Code of Alabama

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Section 41-5A-6 Chief examiner - Recovery audits for overpayments of state funds. (a) For the
purposes of this section, the following words have the following meanings: (1) CHIEF EXAMINER.
The Chief Examiner of Public Accounts. (2) OVERPAYMENT. Any payment in excess of amounts due
and includes failure to meet eligibility requirements, failure to identify third party liability
where applicable, any payment for an ineligible good or service, any payment for a good or
service not received, duplicate payments, invoice and pricing errors, failure to apply discounts,
rebates, or other allowances, failure to comply with contracts or purchasing agreements, or
both, failure to provide adequate documentation or necessary signatures, or both, on documents,
or any other inadvertent error resulting in overpayment. (3) RECOVERY AUDIT. A financial management
technique used to identify overpayments made by a state agency with respect to individuals,
vendors, service providers, and other entities in... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

bonds shall be payable solely from taxes made payable to the authority by any act of the Legislature
heretofore or hereafter adopted and from the revenues of the authority derived from the activities,
operations, and enterprises in which the authority is hereby authorized to engage. As security
for any money so borrowed, together with interest thereon, and any obligations incurred or
assumed, the authority, in its discretion, may mortgage, pledge, or otherwise transfer and
convey its real, personal, and mixed property, or any part or parts thereof, whether
then owned or thereafter acquired, including any franchises then owned or thereafter acquired,
and all or any part of the taxes payable to the authority under any act of the Legislature
heretofore or hereafter adopted, and all or any part of revenues desired from the activities,
operation, and enterprises in which the authority is hereby authorized to engage. In the resolution
authorizing such revenue bonds or the mortgage given to... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

bonds shall be payable solely from taxes made payable to the authority by an act of the Legislature
heretofore or hereafter adopted and from the revenues of the authority derived from the activities,
operations, and enterprises in which the authority is hereby authorized to engage. As security
for any money so borrowed, together with interest thereon, and any obligations incurred or
assumed, the authority, in its discretion, may mortgage, pledge, or otherwise transfer and
convey its real, personal, and mixed property, or any part or parts thereof, whether
then owned or thereafter acquired, including any franchises then owned or thereafter acquired,
and all or any part of the taxes payable to the authority under any act of the Legislature
heretofore or hereafter adopted and all or any part of revenues derived from the activities,
operation, and enterprises in which the authority lawfully engages. In the resolution authorizing
such revenue bonds or the mortgage given to secure the... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To make and alter all needful bylaws, rules and
regulations for the transaction of the authority's business and the control of its property
and affairs; (5) To provide for the acquisition, construction, installation, equipping, operation
and maintenance of mental health facilities, including the equipping and improvement of existing
mental health facilities; (6) To receive, take and hold by sale, gift, lease, devise or otherwise,
real and personal property of every description, and to manage the same; (7) To acquire
by purchase, gift, or any other lawful means, and to transfer, convey or cause to be conveyed
to the state, any real, personal or mixed property; (8) To borrow money and issue its
bonds in evidence thereof subject to the provisions of this article; (9) To anticipate by
the issuance of its bonds the receipt of the revenues herein appropriated and pledged, all
in the manner hereinafter provided; (10) As security for payment... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

