited to, employees of the Department of Mental
Health and Mental Retardation. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
a state employee may specifically request that an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) or the State
Employee Injury Compensation Trust Fund Review Board hear and decide any employee dispute
related to State Employee Injury Compensation Trust Fund entitlements. The... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 44-1-2 Definitions. The following terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall
have the following meanings: (1) AFTERCARE. A youth is released by the department from a state
training school operated by the department, wherein the department releases legal custody,
supervision, and the right to return until further order of the juvenile court. The term means
a legal status created by order of the committing court at the time of release from a state
training school whereby a youth is permitted to return to the community subject to supervision
by the court or any agency designated by the court and subject to return to the court at any
time during the aftercare period. (2) BOARD. The Alabama Youth Services Board. (3) BOARD MEMBER.
Any member of the Alabama Youth Services Board. (4) COMMITTED YOUTH. Any youth committed to
the legal custody of the department upon a finding of delinquency and a finding by a juvenile
judge that the youth is in need of care or treatment, or both, in a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43A-18 Appointment of city manager; temporary acting city manager; removal;
dealings with administrative service. The council, by a majority vote of the whole qualified
membership of the council, shall appoint a city manager, who shall be an officer of the city,
and shall have the powers to perform the duties in this article provided. No councilman shall
receive such appointment during the term for which the council member shall have been elected
nor within one year after expiration of the term. Any civil service act applicable to the
municipality shall not apply to the appointment or the removal of the city manager. A temporary
acting city manager may be designated by the council to serve for not more than four months
in these events, but only in these events: (1) When the first council takes office after adoption
of this article or (2) following the removal of any permanent city manager. Such temporary
acting city manager shall perform the duties and assume the obligations... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-8A-4 Advisory committee generally. The commissioner shall appoint an advisory
committee to advise him or her on continuing education and other insurance matters to consist
of the following members: One representative of a statewide association of life and health
insurance producers, one representative of a statewide association of property and casualty
insurance producers, one representative of an association of Alabama-based life insurance
companies, one representative of a property and casualty insurance company, one representative
of a statewide association representing health insurance producers, one member of the Alabama
Senate, and one member of the Alabama House of Representatives. Members of this committee
shall be appointed for terms concurrent with the term of office of the Governor of the State
of Alabama and shall be entitled to a per diem allowance equal to the per diem allowance paid
to state employees in the amount current at the time of the meeting. (Acts... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-12-30 Creation; composition; diversity of membership. (a) A State Board of
Registration for Foresters is created whose duty it shall be to administer this chapter. The
board shall consist of five foresters, who shall be selected and appointed by the Governor
of Alabama from among 10 nominees recommended by the Alabama Division of the Society of American
Foresters and shall have the qualifications required by Section 34-12-31. Each member
of the board shall receive a certificate of his or her appointment from the Governor and before
beginning his or her term of office shall file with the Secretary of State his or her written
oath of affirmation for the faithful discharge of his or her official duties. The five members
of the initial board shall be appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years,
respectively, and in making the appointment the Governor shall designate the term for which
each of the members is appointed as provided for above. At the expiration of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-15C-4 Alabama Board for Registered Interior Designers. (a) There is created
the Alabama Board for Registered Interior Designers, to be comprised of seven members appointed
by the Governor in the manner set forth in this section. The members of the Alabama
State Board of Registration for Interior Design serving on August 1, 2010, pursuant to former
Section 34-15B-4, shall immediately serve as board members of the Alabama Board for
Registered Interior Designers created by this chapter. For continuity purposes, a board member
serving on August 1, 2010, shall continue to serve under this chapter for the remainder of
his or her term, and according to the appointment schedule, for which he or she was appointed
by the Governor pursuant to former Section 34-15B-4. (b) All appointments occurring
after August 1, 2010, shall be for terms of four years, except an appointment to fill a vacancy,
which shall be for the unexpired term only. No member shall serve more than two consecutive... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

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