Code of Alabama

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(a) Pursuant to Amendment 659 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section
104.01 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, the
Gadsden City Council shall call an authorizing referendum election regarding changing the
Gadsden City Board of Education to an elected city board of education. (b) If a majority of
the qualified electors of the municipality voting in the authorizing referendum election vote
in favor of an elected city board of education, the board shall be established as provided
in this subpart and the Legislature, as provided in Amendment 659, from time to time, by local
law may provide further for the election and operation of the Gadsden City Board of Education.
The local laws may provide for the termination of the terms of office of members of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-67-1 Reciprocity committee and fund. (a) There is created the State Reciprocity
Committee. The membership of the committee shall consist of the following members: (1) The
Chancellor of the University of Alabama System, or his or her designee. (2) The President
of Auburn University, or his or her designee. (3) The President of the University of South
Alabama, or his or her designee. (4) The Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System,
or his or her designee. (5) A president of a historically black college or university, or
his or her designee, appointed by the Governor. (b) At the organizational meeting of the committee,
and annually thereafter, the membership of the reciprocity committee shall select the chair
from among the membership of the reciprocity committee. The reciprocity committee shall make
recommendations to the Governor on all issues, decisions, appointments, and designations necessary
for the State of Alabama to participate and comply with reciprocity... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-68-1 (Effective July 1, 2020) Legislative findings. The Legislature makes
the following findings: (1) Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution of Alabama of
1901, recognizes that all persons may speak, write, and publish their sentiments on all subjects,
and that "no law shall ever be passed to curtail or restrain the liberty of speech...."
(2) Alabama's public institutions of higher education have historically embraced a commitment
to freedom of speech and expression. (3) The United States Supreme Court has called public
universities "peculiarly the marketplace of ideas," Healy v. James, 408 U.S. 169,
180 (1972), where young adults learn to exercise those constitutional rights necessary to
participate in our system of government and to tolerate the exercise of those rights by others,
and there is "no room for the view that First Amendment protections should apply with
less force on college campuses than in the community at large." Healy, 408 U.S. at 180.
(4) The United... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-40A-21 Scrap Tire Commission. (a) There is created the Scrap Tire Commission
(STC) to review the implementation of this chapter, including the scrap tire program, and
recommend changes to this chapter to the Legislature, as needed. The STC may promulgate regulations
to establish procedures for its operations. On September 1, 2003, the present monies received
under the existing Alabama Scrap Tire Study Commission (STSC) are transferred to the Scrap
Tire Fund created herein. (b) The Scrap Tire Commission shall be comprised of the following
individuals or their designees or a representative of each of the authorities listed below:
(1) The State Health Officer. (2) The Director of the Alabama Department of Environmental
Management. (3) The Alabama Department of Transportation. (4) The Association of County Commissions
of Alabama. (5) The Alabama Tire Dealers Association shall be represented by two members,
one of which shall be the president of the association. (6) The Rubber... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-16-94 State Child Death Review Team - Purpose; duties. The purpose of the
state team is to decrease the risk and incidence of unexpected/unexplained child injury and
death by undertaking all of the following duties: (1) Identifying factors which make a child
at risk for injury or death. (2) Collecting and sharing information among state team members
and agencies which provide services to children and families or investigate child deaths.
(3) Making suggestions and recommendations to appropriate participating agencies regarding
improving coordination of services and investigations. (4) Identifying trends relevant to
unexpected/unexplained child injury and death. (5) Reviewing reports from local child death
teams and, upon request of a local team, individual cases of child deaths. (6) Providing training
and written materials to the local teams to assist them in carrying out their duties. Such
written materials shall include model protocols for the operation of the local teams.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-24-3 Duties of secretary. The duties of the secretary shall include, but
not be limited to, all of the following: (1) Advising the Governor and the Legislature in
matters relating to the coordination of services for children under the age of 19. (2) Serving
as a liaison between the Governor and state agencies providing programs or services for children.
(3) Educating and informing legislators and other elected officials about issues affecting
children. (4) Coordinating local effort by creating a network of existing local and community
groups and advocates dedicated to children to enable beneficial organizations throughout the
state to assist and educate each other. (5) Actively seeking and applying for federal and
private grants to fund children's programs. (6) Establishing a repository for information
on programs other than education programs offered by the Department of Education for K-12
in Alabama, which offer services for, or are for the benefit of, or in any way affect... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-2-250 Creation; composition, and meetings; compensation; duties; report;
funding. (a) There is created the Alabama Commission to Reduce Poverty. The commission shall
consist of the chair and vice chair of the House Education Appropriations Committee or their
designees; the chair and vice chair of the House Government Appropriations Committee or their
designees; the chair and vice chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee
or their designees; the chair and vice chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation General Fund
Committee or their designees; three members of the House of Representatives appointed by the
Speaker; three members of the Senate appointed by the Lieutenant Governor; one member appointed
by the Alabama Poverty Project; one member appointed by Alabama Arise; one member appointed
by Alabama Community Action Agencies; one member representing the faith community appointed
by the Governor; one member appointed by the Low Income Housing Coalition; two... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-379 Joint Legislative Advisory Committee on Economic Incentives. (a) There
is hereby created a permanent Joint Legislative Advisory Committee on Economic Incentives,
hereinafter referred to as the committee. (b) The committee shall be comprised of all of the
following persons: (1) The chairs of the House Ways and Means General Fund and Education Fund
committees. (2) The chairs of the Senate Finance and Taxation General Fund and Education Fund
committees. (3) The Speaker of the House, or his or her designee, and two members of the House
of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House. (4) The President Pro Tempore
of the Senate, or his or her designee, the chair of the Senate Committee on Fiscal Responsibility
and Economic Development or its successor committee, if any. (5) One member of the Senate
to be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. (c) The committee shall hold an
organizational meeting by August 1, 2015, and shall therein elect a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9-34 Hudson-Alpha Institute for Biotechnology. (a) The following is hereby
found and declared by the Legislature of Alabama: (1) The lack of content in natural and bio-science
education offered to students in kindergarten through high school is a nationwide problem.
(2) Such lack in curricular offerings to students will be detrimental in the long-term to
the economy of the state and the welfare of the citizens during the scientific revolution
now engulfing the world. (3) The biotechnology institute can provide to education leaders
of the distance learning program of the state cutting edge biotechnology curriculum recommendations
and content for Alabama high schools, by providing information about cutting edge biotechnology
curriculum and content to students in kindergarten through high school pursuant to the distance
learning program of the state, the state course of study, and state textbooks. (4) By educating
Alabama high school students in the field of biotechnology, such... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-23A-9 Functions of Administrative Office of Courts. (a) The Administrative
Office of Courts, hereinafter AOC, shall assist in the planning, implementation, and development
of drug courts statewide. AOC shall make recommendations to the Alabama Supreme Court and
the Chief Justice concerning the legal, policy, and procedural issues confronting the drug
courts in the state. Nothing in this section shall impede the constitutional authority
of the district attorney. (b) AOC shall provide state-level coordination and support for drug
court judges and their programs and operate as a liaison between drug court judges and other
state-level agencies providing services to or benefitting from drug court programs. (c) The
Administrative Director of Courts shall make recommendations to the Chief Justice of the Alabama
Supreme Court concerning criteria for eligibility, the promulgation of procedural rules, the
establishment of guidelines for operation, and adoption of standards and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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