loans, grants or other assistance from federal, state and local governments or from agencies
of such governments, and make contracts and execute instruments containing such terms, provisions
and conditions as the board in its discretion deems to be necessary, proper or advisable for
the purpose of obtaining such loans, grants or other assistance. (3) LAND ACQUISITION. The
authority may acquire by purchase, construction, lease, gift, condemnation or otherwise property
of any kind, real, personal or mixed, or any interest therein, that the board deems
necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers or functions; provided, that acquisition
by condemnation shall be limited to lands, rights in land, including leaseholds and easements,
and water rights in the Bear Creek Watershed that the board determines to be necessary to
the control and optimum development of Bear Creek and its tributaries, including such lands
adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of water control... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-17-8 Powers enumerated. The authority shall have the following powers: (1) To have
succession by its corporate name without time limit; (2) To bring civil actions and have civil
actions brought against it and to prosecute and defend in any court having jurisdiction of
the subject matter and of the parties; (3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter
the same at pleasure; (4) To receive, take and hold by sale, gift, lease, devise or otherwise
real and personal property of every kind and description, and to manage the same; (5)
To acquire by purchase, gift or the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or by any other
lawful means, any property, whether real, personal or mixed, the acquisition of which
is found by the board to be necessary or convenient to the authority in the carrying out of
the purposes for which the authority is authorized to be organized, and to lease or convey
any such property or to cause any such property to be leased or conveyed to the United... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

and affairs; (5) to establish a fiscal year; (6) to provide for the construction, renovation,
reconstruction, improvement, alteration, addition, demolition, equipment, operation and maintenance
of public office building facilities (including the State Capitol), surfacing and resurfacing
of land for parking and other uses to produce revenue and for the procurement of sites and
equipment for such facilities; (7) to receive, take and hold by sale, gift, lease, devise
or otherwise, real and personal property of every description, and to manage the same;
(8) to acquire by purchase, gift, or any other lawful means, and to transfer, convey or cause
to be conveyed to the state, any real, personal or mixed property; (9) to borrow money
and issue its bonds in evidence thereof subject to the provisions of this article; (10) to
anticipate by the issuance of its bonds as hereinafter limited the receipt of the revenues
from such public office buildings; (11) as security for the payment of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

to hold, keep, improve, maintain, and impose restrictive covenants and land use controls, to
engage in environmental remediation and restoration efforts as required under applicable agreements
with the United States Department of Defense, to equip, furnish, develop, and to transfer,
convey, donate, sell, lease, grant options to, assign, encumber with easements and mortgages
and other security agreements, or otherwise convey or dispose of property of every kind and
character, real, personal, mixed, tangible, and intangible, and any interest therein,
to any person, with the authority receiving adequate consideration, as solely determined by
the authority upon the authority's consideration of tangible and intangible factors in determining
if adequate consideration is to be received by the authority. (5) To make, enter into, and
execute such contracts, agreements, cooperative agreements, leases, loan agreements, orders,
mortgages, deeds, and other legal arrangements and to take... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-17A-8 Powers of authority. (a) An authority shall have and may exercise any power
granted nonprofit corporations under Title 10A, together with all powers incidental thereto
or necessary or desirable to the discharge thereof, including, without limitation, the following
specific powers: (1) To adopt, maintain, and amend bylaws and a corporate seal. (2) To sue
and, subject to the limitations herein, be sued; provided, however, that no authority entitled
to sovereign immunity shall be denied such immunity. (3) To acquire, construct, equip, and
operate those health care facilities it considers necessary or desirable. (4) To enter into
contracts and agreements, borrow money, incur indebtedness, and issue bonds, notes, debt securities,
or any other evidence of indebtedness. (5) To pledge the general credit of the authority or
any revenues or income of the authority to repayment of any of its indebtedness. (6) To mortgage
or pledge its health care facilities or its other assets or... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-651 Legislative findings. (a) The Legislature finds and declares the following:
(1) That it is appropriate and necessary that measures be taken to secure to the citizens
of the state the benefits of a strengthening economy resulting from increased industrial development.
That among these benefits are diversification of available job opportunities, higher salaries,
better working conditions, lower consumer prices for industrial products, conservation and
efficient use of natural resources, and maximum utilization of technical skills possessed
by the citizens of the state. (2) That the police power of the state places upon the Legislature
the duties of ascertaining and determining when the welfare of the people requires the exercise
of such power. (3) That the public interest lies in the promotion of industry, and the welfare
of the people is so inextricably intertwined with industry and industrial development as to
make its well-being a matter of governmental concern. (4)... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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