Code of Alabama

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Section 40-26B-61 Payment in timely manner. Any disproportionate share payment due a hospital
shall be paid in a timely fashion. If the amount payable is not in dispute and is not paid
by the Alabama Medicaid Agency within 30 days of the due date, interest on the amount due
shall be charged. The interest rate shall be the legal amount currently charged by the state.
(Acts 1993, No. 93-314, p. 471, §3(b).)... - 716 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-3 Timely execution of state contracts required. (a) Whenever the State of Alabama
is a party to any contract, the contract shall be executed by all parties in a timely fashion.
When a party to a contract, other than the state, has fully executed the responsibility under
the contract and there remains only the payment of funds by the state, payment shall be made
in a timely manner. If the amount due by the state is not in dispute, payment shall be made
within 30 days after the other party has completed his or her portion of the contract and
presented a proper invoice. If the amount payable is not paid within 30 days, interest on
the amount shall be charged. A party who receives a payment from the state in connection with
a contract shall pay each of its subcontractors or sub-subcontractors the portion of the state's
payment to the extent of that subcontractor's or sub-subcontractor's interest in the state's
payment in accordance with the payment terms agreed to by the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-51 Rates of contributions, etc., by employers. (a) Contributions. Except as hereinafter
provided and subject to the provisions of Section 25-4-54, every employer shall pay contributions,
or payments in lieu of contributions, equal to the percentages of wages payable or paid as
hereinafter set out, with respect to employment by him. (1) With respect to employment during
calendar years after December 31, 1975, every employer who has been liable to the provisions
of this chapter during a period of time sufficient to have his rate of contribution determined
under the experience rating provisions of Section 25-4-54 shall pay contributions at the rate
prescribed thereby. (2) With respect to employment after December 31, 1975, every employer
who has not been liable to the provisions of this chapter for a sufficient length of time
to have his rate determined under the experience rating provisions of Section 25-4-54 shall
pay contributions at the rate of 2.70 percent of such wages... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-54 Contribution rates for employers subject to benefit charges; determination
of individual benefit charges. (a) Determination of contribution rates. (1) For the 12-month
period beginning on January 1 of each year which begins after December 31, 1996, any employer
whose experience rating account has been subject to benefit charges throughout at least the
fiscal year, as defined in Section 25-4-4, immediately preceding such January 1, shall have
his or her rate determined by the Unemployment Compensation Fund's liability for benefits
paid to his or her employees, modified by the fund's balance as of the most recent June 30.
The employment record of an organization which has been making payments in lieu of contributions
but which elects to change to payment of contributions shall be deemed to have been chargeable
with benefits throughout the period (not to exceed three fiscal years) with respect to which
it was making payments in lieu of contributions and its benefit charges... - 31K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-6-198 Privilege assessment - Use of revenues; reimbursements. (a) The Medicaid Agency
shall use the revenues from the assessment levied by this article in furtherance of the purposes
of this article, provided that the uses shall be limited to those for which federal financial
participation under Title XIX of the Social Security Act is available. (b) Any reimbursement
due a PACE provider under the Medicaid program shall be paid in a timely fashion. If the amount
payable is not in dispute and is not paid by the Medicaid Agency within 30 days of the due
date, interest on the amount due shall be charged. The interest shall be the legal amount
currently charged by the state. (Act 2014-126, p. 236, §9.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26B-25 Use of revenues; reimbursement. (a) The Alabama Medicaid Agency shall use
the revenues from the privilege assessment in furtherance of the purposes of this article,
provided that any uses shall be limited to those for which federal financial participation
under Title XIX of the Social Security Act is available. (b) Any reimbursement due a nursing
facility under the Medicaid program shall be paid in a timely fashion. If the amount payable
is not in dispute and is not paid by the Alabama Medicaid Agency within 30 days of the due
date, interest on the amount due shall be charged. The interest rate shall be the legal amount
currently charged by the state. Acts 1991, No. 91-126, p. 153, §5; Acts 1992, No. 92-440,
p. 871, §1; Act 97-901, 1st Ex. Sess., p. 277, §1; Act 2011-614, p. 1376, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26B-6 Use of revenues; reimbursement. (a) The Alabama Medicaid Agency shall use
the revenues from the tax levied by this article in furtherance of the purposes of this article,
provided that any such uses shall be limited to those for which federal financial participation
under Title XIX of the Social Security Act is available. (b) Any reimbursement due a pharmaceutical
provider under the Medicaid Program shall be paid in a timely fashion. If the amount payable
is not in dispute and is not paid by the Alabama Medicaid Agency within 30 days of the due
date, interest on the amount due shall be charged. The interest shall be the legal amount
currently charged by the state. (Acts 1991, No. 91-124, p. 148, §5.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26B-75 Quarterly notice and collection. (a)(1) The annual assessment imposed under
this article shall be due and payable on a quarterly basis during the first 15 business days
of each quarter. (2) Notwithstanding subdivision (1), the installment payment of an assessment
imposed by this article shall not be due and payable until: a. The department issues the written
notice required by this article stating that the payment methodologies to privately operated
hospitals required under this article have been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services and the waiver under 42 C.F.R. §433.68 for the assessment imposed by this article,
if necessary, has been granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or if approval
for the State Plan Amendment and the waiver under 42 CFR §433.68 for the assessment imposed
by this article, if necessary, is delayed for any reason, the payment shall be recalulated
by Medicaid upon actual approval; and b. The 30-day... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

RETIREMENT BENEFIT. A benefit payable pursuant to the terms of subsection (a) of Section 45-37-123.100.
(52) SYSTEM or PLAN. The General Retirement System for Employees of Jefferson County, which
system or plan may sue or be sued, and in such name all of its business shall be transacted.
(53) SPOUSE. The legal wife or husband of a member as determined in accordance with federal
law. (54) TOTAL DISABILITY. A permanent physical or mental condition of a member resulting
from bodily injury, disease, or mental disorder which renders such member incapable
of continuing usual and customary employment with the county. The disability of a member shall
be determined by a licensed medical advisor. (55) TRUSTEE. The pension board or the person
or entity appointed by the pension board and named as trustee herein or in any separate trust
forming a part of the plan, and any successors. (56) TRUST FUND. The tax-qualified trust in
which certain plan funds are held, disbursed, transferred,... - 27K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-242.05 Payment of tax; records; inspections; seizure and sale of contraband;
appraisal; return of confiscated property; re-use of stamps or refill of packages. (a) After
the tax herein authorized has been levied in accordance with the provisions of this part,
no person, firm, or corporation shall sell, store, or distribute tobacco or tobacco products,
which are subject to such tax, without complying with the provisions of this part and the
rules and regulations promulgated and adopted by the county governing body pursuant thereto,
and paying any and all tax which such person, firm, or corporation may be liable under this
part. Every person, firm, or corporation selling, storing, or distributing in Colbert County
any tobacco or tobacco products shall keep such books, documents, papers, and other such records
as will enable the county governing body, or an authorized employee thereof, to determine
the amount of the tax due the county under this part, and such records shall... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

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