Code of Alabama

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Section 44-1-50 Created; principal offices. There is hereby created and established the Alabama
youth services board. The principal offices of the board shall be located at the state capital.
The board shall have the powers and duties and shall perform the functions described in this
Code. (Acts 1973, No. 816, p. 1261, §4.)... - 632 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-91.23 Creation of Shoals Economic Development Fund; purposes for which moneys
in such fund may be expended. (a) There is created the Shoals Economic Development Fund, which
shall be a special or trust fund or account of the committee, and which shall be administered
in accordance with this subpart. (b)(1) The authority may, at any time and from time to time,
request that the committee authorize and approve the expenditure or appropriation of moneys
on deposit in the Shoals Economic Development Fund, but solely for purposes authorized in
subsection (c). Any such request may specify that such moneys shall be expended by, or appropriated
directly or indirectly to, any of the following: a. The authority itself. b. Either of the
counties, or any city or town located, in whole or in part, in either of the counties. c.
Any public corporation that has been organized with the approval or consent of any one or
more of the counties, the municipalities, or any other city or town in... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-2-142 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words and terms shall
have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) AUTHORITY. The Alabama Toll Road, Bridge, and Tunnel Authority created by this article,
or any board, body, or commission succeeding to the principal functions thereof or to which
the powers given by this article to the authority shall be given by law. (2) BONDS or TOLL
ROAD, BRIDGE, OR TUNNEL REVENUE BONDS. Bonds of the authority authorized under this article.
(3) CONCESSIONAIRE. A person, firm, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or
other legal entity described in Section 23-2-144(a)(12) which has been awarded a contract
to construct or operate, or both, a toll road or bridge by the department or the authority.
(4) COST. As applied to a toll road, bridge, or tunnel project, the cost shall include, but
not be limited to, the following: a. The cost of construction, including bridges... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall
have the following meanings: (1) BUSINESS. Any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm,
enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, or any other legal
entity. (2) BUSINESS WITH WHICH THE PERSON IS ASSOCIATED. Any business of which the person
or a member of his or her family is an officer, owner, partner, board of director member,
employee, or holder of more than five percent of the fair market value of the business. (3)
CANDIDATE. This term as used in this chapter shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in
Section 17-5-2. (4) COMMISSION. The State Ethics Commission. (5) COMPLAINT. Written allegation
or allegations that a violation of this chapter has occurred. (6) COMPLAINANT. A person who
alleges a violation or violations of this chapter by filing a complaint against a respondent.
(7) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. A complaint filed pursuant to this... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 44-1-20 Created; composition and principal offices. There is hereby created and established
a department of the state to be known as the department of youth services. The department
shall be composed of the youth services board, the director and such divisions and administrative
sections as the board may establish. The principal offices of the department shall be located
at the state capital. The department shall have the powers and duties and shall perform the
functions prescribed in this chapter. (Acts 1973, No. 816, p. 1261, §3.)... - 853 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-27-1 Compact adopted; terms. The following Multistate Tax Compact is hereby approved,
adopted and enacted into law by the State of Alabama: Multistate Tax Compact Article I. Purposes.
The purposes of this compact are to: 1. Facilitate proper determination of state and local
tax liability of multistate taxpayers, including the equitable apportionment of tax bases
and settlement of apportionment disputes. 2. Promote uniformity or compatibility in significant
components of tax systems. 3. Facilitate taxpayer convenience and compliance in the filing
of tax returns and in other phases of tax administration. 4. Avoid duplicative taxation. Article
II. Definitions. As used in this compact: 1. "State" means a state of the United
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory or possession
of the United States. 2. "Subdivision" means any governmental unit or special district
of a state. 3. "Taxpayer" means any corporation, partnership, firm,... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-70 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words shall have the following
meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (1) AGRICULTURAL CENTER BOARD. The
board of that name established pursuant to Article 2 of this chapter. (2) AGRICULTURAL FUND.
The fund of that name created and administered pursuant to Article 1, Chapter 9, Title 2.
(3) BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES. The Alabama Board of Agriculture and Industries created
pursuant to Section 2-3-1. (4) BUILDING COMMISSION. The Building Commission created under
Article 6, Chapter 9, Title 41, and any successor agency thereto. (5) COLISEUM. The existing
Garrett Coliseum and the grounds and other buildings and structures associated therewith,
all owned by the Agricultural Center Board and located in the City of Montgomery, Alabama.
(6) CORPORATION. The public corporation authorized to be created by this article. (7) ELIGIBLE
INVESTMENTS. (i) Any time deposit with, or any certificate of deposit... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-73 Surface Mining Commission - Creation; composition; officers; compensation;
meetings; offices; funds; removal of members. (a) There is continued as previously established
the Alabama Surface Mining Reclamation Commission under the name of the Alabama Surface Mining
Commission for the purpose of transition in implementing and enforcing this article and carrying
out the intent and policy stated in Section 9-16-71. All members of the commission appointed
under authority of Section 9-16-33, shall continue their terms as created under that section
until all reappointments and filling of vacancies have been filled in the manner as provided
in this section. At the expiration of any term, that member shall continue in office until
an appointment occurs as provided in this section. After February 25, 1994, no member shall
serve more than two full consecutive terms of office. (b) The commission shall be composed
of seven members, who are fair and reasonable citizens of the state... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-65-3 Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively:
(1) AUTHORITY. The Alabama Higher Education Equipment Loan Authority created by this chapter
and any successor or successors thereto. Any change in name or composition of the authority
shall in no way affect the vested rights of any person under the provisions of this chapter.
(2) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority. (3) BONDS. The bonds of the
authority issued under the provisions of this chapter, including revenue refunding bonds.
(4) EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. Every public college, public university, public graduate school,
public professional school, public junior college, community college, public business college,
and any other public institution of higher learning that teaches a trade or a profession,
heretofore or hereafter established or acquired under statutory authorization of the Legislature
of Alabama and existing as a public institution of learning... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30F-3 Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter,
shall have the following respective meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) AUTHORITY. The corporation organized pursuant to this chapter as a public corporation,
agency, and instrumentality of the state and known as the "Alabama Land Recycling Finance
Authority." (2) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution, order, or other proceedings adopted
by the board of directors of the authority authorizing the issuance of agreements and related
matters. (3) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority. (4) DEPARTMENT.
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management or any successor. (5) ELIGIBLE PROPERTY.
Property which qualifies under Section 22-30E-6 for participation in the voluntary cleanup
program established pursuant to Chapter 30E of this title, and which is owned and operated
by an applicant or applicants which qualifies for the limitation of liability as... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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