Code of Alabama

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Section 11-65-2 Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and
others evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, unless the context clearly indicates
otherwise, have the following respective meanings: (1) ALABAMA-BRED. When this term is used
with reference to a horse, it means a horse which is registered in the registry designated
and administered by a commission in accordance with such rules concerning domicile and registration
requirements as may be established by such commission and which is either (i) foaled from
a mare domiciled in the state during the 10-year period beginning with January 1, 1991, or
(ii) sired by an Alabama stallion and foaled from a mare domiciled in the state at any time
after the expiration of such 10-year period. (2) ALABAMA STALLION. A stallion which is standing
in the state at the time he is bred to the dam of an Alabama-bred horse, which is registered
with a commission, and which is owned or leased by a resident of... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

and intentionally to cut out or disable his tongue, or to put out or destroy his eye, etc.
(14) ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO MURDER. A. B., unlawfully and with malice aforethought, did assault
C. D., with the intent to murder him. (15) ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO RAVISH. A. B. did assault
C. D., a woman, with the intent forcibly to ravish her. (16) ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO ROB. A.
B. assaulted C. D. with the felonious intent, by violence to his person or by putting him
in fear of some serious and immediate injury to his person, to rob him. (17) BETTING
AT CARDS, DICE, ETC. A. B. bet at a game played with cards or dice, or some device or substitute
for cards or dice, at a tavern, inn, storehouse for retailing spirituous liquors, or house
or place where spirituous liquors were at the time sold, retailed or given away, or in a public
house, highway or some other public place or at an outhouse where people resorted (or other
place forbidden by law), against, etc. (18) BETTING AT GAMING TABLE, ETC. A.... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-32-3 Acquisition of waste disposal site. The Department of Energy may accept gifts
or grants of title to real property for establishing a low-level radioactive waste disposal
site. Further, upon the determination by the Governor of the existence of a need for a site
by Alabama citizens within the next five years, the Department of Energy may acquire title
to real property by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise for the establishment of a low-level
radioactive waste site. Such need may include designation of the State of Alabama as a host
state for a low-level radioactive treatment, storage or disposal site by the Southeast Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Management Commission. (Acts 1982, No. 82-328, p. 441, §3; Acts 1983, No.
83-511, p. 720, §3.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

the legal representative is acting on behalf and for the benefit of the principal. (3) Information
from or copies of records shall not be provided to the natural parents of adopted children,
when neither has custody, or commercial firms or agencies requesting listings of names and
addresses or copies of certificates. (4) Others may obtain information from or copies of a
vital record, if they demonstrate that the information or copy is needed for the determination
or protection of his or her personal or property right. The board may adopt rules to
define further those who may obtain information from or copies of vital records filed under
this chapter. (c) The State Registrar may permit the use of data from vital records for statistical
or legitimate research purposes, subject to conditions he or she may impose. No data shall
be furnished from records for legitimate research purposes until the State Registrar has received
in writing an agreement signed by a responsible agent of the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-85.7 Powers of Securities Commission under this division. (a) The Securities Commission,
or any person designated by the Securities Commission, may do any of the following: (1) Make
public or private investigations, within or outside of the state, as deemed necessary to aid
in the enforcement of this division. (2) Require or permit any person to file a statement
in writing, under oath or otherwise, as the Security Commission may determine, as to all facts
and circumstances relating to the matter being investigated. (3) Publish information concerning
a violation of this division. (4) Administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel
attendance, take evidence, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence,
memoranda, agreements, or other documents or records, in whatever form they may exist, that
the Securities Commission deems relevant or material to an investigation. (b) If a person
fails to comply with a subpoena issued or refuses to appear,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-15 Investigations and subpoenas by commission. (a) The Securities Commission, in
its discretion, may: (1) Make such public or private investigations within or outside of this
state as he deems necessary to determine whether any registration in the sale of securities
should be granted, denied, or revoked, whether any person has violated or is about to violate
any provision of this article or any rule or order hereunder, to aid in the enforcement of
this article or in the prescribing of rules and forms hereunder; (2) Require or permit any
person to file a statement in writing, under oath, or otherwise as the commission may determine,
as to all the facts and circumstances concerning the matter to be investigated; and (3) Publish
information concerning any violation of this article or any rule or order hereunder. (b) For
the purpose of any investigation or proceeding under this article, the Securities Commission
or any officer designated by it may administer oaths and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-25-13 Disposition of funds. (a) In any county that has established a county law
library fund pursuant to this chapter or pursuant to local act, and in any county which hereafter
shall establish a law library fund pursuant to lawful authority, in addition to, and not to
supersede, the authority granted to the presiding judge in a judicial circuit by such authority,
the presiding circuit judge may authorize the moneys designated for the use of the law library
to be expended for any of the following purposes: (1) The purchase of books, periodicals,
equipment, software, hardware, furniture, fixtures, technology, and computers. (2) The cost
of securing advice and attendance of witnesses. (3) Registration fees and expenses incurred
by the judges and court employees when attending seminars, institutions, conferences, and
other meetings related to continuing legal education and judicial education. Allowances and
reimbursements for expenses incurred by the judges and court employees... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-17-263 Notice to Administrative Director of Courts of intention to become supernumerary
magistrate; payment of percentage of salary earned as judge or magistrate; oath of office;
appointment of supernumerary magistrate to fill vacancy. A former magistrate electing to come
under the provisions of this article shall notify the Administrative Director of Courts in
writing of his intention to become a supernumerary magistrate. He must also pay to the State
General Fund an amount equal to six percent of the salary earned each year in his capacity
as magistrate or as a judge of an inferior court. Upon receipt of a former magistrate's application
for a supernumerary appointment, the Administrative Director of Courts shall notify said applicant
within 60 days of the receipt of said application and of the amount of the contribution due
to be paid to the State General Fund. Such supernumerary magistrates of the district courts
in the various counties of the State of Alabama shall take... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-361.1 Hearings closed; confidentiality of certain records. All hearings conducted
by the commission shall be closed. The record in such hearings, including witness testimony,
exhibits, and pleadings, shall be confidential, shall not be public record, and shall not
be available for court subpoena or for discovery proceedings. All administrative complaints,
orders to show cause, notices of hearings, and statements of charges, and all amendments thereto,
and all orders of the commission which are dispositive of the issues raised thereby, shall
be public record. Nothing contained herein shall apply to records made in the regular course
of business of an individual; documents or records otherwise available from original sources
are not to be construed as immune from discovery or use in any civil proceedings merely because
they were presented or considered during the proceedings of the State Board of Medical Examiners
or the Medical Licensure Commission. (Act 2002-140, p. 359,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-18-2 Duties generally; maintenance, inspection, and copying of reports of investigations
of Director of Forensic Sciences; police authority of Director of Forensic Sciences and assistants.
The duties of the director shall be to make such investigations, including any necessary autopsy,
to be performed by physicians licensed to practice medicine in Alabama and recognized and
trained in forensic medicine and pathology; provided, however, that the director may waive
this requirement temporarily whenever a medical examiner vacancy exists which he is seeking
to fill. Said investigations of unlawful, suspicious or unnatural deaths and crimes as are
ordered by the Governor, the Attorney General, any circuit judge, or any district attorney
in the State of Alabama, and the director and his staff shall cooperate with the coroners,
sheriffs and other police officers in Alabama in their investigations of crimes and deaths
from unlawful, suspicious or unnatural causes. The director shall... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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