Code of Alabama

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Section 22-40A-3 Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) APPROVED. Authorized, certified, permitted by,
or meets standards of a regulatory authority. (2) AUTHORIZED DISPOSAL. For purposes of this
chapter only, authorized disposal shall be the deposit of a tire in a landfill properly permitted
to accept tires and tire materials for disposal. (3) CLEANUP. For purposes of this chapter,
cleanup means the cleaning up, remediation, control, or removal of scrap tires from the environment.
(4) CONSUMER. a. For purposes of this chapter a consumer is defined as either: 1. A retail
purchaser. 2. A dealer who buys a tire to be installed on a vehicle for resale. b. A wholesale
purchaser who buys tires for resale is not considered a consumer. (5) DEPARTMENT. The Alabama
Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) or its successor organization or organizations
having similar responsibility. (6) ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. An... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-13-54 Rate and collection of tax; credit; liability for tax. (a) The rate of the
tax shall be ten cents ($0.10) per ton on severed material sold as tangible personal
property. Provided, however, that naturally occurring unprocessed sand may be taxed at a higher
rate by a local act and all such tax collected at such higher rate shall be remitted directly
to the jurisdiction in which the operator severing such naturally occurring unprocessed sand
is located. (b) Except as provided in Section 40-13-55(c), the tax levied by this article
shall be collected by the producer and become due and payable by the purchaser thereof at
the time of sale or delivery, whichever first occurs, provided that the tax shall be identified
as a severance tax on a bill of sale, invoice, or similar sales document to the purchaser
thereof, otherwise the tax shall instead be the obligation of the producer. The tax levied
under this article shall not be included in the measure of tax for any other tax... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

terms, whether used in the singular or plural, shall be given the following respective interpretations:
(1) CORPORATION. Any corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this article. (2)
COUNTY. Any county in this state with respect to which a corporation may be organized. (3)
GOVERNING BODY. The commission of the county. (4) MORTGAGE. A mortgage or a mortgage and deed
of trust or a trust indenture. (5) PROJECT. Any land and any building or other improvement
thereon and all real and personal properties deemed necessary in connection therewith,
whether or not now in existence, which shall be suitable for use by the following or by any
combination of two or more thereof: a. Any industry for the manufacturing, processing or assembling
of any agricultural, manufactured or mineral products; b. Any commercial enterprise in storing,
warehousing, distributing or selling any product of agriculture, mining or industry; and c.
Any enterprise for the purpose of research, but does not... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

