Code of Alabama

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Section 41-16-21 Contracts for which competitive bidding not required generally. (a) Competitive
bids shall not be required for utility services where no competition exists or where rates
are fixed by law or ordinance, and the competitive bidding requirements of this article shall
not apply to: The purchase of insurance by the state; contracts for the securing of services
of attorneys, physicians, architects, teachers, artists, appraisers, engineers, or other individuals
possessing a high degree of professional skill where the personality of the individual plays
a decisive part; contracts of employment in the regular civil service of the state; purchases
of alcoholic beverages only by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; purchases and contracts
for repair of equipment used in the construction and maintenance of highways by the State
Department of Transportation; purchases of products made or manufactured by the blind or visually
handicapped under the direction or supervision of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-21-131 Interpreters for persons defective in speech and/or hearing - Qualified interpreter
provided in certain criminal and juvenile proceedings; requirements; fees. (a) Deaf person
means any person either totally deaf, or who has defective hearing, or who has both defective
hearing and speech. (b) For the purpose of this section, the term qualified interpreter means
an interpreter certified by the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Alabama Registry
of Interpreters for the Deaf, or, in the event an interpreter so certified is not available,
an interpreter whose qualifications are otherwise determined. Efforts to obtain the services
of a qualified interpreter certified with a legal skills certificate or a comprehensive skills
certificate will be made prior to accepting services of an interpreter with lesser certification.
No qualified interpreter shall be appointed unless the appointing authority and the deaf person
make a preliminary determination that the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-22A-3 Definitions. When used in this chapter only, the following terms shall have
the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1)
APPLICANT. A certified or noncertified individual who submits an application for employment
to a local employing board or any nonpublic school, to act in any capacity in which the individual
will have unsupervised access to children in an educational environment. (2) APPLICANT FOR
CERTIFICATION. An individual who submits an application for certification issued by the State
Superintendent of Education. (3) AUTHORIZED EMPLOYER. Any educational entity authorized to
obtain criminal history background information, including the State Department of Education,
local employing boards, and nonpublic schools which are responsible for hiring employees or
contracting with private employers to provide personnel who have unsupervised access to children
in an educational setting. (4) CERTIFIED APPLICANT FOR EMPLOYMENT. A... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30-12 Permit program. (a) The department, acting through the commission, is authorized
to promulgate a permit program for hazardous waste management practices and, acting through
the commission, to promulgate criteria for issuing permits and rules identifying procedures
for obtaining permits. (b) Except as provided by this subsection or subsections (i) and (j)
of this section, no person shall engage in the transportation, treatment, storage or disposal
of hazardous waste without having applied for and obtained a permit from the department issued
under authority of this section. The department, acting through the commission, may promulgate
rules which exempt certain hazardous waste management practices from the requirement to obtain
a permit under this section. (c) Unless specifically exempted from regulation by this chapter
or rules promulgated under authority of this chapter, no person may commence or continue construction
or operation of any hazardous waste treatment,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-10 Employment. (a) Subject to other provisions of this chapter, "employment"
means: (1) Any service performed prior to January 1, 1978, which was employment as defined
in this section prior to such date and, subject to the other provisions of this section, services
performed for remuneration after December 31, 1977, including service in interstate commerce,
by: a. Any officer of a corporation; or b. Any individual who, under the usual common law
rules applicable in determining the employer-employee relationship, has the status of an employee;
or c. Any individual other than an individual who is an employee under paragraphs a. or b.
of this subdivision (1) who performs services for remuneration for any person: 1. As an agent-driver
or commission-driver engaged in distributing meat products, bakery products, beverages (other
than milk) or laundry or dry cleaning services for a principal; 2. As a traveling or city
salesman engaged upon a full-time basis in the solicitation on... - 38K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-13-15 Employment of unauthorized aliens prohibited. (a) No business entity, employer,
or public employer shall knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized
alien to perform work within the State of Alabama. Knowingly employ, hire for employment,
or continue to employ an unauthorized alien means the actions described in 8 U.S.C. ยง 1324a.
(b) Effective April 1, 2012, every business entity or employer in this state shall enroll
in E-Verify and thereafter, according to the federal statutes and regulations governing E-Verify,
shall verify the employment eligibility of the employee through E-Verify. A business entity
or employer that uses E-Verify to verify the work authorization of an employee shall not be
deemed to have violated this section with respect to the employment of that employee. (c)
On a finding of a first violation by a court of competent jurisdiction that a business entity
or employer knowingly violated subsection (a), the court... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall
have the following meanings: (1) BUSINESS. Any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm,
enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, or any other legal
entity. (2) BUSINESS WITH WHICH THE PERSON IS ASSOCIATED. Any business of which the person
or a member of his or her family is an officer, owner, partner, board of director member,
employee, or holder of more than five percent of the fair market value of the business. (3)
CANDIDATE. This term as used in this chapter shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in
Section 17-5-2. (4) COMMISSION. The State Ethics Commission. (5) COMPLAINT. Written allegation
or allegations that a violation of this chapter has occurred. (6) COMPLAINANT. A person who
alleges a violation or violations of this chapter by filing a complaint against a respondent.
(7) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. A complaint filed pursuant to this... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-11A-1 Execution and text of compact. The Governor, on behalf of this state, shall
execute a compact, in substantially the following form, with the State of Mississippi, and
the Legislature approves and ratifies the compact in the form substantially as follows: Northeast
Mississippi - Northwest Alabama Railroad Authority Compact. The contracting states solemnly
agree: Article I. The purpose of this compact is to promote and develop trade, commerce, industry,
and employment opportunities for the public good and welfare in northeast Mississippi and
northwest Alabama through the establishment of a joint interstate authority to acquire certain
railroad properties and facilities which the operator thereof has notified the Interstate
Commerce Commission of an intention to abandon and which are located in any of Franklin, Marion,
or Winston Counties, Alabama or in Alcorn or Tishomingo Counties, Mississippi. Article II.
This compact shall become effective immediately as to the State... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-6-26.01 Definitions. In this division: (1) "Collaborative law communication"
means a statement, whether oral or in a record, or verbal or nonverbal, that: (A) is made
to conduct, participate in, continue, or reconvene a collaborative law process; and (B) occurs
after the parties sign a collaborative law participation agreement and before the collaborative
law process is concluded. (2) "Collaborative law participation agreement" means
an agreement by persons to participate in a collaborative law process. (3) "Collaborative
law process" means a procedure intended to resolve a collaborative matter without intervention
by a tribunal in which persons: (A) sign a collaborative law participation agreement; and
(B) are represented by collaborative lawyers. (4) "Collaborative lawyer" means a
lawyer who represents a party in a collaborative law process. (5) "Collaborative matter"
means a dispute, transaction, claim, problem, or issue for resolution, including a dispute,
claim, or issue... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-10 Powers and duties of commission. When authorized by one or more elections
as provided in Section 11-65-4, a commission shall have the powers and duties necessary to
license, regulate, and supervise horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon and greyhound
racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon within the commission municipal jurisdiction, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the powers and duties hereinafter set forth
in this section or in other sections of this chapter. (1) A commission shall have succession
in perpetuity, subject only to the provisions of this chapter as it may be amended from time
to time. (2) A commission shall have the power to sue and be sued in its own name in civil
suits and actions and to defend suits against it. (3) A commission shall have the power to
adopt and make use of an official seal and to alter the same at pleasure. (4) A commission
shall have the power to adopt, alter, and repeal bylaws, regulations and... - 26K - Match Info - Similar pages

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