Code of Alabama

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Section 11-51-90 Municipal business licenses; branch offices; application. (a) All municipalities
shall have the following powers: (1) To license any exhibition, trade, business, vocation,
occupation, or profession not prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the state which may
be engaged in or carried on in the municipality. (2) To fix the amount of licenses, the time
for which they are to run, not exceeding one license year, to provide a penalty for doing
business without a license, and to charge a fee not exceeding ten dollars ($10) for issuing
each license. The issuance fee shall be increased every five license years by the Department
of Revenue by an amount equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the U.S. Department of
Labor's Producer Price Index during that five-year period, rounded to the nearest dollar,
with the base year being 2006. The Department of Revenue shall notify all municipalities and
the Alabama League of Municipalities of any such fee increase no later than... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-81-141 Powers of municipalities or counties generally; provisions in instruments
or deeds of trust creating pledges, mortgages, liens, etc., for payment of bonds; determination
of costs of acquisition, construction, etc., of undertakings. (a) In addition to the powers
which it may now have, any municipality or county shall have power under this division: (1)
To acquire by gift or purchase, to construct, to reconstruct, to improve, to better or to
extend any undertaking within or without the municipality or county or partially within or
partially without the municipality or county; (2) To operate and maintain any undertaking
for its own use and for the use of public and private consumers and users within and without
the territorial boundaries of the municipality or county; (3) To lease any undertaking or
portion thereof to any agency or department of the State of Alabama for a period or periods
not exceeding 40 years from the completion of the construction of the work, if... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-25-3 Power and duty of commissioner as to protection of agricultural and horticultural
interests from plant pests and noxious weeds generally. It shall be the duty of the commissioner
to protect the agricultural and horticultural interests of the state from plant pests and
noxious weeds; and, to that end, he is vested with power and authority to: (1) Inspect or
cause to be inspected by duly authorized employees, plants, plant products, places or other
things and substances that may, in his opinion, be capable of disseminating or carrying plant
pests or noxious weeds, and, for this purpose, he shall have power to enter into or upon any
place and to open any bundle, package or other container containing or thought to contain
plants or plant products or other things capable of disseminating or carrying plant pests
or noxious weeds; (2) Supervise or cause the treatment, cutting and destruction of plants,
plant parts, fruit, soil, containers, equipment, and other articles capable... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-27 Powers and duties of authority. (a) An authority shall constitute a public
body and a body corporate and politic exercising public powers, and having all the powers
necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this article,
including the following powers in addition to others granted in this article: (1) To investigate
into living, dwelling and housing conditions and into the means and methods of improving such
conditions. (2) To determine where unsafe or unsanitary dwelling, public school or housing
conditions exist. (3) To study and make recommendations concerning the plan of any city located
within its boundaries in relation to the problem of clearing, replanning, and reconstruction
of areas in which unsafe or unsanitary dwelling, public school, or housing conditions exist,
and the provision of dwelling accommodations for persons of low income, and to cooperate with
any city or regional planning agency. (4) To prepare, carry out,... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-66 Powers and duties of authority generally. (a) An authority shall constitute
a public body and a body corporate and politic exercising public powers, and having all the
powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of
this article, including the following powers in addition to others granted in this article:
(1) To investigate into living, dwelling, and housing conditions and into the means and methods
of improving such conditions; (2) To determine where unsafe or unsanitary dwelling, public
school, or housing conditions exist; (3) To study and make recommendations concerning the
plan of the county in relation to the problem of clearing, replanning, and reconstruction
of areas in which unsafe or unsanitary dwelling, public school, or housing conditions exist,
and the provision of dwelling accommodations for persons of low income, and to cooperate with
the county or any regional planning agency; (4) To prepare, carry out, and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-202 License procedures by mail. (a) This section shall apply only in counties
having a population of 300,000 or more according to the last or any subsequent federal census.
(b) On or after September 1st of each year, the Judge of Probate of Mobile County, if he or
she elects to do so, may mail an application in the form and containing the information hereinafter
provided to all owners of motor vehicles listed as such in the motor vehicle license records,
including transfers, in his or her office or, at his or her option, to such owners as request
that such application be mailed to them. (c) The application shall be on a form to be provided
by the State Department of Revenue. The application form shall contain a space for the name
and address of the owner of the motor vehicle and the make, model, year, and motor number
of his or her motor vehicle and such other information with respect thereto as the State Department
of Revenue may prescribe. The application form shall... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-186 Taxpayer rights; responsibilities of municipality; abatement of penalty.
(a) Rights of the taxpayer. (1) At or before the commencement of an examination of the books
and records of a taxpayer, the taxing jurisdiction shall provide to the taxpayer a written
description, in simple and non-technical terms, of the role of the taxing jurisdiction and
the taxpayer during the examination and a statement of the taxpayer's rights. (2) At or before
the issuance of a preliminary assessment, the taxing jurisdiction shall provide to the taxpayer
in simple and non-technical terms: a. A written description of the basis for the assessment
and any penalty asserted with respect to the assessment. b. A written description of the method
by which the taxpayer may request an administrative review of the preliminary assessment.
(3) At or before the issuance of a final assessment, the taxing jurisdiction shall inform
the taxpayer by a written statement of his or her right to appeal to the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2-11 Powers and duties generally. It shall be the duty of the Department of Revenue,
and it shall have the power and authority, in addition to the authority now in it vested by
law: (1) To have and exercise general and complete supervision and control of the valuation,
equalization, and assessment of property, privilege, or franchise and of the collection of
all property, privilege, license, excise, intangible, franchise, or other taxes for the state
and counties, and of the enforcement of the tax laws of the state, and of the several county
tax assessors and county tax collectors, probate judges, and each and every state and county
official, board, or commission charged with any duty in the enforcement of tax laws, to the
end that all taxable property in the state shall be assessed and taxes shall be imposed and
collected thereon in compliance with the law and that all assessments on property, privileges,
intangibles, and franchises in the state shall be made in exact... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35-83.60 Application; taxes and fees; issuance of tags and licenses. (a) On or after
September 1st each year, the Judge of Probate of Houston County, if he or she elects to do
so, may mail an application in the form and containing the information hereinafter provided
to all owners of motor vehicles listed as such in the motor vehicle license records, including
transfers, in the probate office or, at his or her option, to such owners as request that
such application be mailed to them. (b) The application shall be on a form to be provided
by the State Department of Revenue. The application form shall contain a space for the name
and address of the owner of the motor vehicle and the make, model, year, and motor number
of the motor vehicle and such other information with respect thereto as the State Department
of Revenue may prescribe. The application form shall also contain a space for the correct
amount of ad valorem taxes, state, county, school districts, and municipal, and... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-245 Levy of tax for promotion of Birmingham as convention and visitors' destination.
(a) This section relates to Jefferson County. (b) The taxes levied by this section shall become
effective, or go into effect, on June 1, 1979. (c)(1) Commencing on June 1, 1979, in addition
to all other taxes imposed by law, there is hereby levied and shall be collected by the director
of revenue as herein provided a privilege or license tax in the amount hereinafter prescribed
against every person engaging in the county in the business of renting or furnishing any room
or rooms, lodging, or accommodations, to any transient in any hotel, motel, inn, tourist court,
or any other place in which rooms, lodgings, or accommodations are regularly furnished to
transients for a consideration. The director of revenue shall deduct and pay to the treasury
of the county one percent of the total amount of the taxes, to compensate the county for the
expenses incurred by it in collecting the taxes and in... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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