term includes: (A) proceeds to which a security interest attaches; (B) accounts, chattel paper,
payment intangibles, and promissory notes that have been sold; and (C) goods that are the
subject of a consignment. (13) "Commercial tort claim" means a claim arising in
tort with respect to which: (A) the claimant is an organization; or (B) the claimant is an
individual and the claim: (i) arose in the course of the claimant's business or profession;
and (ii) does not include damages arising out of personal injury to or the death
of an individual. (14) "Commodity account" means an account maintained by a commodity
intermediary in which a commodity contract is carried for a commodity customer. (15) "Commodity
contract" means a commodity futures contract, an option on a commodity futures contract,
a commodity option, or another contract if the contract or option is: (A) traded on or subject
to the rules of a board of trade that has been designated as a contract market for such a
contract... - 29K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-12-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION. Increased in accordance with the formula for inflation
adjustment set forth in Exhibit C to the Master Settlement Agreement. (2) AFFILIATE. A person
who directly or indirectly owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common
ownership or control with, another person. Solely for purposes of this definition, the terms
"owns," "is owned," and "ownership" mean ownership of an equity
interest, or the equivalent thereof, of ten percent or more, and the term "person"
means an individual, partnership, committee, association, corporation, or any other organization
or group of persons. (3) ALLOCABLE SHARE. Allocable share as that term is defined in the Master
Settlement Agreement. (4) CIGARETTE. Any product that contains nicotine, is intended to be
burned or heated under ordinary conditions of use, and consists of or contains (i) any roll
of... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-2-190.2 Electronic drug offender tracking system. (a) For the purposes of this section,
the following words shall have the following meanings: (1) DRUG RELATED CONVICTION. Any conviction
or plea of nolo contendere for the offense of possession, distribution, trafficking, or any
degree of manufacture of controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia. A drug related conviction
shall also include the inchoate crimes of attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy of any of the
drug related crimes. (2) DRUG OFFENDER. Any person who has any conviction listed in subdivision
(1). (b) Effective January 1, 2013, the State Bureau of Investigations shall implement a real-time
electronic drug offender tracking system to catalogue all criminal convictions in this state
of persons convicted of felonies or misdemeanors involving the possession, distribution, manufacture,
or trafficking of controlled substances. This catalogue shall include, but not be limited
to, paraphernalia convictions,... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-32-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) ADMINISTRATOR. The person designated by a provider to be responsible for the
administration of service contracts or the service contracts plan or to make the filings required
by this chapter. (2) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Insurance of this state. (3) CONSUMER.
A natural person who buys, primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, and
not for resale, any tangible personal property normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes and not for commercial or research purposes. (4) MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT.
A contract of limited duration that provides for scheduled maintenance only. (5) MANUFACTURER.
A person that is one of the following: a. A manufacturer or producer of property that sells
the property under its own name or label. b. A subsidiary of the person who manufactures or
produces the property. c. A corporation which owns at least 80 percent of the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

7-9A-102(a)(28), in respect of property in which the secured party has a security interest,
as defined in Section 7-1-201(37). (10) PROPELLED VEHICLE. Any propelled device in, upon,
or by which any person or property is transported on land, water, or in the air, and such
term includes motor vehicles, motorcycles, motorboats, aircraft, and any vessel propelled
by machinery, whether or not that machinery is the principal source of propulsion. (11) PROPERTY.
Any money, tangible or intangible personal property, property (whether real or personal)
the location of which can be changed (including things growing on, affixed to, or found in
land and documents, although the rights represented hereby have no physical location), contract
right, chose-in-action, interest in a claim to wealth, credit, or any other article or thing
of value of any kind. Commodities of a public utility nature, such as gas, electricity, steam,
and water, constitute property, but the supplying of such a commodity to... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

by the Governor, or upon its otherwise becoming a law, and when the State of Mississippi ratifies
the compact. Article III. For purposes of this compact, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) Person means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, or any other
entity. (2) Railroad means a common carrier by railroad as defined in Section 1(3) of Part
I of the Interstate Commerce Act [codified as 49 U.S.C. ยง1(3)]. (3) Railroad properties and
facilities mean any real or personal property or interest in property which is owned,
leased, or otherwise controlled by a railroad or other person, including, without limitation,
the authority, and which are used or are useful in rail transportation service, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing: a. Track, roadbed, and related structures,
including rail, ties, ballast, other track materials, grading, tunnels, bridges, trestles,
culverts, elevated structures, stations, office buildings used for operating... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

in any tax return as of October 1. All motor vehicles shall be assessed and the taxes shall
be collected on the motor vehicles as herein provided. The foregoing notwithstanding, any
machinery or equipment including, but not limited to, cement mixers, wrecker rigs, and box-type
bodies which may be added to a motor vehicle after it leaves the original manufacturer and
may be moved from one motor vehicle to another shall be separately valued and assessed with
the tax assessing official as personal property. (i) In addition to the refunds provided
for in subsection (d), refunds shall be granted for ad valorem taxes on motor vehicles for
monies collected in error, as provided in Section 40-7-9.1, or upon evidence of valuation
change or adjustment by the county board of equalization. (j) All millage rate levies and
changes affecting ad valorem taxes on motor vehicles shall become effective on the January
1 following the levy or rate change. (k) The Department of Revenue may promulgate... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

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