Code of Alabama

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Section 40-6-4 Deductions from salaries or fees of officials charged with assessment
or collection of taxes. The governing body shall deduct from the salary of the tax collector,
tax assessor, revenue commissioner, license commissioner, or other elected official charged
with the assessment or collection, or both, of any ad valorem taxes of the county, if the
officials are paid by salary, an amount equal to seven percent of the annual salary paid the
official by the county. The sum shall be deducted monthly and distributed at the end of the
fiscal year on a pro rata millage basis to the state, county, and all subdivisions and agencies
thereof, except municipal corporations, to which ad valorem taxes are paid. If the officials
are compensated by fees and commissions, the tax collector shall deduct from the money paid
to the tax collector, tax assessor, revenue commissioner, license commissioner, or other elected
official charged with the assessment or collection, or both, of ad valorem... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-2A-2 Annual compensation of certain local officials. Effective October 1,
2000, the annual compensation which a county shall pay to a county commissioner, a judge of
probate, a sheriff, a tax assessor, a tax collector, a revenue commissioner, a license commissioner,
and an elected assistant tax assessor or collector shall be as set out below: (1) SHERIFF.
The annual minimum compensation for each sheriff shall be fifty thousand dollars ($50,000)
which shall be in lieu of any salary and expense allowance currently provided to a sheriff
receiving total compensation less than the minimum. Beginning with the next term of office
for each sheriff, except as provided in Section 11-2A-4, the salary herein provided
shall be the minimum compensation payable to the sheriff in lieu of any salary, expense allowance,
or other compensation provided by law. (2) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND JUDGES OF PROBATE. The
annual minimum compensation for county commissioners and judges of probate in... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-10-241 Establishment of office; duties; deputies; bond; compensation. (a)
At the expiration of the terms of office, or if a vacancy occurs in either the office of tax
assessor or the office of tax collector of Cherokee County before such date, then immediately
upon the occurrence of such vacancy there shall be the office of county revenue commissioner
in Cherokee County. If such office is established upon the occurrence of a vacancy in either
the office of tax assessor or tax collector, then the tax assessor or tax collector, as the
case may be, remaining in office shall be the county revenue commissioner for the remainder
of the term for which he or she was elected tax assessor or tax collector, as the case may
be. A revenue commissioner shall be elected at an election called for the purpose and every
six years thereafter. He or she shall serve for a term of office of six years from the first
day of the term next succeeding election and until a successor is similarly... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-241 Office established. (a) Effective October 1, 1991, upon the approval
of a majority of the electors of Chambers County, there is hereby created the office of county
revenue commissioner for Chambers County. Such revenue commissioner shall be elected at the
general election in 1990 and at the general election every six years thereafter, the same
as the tax assessor and tax collector are now elected. (b) The offices of tax assessor and
tax collector of Chambers County are hereby abolished effective upon the implementation of
this section, and the revenue commissioner shall perform all acts, duties, and functions
required by law to be performed either by the tax assessor or the tax collector of the county,
including, but not limited to, the assessment of all real property for taxation, the collection
of taxes and distribution of taxes according to law, the keeping of records, and the making
of reports concerning assessments. (c) Subject to the approval of the Chambers... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-5-4 Commissions. The tax collector shall be entitled to receive commissions
on taxes collected by him, not including taxes on real estate bid in by the state at tax sales
and taxes which would be due on property except for the provisions of the presently applicable
law exempting homesteads from state taxes, as follows: In counties where collections, not
including taxes on real estate bid in by the state at tax sales and taxes which would be due
on property except for the provisions of the presently applicable law exempting homesteads
from state taxes, do not exceed $12,000, the rate of commission shall be 10 percent on the
first $5,000, five percent on the next $4,000 and four percent on the remainder. The commission
herein provided for is to be calculated on collections for real property and personal property,
except motor vehicles, for the general fund of the state and county. In counties where the
collections, not including taxes on real estate bid in by the state at tax... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-12-240.40 Motor vehicle licensing. (a) The Revenue Commissioner of Choctaw
County shall perform all duties relative to the assessment and collection of taxes on motor
vehicles, motor vehicle titles, and nonmotorized vehicles in Choctaw County which the judge
of probate is required under the law to perform. The judge of probate shall be relieved of
all duties and responsibilities relative to the assessment and collection of taxes on motor
vehicles, motor vehicle titles, and nonmotorized vehicles, and the revenue commissioner shall
have all the duties and responsibilities relative to the assessment and collection of taxes
and issuance of motor vehicle licenses and titles for motorized and non-motorized vehicles.
