Code of Alabama

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as it deems best adapted for public convenience. Such publications shall be made permanently
available and constitute the official reports of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. (p) Service of
Process. (1) Mailing by first class or certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the
address of the taxpayer given on the taxpayer's notice of appeal, or to the address of the
taxpayer's representative of record, if any, or to the usual place of business of the Department
of Revenue, shall constitute personal service on the other party. The Alabama Tax Tribunal,
by rule, may prescribe that notice by other means shall constitute personal service
and, in a particular case, may order that notice be given to additional persons or by other
means. (2) Mailing by registered or certified mail and delivery by a private delivery service
approved by the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with Section 7502(f) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be deemed to have occurred,... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-52.163 Director of finance - Powers and duties. The director of finance shall
have general management and control of the several divisions and units of the department of
finance. He or she shall have charge, subject to the direction and control of the mayor, of
the administration of the financial affairs of the city, and to that end shall have authority
and be required to: (1) Cooperate with the mayor in compiling estimates for the general fund,
public utility, and capital budgets. (2) Supervise and control all encumbrances, expenditures,
and disbursements to insure that budget appropriations are not exceeded. (3) Prescribe and
install systems of accounts for all departments, offices, and agencies of the city and provide
instructions for their use; and prescribe the form of receipts, vouchers, bills, or claims
to be used and of accounts to be kept by all departments, offices, and agencies of the city
(4) Require daily, or at such other intervals as he or she may deem... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-72 Procurement of professional services. Any other provision of law notwithstanding,
the procurement of professional services by any agency, department, board, bureau, commission,
authority, public corporation, or instrumentality of the State of Alabama shall be conducted
through the following selection process: (1)a. Except as otherwise provided herein, attorneys
retained to represent the state in litigation shall be appointed by the Attorney General in
consultation with the Governor from a listing of attorneys maintained by the Attorney General.
All attorneys interested in representing the State of Alabama may apply and shall be included
on the listing. The selection of the attorney or law firm shall be based upon the level of
skill, experience, and expertise required in the litigation and the fees charged by the attorney
or law firm shall be taken into consideration so that the State of Alabama receives the best
representation for the funds paid. Fees shall be... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22-9 Powers and duties; enforcement of orders; permits; civil penalties for violations.
(a) It shall be the duty of the commission to control pollution in the waters of the state,
and it shall specifically have the following powers: (1) To study and investigate all problems
concerned with the improvement and conservation of the waters of the state; (2) To conduct,
independently and in cooperation with others, studies, investigation and research and to prepare,
or in cooperation with others prepare, a program or programs, any or all of which shall pertain
to the purity and conservation of the waters of the state or to the treatment and disposal
of pollutants or other wastes, which studies, investigations, research and program or programs
shall be intended to result in the reduction of pollution of the waters of the state according
to the conditions and particular circumstances existing in the various communities throughout
the state; and (3) To propose remedial measures... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

any authority may enter into contracts with the holders of any of its bonds or notes preventing
such authority from thereafter issuing general obligation bonds or notes or limiting the amount
of such bonds or notes that may thereafter be issued. To the extent permitted by any contracts
with the holders of outstanding bonds and notes and any other contractual obligations or requirements,
any authority may pledge any of its revenues or mortgage or assign any of its assets, whether
real or personal and whether tangible or intangible, to secure the payment of any of
its bonds or notes. (d) All obligations created or assumed by any authority and all bonds
or notes issued thereby shall be solely and exclusively an obligation of such authority and
shall not create an obligation or debt of the state, the determining municipality or any other
political subdivision of the state or public corporation or governmental agency existing under
the laws thereof; provided, that the provisions of this... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89A-9 Bonds of authority, generally. (a) Any authority shall have the power to issue,
sell, and deliver at any time and from time to time its bonds in such principal amount or
amounts as its board shall determine to be necessary to provide funds: (1) To finance the
costs of a facility or facilities; (2) To refund bonds theretofore issued or assumed by the
authority; (3) To provide funds to enable it to achieve any of its other corporate purposes;
or (4) To accomplish any one or more of the objectives referred to in subdivisions (1) through
(4). (b) Any such bonds may be executed and delivered by the authority at any time and from
time to time, may be in such form and denominations and of such tenor and maturities, may
be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, may be payable
in such installments and at such time or times, not exceeding 45 years from the date thereof,
may be payable at such place or places whether within or without the State... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-29-2 Purpose of chapter. It is the intent of the Legislature by the passage of this
chapter to enable the state, acting by and through the authority, to aid in the prevention
and control of water pollution, to provide state financial aid or grants to local public bodies
for the prevention and control of water pollution and, to these ends, to authorize the incorporation
of a state authority with power to issue bonds and from the proceeds of such bonds or other
funds obtained by the authority to enable the state to agree to pay and to pay such portion
of the estimated reasonable cost of the projects of each local public body as may be required
in order that such project shall be eligible for the maximum obtainable federal grant under
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. (Acts 1971, No. 42, p. 279, §2.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-36-252.06 Bonds of the authority; obligations. (a) In addition to all other powers
now or hereafter granted by law, the authority shall have the following powers, together with
all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form: (1)
To sell and issue bonds of the authority in order to provide funds for any corporate function,
use, or purpose, any such bonds to be payable solely out of one or more of the following:
a. Any or all proceeds or receipts from the privilege, license, or excise tax levied on the
sale, distribution, storage, use, or consumption of tobacco and certain tobacco products in
Jackson County by Section 45-36-247. b. Any or all proceeds from any tax received by the Jackson
County Commission which are required by law to be deposited to the credit of the Jackson County
Water Authority. c. The revenues derived from any water, sewer, or garbage system or facility
of the authority. (2) To pledge for payment of any bonds issued... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

perpetuity, subject to the provisions of Section 16-18-21 specified in its certificate of incorporation;
(2) To sue and be sued in its own name in civil actions and to defend actions against it;
(3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt
and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To acquire,
receive and take by purchase, gift, lease, devise or otherwise, and to hold property of every
description, real, personal or mixed, wherever the same might be located; (6) To make,
enter into and execute such contracts, agreements, leases and other instruments and to take
such other actions as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish any purpose for which the
authority was organized or to exercise any power expressly granted hereunder; (7) To plan,
establish, develop, acquire, purchase, lease, construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain and
operate ancillary improvements in connection with educational... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-34-2 Legislative intent. It is the intent of the Legislature by the passage of this
chapter to enable the state acting by and through the authority and the department to aid
in the prevention and control of water pollution, to provide state financial aid to public
bodies for the prevention and control of water pollution, and to these ends to authorize the
incorporation of a state authority with power to issue Water Pollution Control Bonds; and
to agree to pay and to pay such portion of the estimated reasonable cost of the projects of
each public body as may be required to meet the water quality goals of the Federal Clean Water
Act, as amended. (Acts, 1987, No. 87-226, p. 317, §2.)... - 1006 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

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