Code of Alabama

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Section 9-11-53 Resident license - Freshwater fishing. (a) Any person who has been a bona fide
resident of this state for a period of not less than 90 days next preceding and who is age
16 or older, but who has not yet reached the age of 65, shall not take, catch, kill or attempt
to take, catch, or kill any fish in any of the waters of this state above that line defined
in Rule 220-2-.42 (1) of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as published
in the Alabama Administrative Code, as well as below that line in any of the ponds or lakes
containing freshwater fish, subject to the exceptions contained herein, by any means, except
designated commercial fishing gear and wire baskets, expressly allowed by law or regulation
without first procuring an annual resident freshwater fishing license and paying therefor
the sum of eleven dollars ($11), plus a one dollar ($1) issuance fee, which fees shall be
subject to adjustment as provided for in Section 9-11-68; provided, however,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-15-31 Management and supervision of school lands, swamp and overflowed lands, etc.
The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources is hereby expressly authorized and
empowered to have complete management of, and supervision over lands which are known as school
lands, as defined by Section 16-20-1, which lands are vested in or which may hereafter be
vested in the State of Alabama in trust for the use of schools, lands which are known as swamp
and overflowed lands, which are now or which may hereafter be owned by the State of Alabama,
the Salt Springs Lands reservation and any lands that may have been or may be deeded to the
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources by the Director of the Department of Revenue
and of all papers, documents and records relating thereto, except those which are required
by law to be kept in the office of the Secretary of State. (Acts 1915, No. 76, p. 217, §1;
Acts 1939, No. 581, p. 949, §1; Code 1940, T. 8, §232.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-110 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Research and Education Advisory Committee. (a) The
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Research and Education Advisory Committee is created. The committee
shall consist of five members as follows: Two members shall be industrial members of the LP-Gas
Board appointed by the board chair; two members shall be either a dealer or a dealer's manager
who is a member of the Alabama Propane Gas Association appointed by the association's board
of directors; the fifth member shall be the Chair of the LP-Gas Board who shall serve as chair
of the committee. The board administrator shall serve as the executive director of the committee.
(b) The term of office of the appointed committee members shall be one year. Members may serve
successive terms. Appointed members of the committee shall take office on the date of the
July board meeting each year. (c) No member of the committee shall receive per diem or expense
allowance. (d) The committee may adopt all necessary rules... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-26A-4 Board of directors generally. (a) There is hereby created a board of directors
for the school, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "board." The board shall
be composed of 21 members as follows: (1) The State Department of Education assistant state
superintendent in charge of curriculum development, or his or her designee. (2) The Chancellor
of the University of Alabama System, or his or her designee. (3) The President of Auburn University,
or his or her designee. (4) The President of the University of South Alabama, or his or her
designee. (5) The President of Alabama A&M University, or his or her designee. (6) The
Chair of the Alabama High School of Mathematics and Science Foundation. (7) The Chair of the
House Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (8) The Chair of the Senate
Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (9) The Chair of the House Standing
Committee on Ways and Means Education, or his or her designee. (10) The Chair... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 21-3A-4 Composition; appointment and duties of members. (a) For the purposes of implementing
this chapter, the Governor shall appoint the Interagency Coordinating Council. The council
shall consist of not less than 15 members nor more than the number allowed by regulation.
(b) The Governor shall designate a member of the council to serve as the chair, or shall require
the council to designate a member to serve as the chair. (c) The council shall be composed
as follows: (1) At least 20 percent of the members shall be parents, including minority parents,
of infants and toddlers with disabilities or children with disabilities aged 12 or younger.
At least one member shall be a parent of an infant or toddler with a disability or a child
with a disability aged 6 or younger. (2) At least 20 percent of the members shall be public
or private providers of early intervention services. (3) One representative from the Alabama
Legislature. (4) One person involved in personnel preparation.... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22-1 Short title; definitions. (a) This chapter may be cited as the "Alabama
Water Pollution Control Act." (b) For the purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise
indicated, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this
section: (1) COMMISSION. The Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (2) WATERS. All
waters of any river, stream, watercourse, pond, lake, coastal, ground or surface water, wholly
or partially within the state, natural or artificial. This does not include waters which are
entirely confined and retained completely upon the property of a single individual, partnership
or corporation unless such waters are used in interstate commerce. (3) POLLUTION. The discharge
of a pollutant or combination of pollutants. A pollutant includes but is not limited to dredged
spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical
wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-5C-3 Palliative Care Information and Education Program. (a) There is created a statewide
Palliative Care Information and Education Program in the State Health Department. The purpose
of the palliative care information and education program is to maximize the effectiveness
of palliative care initiatives in the state by ensuring that comprehensive and accurate information
and education about palliative care is available to the public, health care providers, and
health care facilities. The department shall publish on its website information and resources,
including links to external resources, about palliative care for the public, health care providers,
and health care facilities. This information shall include, but not be limited to, continuing
educational opportunities for health care providers; information about palliative care delivery
in the home and in other primary, secondary, and tertiary environments; and consumer educational
materials and referral information for... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-4-124 Administration and standards. (a) The Electronic Recording Commission consisting
of 14 members is created to adopt standards to implement this division. The members shall
be appointed as follows: (1) Six judges of probate or chief clerks appointed by the Alabama
Probate Judges Association. (2) Two practicing attorneys appointed by the Alabama State Bar
Association. (3) One person engaged in the business of title insurance in the State of Alabama
appointed by the Alabama Land Title Association, a division of the Dixie Land Title Association.
(4) One person appointed by the Alabama Bankers Association. (5) One person appointed by the
Association of County Commissions of Alabama. (6) The Chief Examiner of the Alabama Department
of Examiners of Public Accounts, or his or her designee. (7) The Director of the Alabama Department
of Archives and History, or his or her designee. (8) One person appointed by the Alabama Association
of Realtors. (b) To keep the standards and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-140 Contribution designations. (a)(1) Each Alabama resident individual income
taxpayer desiring to contribute to any of the programs listed in subsection (b) may designate
an amount of his or her refund, rounded off in whole dollars, in an appropriate box on the
state income tax return form, to be credited to the program. (2) All future check-offs, duly
enacted by the Legislature subsequent to April 17, 2006, shall be accorded an appropriate
box on the state income tax return forms, subject to the terms and conditions prescribed herein,
without the requirement that they be added by amendment to this section. (b) Contributions
received for the following authorized charitable and nonpolitical income tax check-off recipients,
less costs of administration to the Department of Revenue not to exceed five percent, shall
be distributed and appropriated as provided herein: (1) Contributions to the Alabama Aging
Program shall be deposited with the State Treasurer into the Alabama... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-379 Joint Legislative Advisory Committee on Economic Incentives. (a) There is
hereby created a permanent Joint Legislative Advisory Committee on Economic Incentives, hereinafter
referred to as the committee. (b) The committee shall be comprised of all of the following
persons: (1) The chairs of the House Ways and Means General Fund and Education Fund committees.
(2) The chairs of the Senate Finance and Taxation General Fund and Education Fund committees.
(3) The Speaker of the House, or his or her designee, and two members of the House of Representatives
to be appointed by the Speaker of the House. (4) The President Pro Tempore of the Senate,
or his or her designee, the chair of the Senate Committee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic
Development or its successor committee, if any. (5) One member of the Senate to be appointed
by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. (c) The committee shall hold an organizational
meeting by August 1, 2015, and shall therein elect a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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