Code of Alabama

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Section 35-2-25 Advisory board - Creation and membership. There is hereby created an
advisory board to the division of land surveys, the membership of which shall consist of five
members appointed by the Governor. One member shall be a landowner in the State of Alabama;
two shall be registered land surveyors and members of the Alabama society of professional
land surveyors within Alabama; one an Alabama professional engineer and registered land surveyor;
and the fifth an Alabama citizen who is an attorney. All members except the landowner shall
be appointed by the Governor from a list of three names for each position on the board submitted
by the Alabama society of professional land surveyors. (Acts 1971, No. 2249, p. 3608, ยง5.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-28A-40 Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment, and terms of office
of members; meetings; quorum; vacancies; removal of members. (a) There is established as an
independent agency of the executive branch of the government of the State of Alabama, the
Alabama Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. (b) The board shall
be comprised of seven members, who shall be appointed by the Governor from names submitted
to the Governor by the association. Not more than one board member from any United States
Congressional District shall be appointed to serve at the same time. Those persons nominated
or appointed to serve on the board shall have been engaged in rendering services to the public,
or teaching, or research, or any combination of service to the public, teaching, or research,
in speech-language pathology or audiology, or both for at least five years immediately preceding
their appointment, and shall be citizens of this state. At least three... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14C-2 Board of Home Medical Equipment. (a) The Governor shall appoint a minimum
of nine persons to serve on the Board of Home Medical Equipment, such persons to include a
majority who are employed in the home medical equipment industry, and at least one person
from each of the following categories: A consumer of home medical equipment services, a physician,
a representative from the acute-care hospital community, and a representative from the home
health agency community. Those persons employed in the home medical equipment industry shall
be selected from a list submitted by the Alabama Durable Medical Equipment Association, or
its successor. The consumer member shall be selected from a list of names submitted by the
Governor's Office on Disability, or its successor. The physician member shall be selected
from a list of names submitted by the Medical Association of Alabama, or its successor. The
acute-care hospital community member shall be selected from a list submitted by... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-2A-3 Board of Examiners of Assisted Living Administrators. (a) There is created
a Board of Examiners of Assisted Living Administrators composed of nine members, seven members
as set out in this subsection, and two additional consumer members as set out in subsection
(b). The membership of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic,
urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. The seven original members shall be composed
as follows: Five members shall be assisted living administrators duly licensed and registered
under this chapter; one member shall be a physician licensed under the laws of the state;
and one shall be a licensed nursing home administrator who in the same or contiguous facility
manages assisted living beds. Appointments to the board for those positions to be held by
assisted living administrators shall be made by the Governor from a list of three nominees
for each position to be submitted to the Governor by the Assisted Living... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-9A-1 Creation and composition; duties. (a) A permanent study commission on
the judicial resources in Alabama is hereby created and shall be known as the Judicial Resources
Allocation Commission. The commission shall be composed of the following members: (1) The
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, who shall serve as chair. (2) The legal advisor
to the Governor of Alabama. (3) The Alabama Attorney General. (4) Three incumbent circuit
judges appointed by the President of the Circuit Judges Association, one of whom shall be
from the most populous circuit. One member shall be appointed for three years, one member
shall be appointed for four years, and one member shall be appointed for five years. All appointments
to fill vacancies shall be for the duration of the unexpired term and subsequent appointments
shall be for five-year terms. Any member so appointed shall serve only so long as the member
remains an incumbent circuit judge. (5) Three incumbent district judges... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-4-1 Composition; powers and duties generally. (a) There shall be a board
of pilotage commissioners, to be known as the State Pilotage Commission, which shall consist
of three voting members. One voting member shall be an official of a steamship company which
maintains an office in Mobile, one voting member shall be an active bar pilot, licensed and
branched by the State Pilotage Commission, and one voting member shall be a business person
or a person engaged in a professional occupation licensed by the State of Alabama. (b) An
additional member, who shall serve in a nonvoting advisory capacity, may be appointed to the
commission by the Governor from a list of nominations by the Chair of the Alabama State Port
Authority. Any provision of Section 33-4-3 to the contrary notwithstanding, the advisory
commissioner shall serve without reimbursement for expenses incurred on behalf of the commission
and shall submit no commissioner's fees. (c) The membership of the commission shall... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-412 Alabama Construction Industry Craft Training Program; Craft Training
Board. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to establish and provide for a coordinated
effort between the construction industry and institutions of higher education and other entities,
including, but not limited to, union training programs, to enhance the availability and quality
of programs which promote construction industry craft training and education, and thereby
enhance the availability and competence of the work force for supporting the industry. (b)
In order to provide for efficient, competent, and resourceful construction industry craft
training programs that will deliver the knowledge and skills necessary for persons to learn
and meet the skill requirements for a craft and career in the construction industry trades
and thereby enhance the development of a quality labor pool to support the construction industry
of this state, there is established within the Division of Construction... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-413 Alabama Forest Stewardship Education Committee to administer fund.
(a) The Alabama Forest Stewardship Education Fund shall be administered by the Alabama Forest
Stewardship Education Committee. The committee shall be appointed by the Alabama Forestry
Commission and composed of the following members: (1) One member of the Alabama Association
of Consulting Foresters. (2) One member of the Alabama Treasure Forest Landowners Association.
(3) One member of the Urban Forestry Association. (4) One member of the Society of American
Foresters. (5) One member of the Alabama Farmer's Federation. (6) One member of the Alabama
Forest Owners Association. (7) The chair of the Board of Registration for Foresters, or his
or her designee. (8) The Dean of the Auburn University School of Forestry, or his or her designee.
(9) The Executive Director of the Alabama Forestry Association, or his or her designee. (10)
The State Forester, or his or her designee, who shall serve as chair of the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21A-3 Alabama Onsite Wastewater Board. (a) There is established the Alabama
Onsite Wastewater Board. The board shall consist of nine members who shall, at the time of
appointment and during the entire time for which appointed, be residents and citizens of Alabama.
The initial appointments to the board shall be effective October 1, 1999, with required licensing
beginning January 2000, or as soon as possible thereafter. Of the nine members of the board,
three members shall be appointed by the Governor, three members shall be appointed by the
Lieutenant Governor, and three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives
of the Alabama Legislature. (b) Of the three members appointed by the Governor, one shall
be actively engaged in the business of installing onsite sewage systems and shall serve an
initial term of two years. One member appointed by the Governor shall be actively engaged
in the business of manufacturing septic tanks and shall serve an... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-171 Composition; appointment, terms, vacancies, etc. The authority shall
be composed of 21 members as follows: (1) Two representatives of education, one to be appointed
by the President of the University of South Alabama for a two-year term and one to be appointed
by the Baldwin County Board of Education from among school board members, who are residents
of the geographic area that is now Baldwin County Commission District No. 2 for a two-year
term; (2) Four elected public officials or their representatives, who shall be: a. The Chairman
of the Baldwin County Commission or a member of the Baldwin County Commission to be chosen
by the commission to serve during that commissioner's term of office; b. The Sheriff of Baldwin
County during his term of office; c. The Alabama House of Representatives District 95 member
during his term of office; and d. The Governor of the State of Alabama or a representative
appointed by him to serve during the Governor's term of office; (3)... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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