Code of Alabama

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Section 41-10-173 Charging, receiving, or obtaining of fees, etc., from the authority by members,
employees, etc.; interests held by members, employees, etc., in land, materials, or contracts
sold to, made with, etc., the authority. It shall be unlawful for any member of the authority
or any employee thereof to charge, receive or obtain, either directly or indirectly, any fee,
commission, retainer or brokerage out of the funds of the authority, and no member of the
authority or officer or employee thereof shall have any interest in any land, materials or
contracts sold to or made or negotiated with the authority or with any member or employee
thereof acting in his capacity as a member or employee of such authority. Violation of any
provision of this section shall be a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punishable
by removal from membership or employment and by a fine of not less than $100.00 or by imprisonment
not to exceed six months, or both. (Acts 1981, No. 81-792, p. 1390,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-322 Members not to receive pay, etc.; payment of expenses of members; conflicts
of interest of members or employees of commission. No member of the commission shall receive
any pay or emolument other than his expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties as a
member of the commission, which expenses shall be paid in the amounts provided for in Article
2 of Chapter 7 of Title 36 of this Code. All such expenses shall be paid from the funds of
the commission. It shall be unlawful for any member of the commission or any employee thereof
to charge, receive or obtain, either directly or indirectly, any fee, commission, retainer
or brokerage out of the funds of the commission, and no member of the commission or officer
or employee thereof shall have any interest in any land, materials or contracts sold to or
made or negotiated with the commission or with any member or employee thereof acting in his
capacity as a member or employee of such commission. Violation of any provision... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-341 Members not to receive pay, etc.; payment of expenses of members; conflicts
of interest of members or employees of commission; penalty. No member of the commission shall
receive any pay or emolument for the discharge of his duties. Commission members and employees
of the commission shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred on behalf of the commission
in the development, operation, promotion, and expansion of its programs and activities. All
such expenses are to be paid from the funds of the commission. It shall be unlawful for any
member of the commission or any employee thereof to charge, receive or obtain, either directly
or indirectly, any fee, commission, retainer or brokerage out of the funds of the commission,
and no member of the commission or officer or employee thereof shall have any interest in
any land, materials or contracts sold to or made or negotiated with the commission or with
any member or employee thereof acting in his capacity as a member or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-60-2 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. The State of Alabama hereby
agrees to the following interstate compact known as the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation
Compact: ARTICLE I. PURPOSES. The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint and
cooperative action among the compacting states: 1. To promote and protect the interest of
consumers of individual and group annuity, life insurance, disability income, and long-term
care insurance products; 2. To develop uniform standards for insurance products covered under
the compact; 3. To establish a central clearinghouse to receive and provide prompt review
of insurance products covered under the compact and, in certain cases, advertisements related
thereto, submitted by insurers authorized to do business in one or more compacting states;
4. To give appropriate regulatory approval to those product filings and advertisements satisfying
the applicable uniform standard; 5. To improve coordination of... - 45K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-61-1 Surplus Lines Insurance Multi-State Compliance Compact. The Surplus Lines Insurance
Multi-State Compliance Compact Act is enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions
mutually adopting the compact in the form substantially as follows: PREAMBLE WHEREAS, with
regard to Non-Admitted Insurance policies with risk exposures located in multiple states,
the 111th United States Congress has stipulated in Title V, Subtitle B, the Non-Admitted and
Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010, of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act, hereafter, the NRRA, that: (A) The placement of Non-Admitted Insurance shall be subject
to the statutory and regulatory requirements solely of the insured's Home State, and (B) Any
law, regulation, provision, or action of any State that applies or purports to apply to Non-Admitted
Insurance sold to, solicited by, or negotiated with an insured whose Home State is another
State shall be preempted with respect to such application;... - 62K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-804 Members not to receive pay or emoluments; expenses; fees, etc., from commission
funds prohibited; interest in contracts, etc., with commission prohibited; penalty for violation
of section. No member of the commission shall receive any pay or emolument other than actual
expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties as a member of the commission. All such expenses
are to be paid from the funds of the commission. Further, it shall be unlawful for any member
of the commission or any employee thereof to charge, receive or obtain, either directly or
indirectly, any fee, commission, retainer or brokerage out of the funds of the commission,
and no members of the commission or officer or employee thereof shall have any interest in
any land, materials or contracts sold to or made or negotiated with the commission, or with
any member or employee thereof acting in his capacity as a member of such commission. Any
person violating the provisions of this section, upon conviction,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-951 Members not to receive pay; reimbursement of expenses funded; fee, commission,
retainer, or brokerage unlawful; conflict of interest; violations. (a) No member of the commission
shall receive pay for the discharge of his or her duties. Commission members and employees
of the commission shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred on behalf of the commission
in the development, operation, promotion, and expansion of programs and activities. All expenses
are to be paid from the funds of the commission. (b) It shall be unlawful for any member of
the commission or any employee to charge, receive, or obtain, either directly or indirectly,
any fee, commission, retainer, or brokerage out of the funds of the commission, and no member
of the commission or officer or employee shall have any interest in any land, materials, or
contracts sold, made, or negotiated with the commission or with any member or employee acting
in his or her capacity as a member or employee of the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89C-4 Powers of public corporation; requirements for development or adoption of
rules, procedures, ordinances, etc. (a) When expressly required to comply with storm water
laws, any public corporation created pursuant to this chapter shall have the following powers:
(1) To establish, maintain, and operate an organizational structure pursuant to this chapter,
its original or amended certification, and its bylaws or other rules of procedure, that will
enable it to implement the storm water laws for and on behalf of any governing body that exercises
the option to participate in or with a public corporation, provided that no new or greater
authorities or powers other than those specifically granted to the governing bodies are conferred
upon any public corporation formed pursuant to this chapter. Except for the authority provided
in subdivision (20), authority to enforce the storm water laws is retained wholly and exclusively
to the governing bodies and may not be further... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-32-7 Powers of authority. (a) The authority shall exercise powers and duties necessary
to the discharge of its powers and duties in corporate form as follows: (1) Have succession
by its corporate name in perpetuity subject to Section 11-32-20. (2) Sue and be sued in its
own name in civil suits and actions and defend suits against it. (3) Adopt and make use of
a corporate seal and alter the same at its pleasure. (4) Adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation
and conduct of its affairs and business. (5) Acquire, receive, take, by purchase, gift, lease,
devise, or otherwise, and hold property of every description, real, personal, or mixed, whether
located in one or more counties or municipalities and whether located within or outside the
authorizing county. (6) Make, enter into, and execute contracts, agreements, leases, and other
instruments and take other actions as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish any purpose
for which the authority was organized, or exercise any... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-18-50 Enactment and text of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate
Compact. The Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact is hereby enacted
into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in form substantially
as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE In order to protect the public through verification of competency
and ensure accountability for patient care related activities all states license emergency
medical services (EMS) personnel, such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), advanced EMTs
and paramedics. This Compact is intended to facilitate the day to day movement of EMS personnel
across state boundaries in the performance of their EMS duties as assigned by an appropriate
authority and authorize state EMS offices to afford immediate legal recognition to EMS personnel
licensed in a member state. This Compact recognizes that states have a vested interest in
protecting the public's health and safety... - 41K - Match Info - Similar pages

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