For purposes of this section the term "motor vehicle" shall mean the same
as defined in Article 5, Chapter 12, Title 40. (b) Before entering upon the additional duties
imposed by this section, the revenue commissioner shall execute an additional bond
in a sum... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-4-2 Amount and payment of commissions. The tax assessor shall be entitled
to receive from the tax collector, out of the first money collected by him, giving duplicate
receipts therefor, one of which receipts shall be forwarded to the Comptroller by the tax
collector, the following commissions: In counties where the collections, not including taxes
on real estate bid in by the state at tax sales and taxes which would be due on property except
for the provisions of the law exempting homesteads from state taxes, do not exceed $12,000,
the rate shall be 10 percent on the first $5,000, five percent on the next $4,000 and four
percent on the remainder. The commission herein provided for is to be calculated on collections
for real property and personal property, except motor vehicles, for the general fund of the
state and county. In counties where collections, not including taxes on property bid in by
the state at tax sales and taxes which would be due on property except for the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-6A-2 Salary and fees of officials charged with assessing and collecting ad
valorem taxes. On and after May 3, 1990, and upon approval by the county governing body of
a resolution of authorization, the tax assessors, tax collectors, revenue commissioners, license
commissioners, or other officials whose primary duty is assessing and/or collecting ad valorem
taxes in the various counties of this state, shall be compensated by an annual salary, each
of such officials to receive as a minimum, except as hereinafter provided, an annual salary
in the amount specified by the following schedule: IN COUNTIES HAVING A POPULATION OF: ANNUAL
SALARY 25,000 or less $32,500.00 25,001 to 75,000 37,500.00 75,001 to 119,000 40,000.00 More
than 119,000 42,500.00 Provided, however, that in all counties wherein an elected assistant
tax assessor or assistant tax collector has been or may hereafter be established by law to
function separate and apart from the office of tax assessor or tax collector... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-3-243 Special transaction fee. In addition to all other fees and costs provided
by law, a special transaction fee not exceeding three dollars ($3) shall be paid to the Barbour
County Tax Collector or Revenue Commissioner when public business is transacted in the office
of either county official. The tax assessor shall charge the additional special transaction
fee not exceeding three dollars ($3) when a parcel of property is assessed for ad valorem
taxes. The additional fee shall be collected by the tax collector or revenue commissioner
when the ad valorem taxes are collected. Initially, the additional special transaction fee
charged by the tax assessor, tax collector, or revenue commissioner shall be two dollars ($2).
The additional fee may be increased to three dollars ($3) by resolution adopted by the Barbour
County Commission calling for the increase. The special additional transaction fees shall
be collected by the tax collector or revenue commissioner and deposited in... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-28-241.50 County revenue commissioner. (a) Commencing with the next term
of office or upon the occurrence of a vacancy, for any reason whatsoever, in either the office
of tax assessor or tax collector, there shall be a county revenue commissioner in Etowah County.
Such commissioner shall be elected at the general election immediately preceding the expiration
of the term of office, and at the general election every six years thereafter. The commissioner
shall serve for a term of six years beginning on the first day of October next after election,
and until the successor is elected and has qualified. (b) The county revenue commissioner
shall do and perform all acts, duties, and functions required by law to be performed by the
tax assessor or by the tax collector of the county relative to the assessment of property
for taxation, the collection of taxes, the keeping of records, and the making of reports concerning
assessment for and the collection of taxes. (c) The county... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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