Code of Alabama

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Section 41-10-236 State advisory committee to Africatown, U.S.A. State Park. There is
hereby established a state advisory committee to the Africatown, U.S.A. State Park which shall
include the Director of the state Historical Commission, the Director of the Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources, the Director of the state Department of Tourism, the Mayor
of the City of Prichard, Alabama, a member selected by the Black Heritage Council, the state
representative and state senator representing the legislative districts in which the Africatown,
U.S.A. State Park is located, and the senators and representatives representing the legislative
districts in which the commemorative sites are located, a member of the Africatown, U.S.A.
Historic Preservation Authority, and five other persons to be appointed by the Governor, at
least one of whom shall be a descendent of the Africans brought over on the Clotilde and at
least one of whom shall be a representative of the corporate community... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-16-52 Ad hoc child abuse protection team advisory committee created; composition,
duties, etc.; annual report. Upon October 1, 1985, an ad hoc child abuse protection team advisory
committee shall be created and shall consist of the following members: The Governor of the
State of Alabama or his or her designated representative; the Director of the Department of
Human Resources; the Executive Director of the Child Abuse Trust Fund; the President of the
State Parents Teachers Association; two judges in the State of Alabama that preside over courts
exercising juvenile jurisdiction to be selected by the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme
Court; one representative from the Association of County Department of Human Resources County
Directors to be selected by the Governor; the Executive Director of the Office of Prosecution
Services; the Chairman of the Victims Compensation Commission; and two other members selected
by the President of the Child Abuse Trust Fund. The committee... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-10-8 Alabama Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee - Composition; expenses;
staff. (a) There is created the Alabama Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee for the purpose
of advising the Director of ADECA and staff of the department with respect to the Alabama
Housing Trust Fund. (b) The membership of the advisory committee shall be inclusive and reflect
the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural and economic diversity of the state. The advisory
committee shall annually report to the Legislature by the second legislative day of each regular
session the extent to which the advisory committee has complied with the diversity provisions
provided for in this chapter. (c) Each member of the advisory committee should have a demonstrated
interest in the housing needs of individuals and families with extremely low incomes to incomes
at 60 percent of median family income and the revitalization of distressed neighborhoods.
(d) The advisory committee shall consist of 16 members and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-23-195 Advisory committee - Membership. (a) There is created the Alabama
Public Transportation Fund Advisory Committee for the purpose of advising the director and
staff of the department with respect to the administration of the trust fund; provided, however,
all decisionmaking authority remains with the department. (b) The advisory committee shall
consist of the following members: (1) A member of the House of Representatives appointed by
the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (2) A member of the Senate appointed by the President
Pro Tempore of the Senate. (3) The Lieutenant Governor or his or her designee. (4) A representative
of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) appointed by AARP Alabama. (5) A representative
of the Department of Senior Services appointed by that department. (6) A representative of
the Alabama Association of Regional Councils appointed by that organization. (7) A representative
of the Community Action Association of Alabama... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-293 Management plan; rules and regulations. (a) The commission, in coordination
with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, shall develop and implement a management
plan for cultural resources. The commission may appoint an advisory committee to assist the
commission in the development and implementation of a management plan for cultural resources,
and to advise the commission with respect to needed rules or regulations. The commission,
in coordination with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, may promulgate,
in accordance with the state Administrative Procedure Act and in the best interest of the
state, any rule or regulation necessary to implement this division; provided however, that
the rules and regulations shall be subject to the approval of the director of the commission
and the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources. The rules and regulations shall
have the force and effect of law. (b) These regulations shall include, but... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22-7 Technical and other advisory committees. (a) In order to make available
to the commission the services of an advisory body on such technical matters as the commission
shall require, there is hereby created the Technical Advisory Committee to the commission
which shall consist of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, the Commissioner of
Conservation and Natural Resources, the Director of the Alabama Development Office and the
State Geologist, each of whom shall be members of said advisory committee throughout his respective
term and until the appointment of his successor. The Technical Advisory Committee shall meet
on call of the chairman of the commission and shall advise the chairman and the commission
on any technical matters referred to it by the chairman of the commission. From time to time,
as circumstances may require, a member of the Technical Advisory Committee may designate a
representative of his department or agency to perform the duties of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-294 Advisory Council. (a) The Advisory Council shall consist of a member
of the Alabama House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, a member of
the Alabama Senate appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, one member appointed by each member
of the Designating Committee, three persons appointed from the state at-large by the Governor,
and one representative appointed by the Governor from each of the following groups or organizations:
(1) Scenic Alabama. (2) Alabama Environmental Council. (3) The outdoor advertising industry.
(4) The Alabama Wildlife Federation. (5) A business, industry, or trade association or professional
organization having its principal programs extending generally throughout the state, and having
a demonstrated concern for balancing economic growth with protection for the environment and
increased recreational opportunities. (6) Public utilities. (7) Tourism associations. (8)
Real estate associations. (9) Regional planning commissions.... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-14E-5 Acceptance of proposals; project agreement; Gulf State Park Project
Committee. (a) No later than 30 days after acceptance of a proposal by the Governor, the Governor
shall submit the accepted proposal to the Director of Finance and Alabama Building Commission
for evaluation, review, and comments pertaining to the information provided in the proposal.
The Director of Finance and Alabama Building Commission shall provide such evaluation, review,
and comments to the Governor no later than 60 days after acceptance of a proposal by the Governor.
(b) Upon acceptance of a proposal by the Governor, and subject to the provisions of subsection
(a), the Governor shall enter into negotiations of a project agreement with the person who
submitted the accepted proposal. Any project agreement negotiated by the Governor shall provide
that the employment of engineers, architects, attorneys, contractors, consultants or other
employees or agents should reflect the racial and ethnic... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-14A-21 Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks. (a) Any appropriations
made herein shall be subject to the study, review, concurrence, and approval of the Joint
Legislative Committee on State Parks, previously established under the name of Alabama State
Parks System Joint Study Committee, which is hereby created. The Joint Legislative Committee
on State Parks is created to study, review, and concur in the long-range capital plan for
restoration of existing state park facilities and the acquisition of new state park facilities.
The joint committee shall be composed of a total of 12 members, as follows: The six members
serving on the Alabama State Parks System Joint Study Committee on May 23, 2000; the Chair
of the Senate Conservation, Environment and Natural Resources Committee and the Chair of the
House Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Committee; two members of the Senate to
be appointed by the Governor; and two members of the House of Representatives to be... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-27-6 Pesticide Advisory Committee. (a) Creation. A pesticide advisory committee
is hereby created and established to consist of 13 members to be appointed from and by certain
agencies, departments, institutions, and organizations as provided in this section.
The Pesticide Advisory Committee's membership, their term of service, method of appointment,
authority, duties, and functions shall be as follows: (1) Two members from the School of Agriculture
and the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University, to be appointed by its dean
and director; (2) Two members from the Cooperative Agricultural Extension Service of Auburn
University, to be appointed by its director; (3) Two members in the employ of the state Department
of Agriculture and Industries, to be appointed by its commissioner; (4) Two members in the
employ of the State Department of Public Health, to be appointed by the State Health Officer;
(5) Two members in the employ of the state Department of Conservation... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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