Code of Alabama

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Section 29-2-190 Continuation and termination; functions. At the start of each quadrennium
the Legislature shall provide by joint resolution for a Joint Legislative Committee on Civic
Education. The Joint Legislative Committee on Civic Education, created pursuant to Act 2000-547,
2000 Regular Session, is hereby continued for the balance of the current quadrennium at which
time it shall terminate. The purpose of the continuing joint committee shall be to provide
annual oversight and recommendations with respect to the civic education initiatives provided
in Article 2 of Chapter 44A of Title 16. The continuing joint committee shall annually provide
a report on the state of civic education not later than the 10th legislative day of each regular
session. (Act 2001-970, 3rd Sp. Sess., p. 868, §4.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-13A-6 Interagency Council on Osteoporosis. (a) The department shall establish
an Interagency Council on Osteoporosis. The State Health Officer, or his or her designee,
shall chair the interagency council. The council shall have representatives from appropriate
state departments and agencies, including, but not limited to, the entities with responsibility
for aging, health care reform implementation, education, public welfare, and programs for
women. (b) The council shall be responsible for all of the following: (1) Coordinate osteoporosis
programs conducted by or through the department. (2) Establish a mechanism for sharing information
on osteoporosis among all officials and employees involved in carrying out osteoporosis-related
programs. (3) Review and coordinate the most promising areas of education, prevention, and
treatment concerning osteoporosis. (4) Assist the department and other offices in developing
and coordinating plans for education and health promotion on... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-53 Selection of chair; rules for proceedings; meetings; quorum; records
and reports; access to offices and records; exercise of powers of director. (a) The Securities
Commission shall select a chair and may adopt rules for conducting its proceedings. (b) The
commission shall meet quarterly on a date it designates and may meet at other times it deems
necessary, or when called by the chair or by any two members. Any three members shall constitute
a quorum for transacting commission business. (c) Complete minutes of each meeting shall be
kept and filed in the office of the commission and shall be available for public inspection
during reasonable office hours. (d) The commission shall report annually to the Governor,
to the legislature and to the state Legislative Council. The report shall contain the minutes
of each meeting held during the year, legislative recommendations, a summary of violations
of Article 1 of this chapter, actions taken for those violations, and other data... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-38A-4 Priorities and criteria for disbursement of funds; report; recordkeeping.
(a) The board shall establish priorities and criteria for disbursement of monies in the Alabama
Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund and to assure maximum benefits from the trust. The
Division of Rehabilitation Services in the State Department of Education shall expend monies
from the trust fund in accordance with the priorities and criteria established by the board.
(b) The board shall investigate the needs of citizens with head injuries and spinal cord injuries,
identify the gaps in services to the citizens, and issue a report to the Legislature on the
first day of the 1994 Regular Session with recommendations for meeting the needs. (c) The
board shall keep full and complete written minutes of its proceedings. (Acts 1992, No. 92-586,
p. 1207, §2; Act 2016-259, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-29-227 State agencies required to furnish to director documents, etc., necessary
to carry out functions; annual report. Each agency of the state shall furnish to the director
such reports, documents, and information as the director deems necessary to carry out his
or her functions under this division. The office shall prepare and submit a written annual
report to the Governor and to the Legislature, that describes the activities and recommendations
of the office. (Acts 1984, No. 84-262, p. 445, §8; §41-9-767; amended and renumbered by
Act 2015-450, §5.)... - 888 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-5A-46 Tax expenditure report. (a) The Fiscal Division shall prepare and submit
an annual report to the Legislature which lists all state tax expenditures and the estimated
cost associated with each of the tax expenditures. For purposes of this section, tax
expenditures means those state revenue losses attributable to the provisions of the constitution,
state tax statutes, or rules promulgated pursuant to the statutes, which allow a special exclusion,
exemption, or deduction, or which provide a special credit or preferential tax rate. The report
shall be organized according to the funds into which the tax expenditures would be dedicated
but for the exemptions and rate differentials. The report shall be submitted at the same time
that the Governor is required to submit his or her budget proposal to the Legislature. (b)
The annual tax expenditure report shall include the following: (1) Each tax exemption and
its constitutional and/or statutory citation. (2) An estimate of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-203 Report; implementation and administration of recommendations. (a)
The commission shall make a preliminary written report of its recommended implementation plan
regarding necessary systems and programs within three months of the initial meeting of the
commission. The preliminary report approved by the commission shall be distributed for comment
to the department, all Alabama counties and municipalities, the Business Council of Alabama,
and the Alabama Retail Association. The report shall also be posted on the website of the
Department of Revenue at all times during the comment period with information about how persons
or entities can provide comment to the commission. Any comments from persons, entities, and
organizations shall be submitted in writing to the commission within 45 days of the date distributed
and posted. The commission shall review all written comments and make changes to its preliminary
report as it deems appropriate. (b) The commission shall make and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-15B-4 Permanent joint interim legislative oversight committee. (a) There
is created the Permanent Joint Interim Legislative Oversight Committee of the Children First
Trust Fund. The committee shall be composed of three members of each house, to be appointed
by the presiding officer of each house. The chair and vice chair of the oversight committee
shall be elected at the first meeting by the members of the oversight committee. The oversight
committee shall meet as it deems necessary and shall study and oversee all facets of the Children
First Trust Fund. The committee shall review each monthly report provided by the council,
and may make recommendations as it deems appropriate. (b) The oversight committee shall consider
recommending to the council a comprehensive plan to establish a grants program to assist parents
in placing their children in accredited behavior modification programs. (c) Upon the request
of the chair, the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-49-1 Degree of autonomy; recommendation of programs to state agencies in
order to qualify for federal, etc., funds. It is the intention of the Legislature by passage
of this chapter that Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University shall enjoy no less and
no more autonomy than any other public university in the State of Alabama and shall offer
to all citizens of the state an equal opportunity for quality education. The board of trustees
is hereby authorized to recommend, at such time as it deems necessary and proper, any program
of instruction or service or any other action necessary to qualify the university for funds
and/or services provided by any individual, philanthropic organization or agency of the federal
government, to any state agency that is charged with the responsibility for statewide planning,
coordination or budgeting for programs of instruction, research or public service in the public
universities of the state. Such state agency shall accept or reject such... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-68-5 (Effective July 1, 2020) Annual report. (a) By September 1 of each year,
the board of trustees of each public institution of higher education shall prepare and disseminate
a report for the prior 12-month period ending July 31, that includes all of the following:
(1) The date and description of each violation of the policy adopted pursuant to this chapter.
(2) A description of the administrative handling and discipline relating to each violation
described. (3) A description of substantial difficulties, controversies, or successes in maintaining
a posture of administrative and institutional neutrality. (4) Any assessments, criticism,
commendations, or recommendations the board of trustees sees fit to include. (b) Each board
of trustees shall cause the report to be published in a prominent location on its institution's
website. In addition, each board of trustees shall submit a copy of the report to the Alabama
Commission on Higher Education, which shall publish the report... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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