Code of Alabama

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Section 22-6-155 Terms of contracts; cost evaluations. An initial contract between the Medicaid
Agency and a regional care organization shall be for three years, with the option for the
Medicaid Agency to renew the contract for not more than two additional one-year periods. The
Medicaid Agency shall obtain provider input and an independent evaluation of the cost savings,
patient outcomes, and quality of care provided by each regional care organization, and obtain
the results of each regional care organization's evaluation in time to use the findings to
decide whether to enter into another multi-year contract with the regional care organization
or change the Medicaid region's care-delivery system. (Act 2013-261, p. 686, §6; Act 2014-434,
p. 1598, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-7-6 Contract with government for loans and contributions; state to provide services,
accept dedications, etc., on behalf of authority without charge. (a) The authority shall endeavor
to secure a contract with the government for loans and annual contributions covering one or
more projects comprising units of low-rent housing and to develop and administer such projects,
each of which shall be located within the operating area of the Mowa Choctaw reservation.
(b) During the period commencing with the date of acquisition of any part of the site or sites
of any project and continuing so long as either such project is owned by a public body or
governmental agency and is used for low-rent housing purposes, or any contract between the
authority and the government for loans or annual contributions, or both, in connection with
such projects remain unpaid, whichever period is the longest, the state without cost or charge
to the authority or the tenants of such project shall: (1)... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-6A-6 Rulemaking power; scope of rules. The department may, after appropriate notice
and public hearing, upon request, promulgate reasonable rules consistent with the laws of
this state, for the following purposes: (1) To ensure the department will, for the purpose
of planning and policy formulation, be able to obtain all necessary information from state
agencies, and information from energy producers, suppliers and consumers that is not required
to be submitted to other state government agencies; (2) To ensure that energy conservation
measures shall be practiced by state government; and (3) To establish such advisory groups
that from time to time may be beneficial to the department. (Acts 1980, No. 80-449, p. 696,
§6.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-49-60 Contract by municipality for payment of proportionate share of cost of highway,
street, etc., within municipality constructed, improved, etc., by county, state, or federal
government authorized; assessment of proportionate share of cost against property benefited.
Whenever the United States, the State of Alabama, or any county within the State of Alabama
or either of them shall establish, construct, or reconstruct, improve or reimprove a public
highway, street, or avenue, which said street, highway, or avenue is within or partly within
any city or town of the State of Alabama, such city or town may contract and agree with either
the United States government, the State of Alabama, or any county thereof as to what proportionate
share of the cost of the establishment, construction, reconstruction, improvement, or reimprovement
of such street, highway, or avenue within such city or town shall be paid by such municipality,
and such cities or towns may assess such... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-32-4 Authorization to operate site; users' charges; lease or contract for operation
and disposal of low-level radioactive wastes. (a) The Alabama Department of Energy is authorized
to operate a treatment, storage or disposal site for low-level radioactive wastes pursuant
to any license issued by the Radiation Control Agency. The Alabama Department of Energy is
authorized to charge each user of any licensed site within the state that user's proportionate
share of the costs for handling of the wastes. These costs shall be paid on the basis of a
fee per volume of wastes received at each site. Such fee shall be paid to the Department of
Energy and may include, but not be limited to costs of: (1) Operating fund (as hereinafter
provided for), including: labor and equipment, liability insurance, contingency costs, licensing
and inspection fees of the Radiation Control Agency for operation of the site; (2) Perpetual
cost fund costs (as hereinafter provided for); (3) Operating fund... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-81-245 Consent requirements; disclosure statement. (a)(1) Before entering into a
written contract with a local government, the real property owner shall provide, or the local
government shall obtain, a verified recordable copy of written consent and subordination agreement
signed by the holder of each existing mortgage or other lien on the relevant real property
stating that the mortgagee or other lienholder consents to the imposition of the assessment
and that the priority of the mortgage or other lien is subordinated to the assessment lien
in a form and substance acceptable to each mortgagee and other lienholder. The consent and
subordination agreement must be in a form that may be recorded in the appropriate recording
office in the county or counties where the real property is located, and the consent and subordination
agreement with the owner's assessment contract shall be recorded in that office. (2) This
subsection does not limit in any way the rights or authority of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-6-228 Risk contracts. A risk contract between the Medicaid Agency and an integrated
care network shall be for two years, with the option for Medicaid to renew the contract for
not more than three additional one-year periods. The Medicaid Agency shall obtain provider
input and an independent evaluation of the cost savings, patient outcomes, and quality of
care provided by an integrated care network, and obtain the results of an integrated care
network's evaluation in time to use the findings to decide whether to enter into another multi-year
contract with the integrated care networks or change the Medicaid care delivery system associated
with an integrated care network. (Act 2015-322, §10.)... - 1017 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-17A-1 Legislative findings. (a) The Legislature of Alabama makes the following findings
and statements: (1) Energy use associated with the operation of state motor vehicle fleets
exacerbates local air quality problems and results in greenhouse gas emissions that contribute
to global climate change. (2) Agencies and departments of state government have a significant
role to play in improving local air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by improving
the energy efficiency of their fleets and reducing emissions from fleet operations. (3) Improving
the energy efficiency of state fleets will result in a significant monetary savings in the
long term. (b) The Legislature expresses its intent as follows: (1) To express its power as
a participant in the marketplace to ensure that purchases and expenditures of public monies
are made in a manner consistent with the policies of improving local air quality, reducing
Alabama's water pollution of hazardous waste oil, reducing the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17A-5 Expenditure of available funds; authority to contract with federal government.
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries is hereby authorized to expend any funds that
may hereafter be appropriated or otherwise available to such officer in carrying out the provisions
of this chapter, including financial aid and other assistance as may be made available by
the Congress of the United States. The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries shall also
be authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with the Secretary of Agriculture of the
United States in developing a state program for rabbit meat and rabbit meat food products
inspection in the event the Congress of the United States shall in the future authorize or
require inspection of rabbit meat and rabbit meat food products. Unless funds are made available
as herein provided, the slaughtering or processing establishment receiving the inspection
services shall pay the cost and expense thereof pursuant to contracts... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

structural systems, restoration of historic plaster, energy efficiency measures except insulation
in frame walls, repairs or rehabilitation of heating, air conditioning, or ventilation systems,
repairs or rehabilitation of electrical or plumbing systems exclusive of new electrical appliances
and electrical or plumbing fixtures, and architectural, engineering, and land surveying fees.
Qualified rehabilitation expenditures do not include the cost of acquisition of the qualified
structure, the personal labor by the owner, or any cost associated with the rehabilitation
of an outbuilding of the qualified structure, unless the outbuilding is certified by the commission
to contribute to the historical significance of the qualified structure. (8) QUALIFIED STRUCTURE.
Certified historic structures and non-historic structures built before 1936 which are certified
by the commission as meeting the requirements contained in Section 47(c)(1)(a) and (b) of
the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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