Code of Alabama

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Section 41-15-4 Value for which state property to be insured; annual certification; gap coverage
and gap plus coverage; survey of public property; sale or salvage of insured items. (a) All
covered property, unless otherwise provided in this section, shall be insured for no more
than its replacement cost and shall be insured for no less than 80 percent of its actual cash
value. Replacement cost coverage may be provided with an amount of insurance as agreed upon
by the proper insuring authority and the risk manager based upon a written statement of values.
Replacement cost shall be the cost to repair or replace property with comparable materials
of like kind and quality by generally accepted construction methods or technology to serve
the same function as the lost or damaged property. No payment for a loss shall exceed the
limit of the policy. (b) The officer or person having charge by law of insuring any public
building, contents, machinery, and equipment shall annually certify to the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

on May 18, 1981, own, maintain, or operate an electric distribution system and wishes to become
a member of the authority, may become a member of the authority only following a favorable
vote in a referendum held in the city on the question of membership in the authority. (7)
NOTES. Interim certificates, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness, whether long or short
term, issued by the authority not in anticipation of the issuance of bonds. (8) PERSON. A
natural person, a cooperative or private corporation, association, firm, partnership,
or business trust of any nature whatsoever, organized and existing under the laws of any state
or of the United States, or of any other country or political subdivision thereof, including
their departments, agencies, or instrumentalities, any municipality, or other municipal corporation,
political subdivision, governmental unit, or public corporation created under the laws of
any state or of the United States, and any state or the United States,... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-11 Registration of securities - Exempt transactions. (a) Except as hereinafter
in this section expressly provided, Sections 8-6-3 through 8-6-9 shall not apply to any of
the following transactions: (1) Any isolated nonissuer transaction, whether effected through
a dealer or not; (2) Any nonissuer transaction in an outstanding security by a registered
dealer if: a. The issuer has a class of securities subject to registration under Section 12
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and has been subject to the reporting requirements
of Sections 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for not less than 180 days
before the transaction; or has filed and maintained with the commission for not less than
180 days before the transaction information, in such form as the commission, by rule, specifies,
substantially comparable to the information which the issuer would be required to file under
Section 12(b) or Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or the... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-90 Municipal business licenses; branch offices; application. (a) All municipalities
shall have the following powers: (1) To license any exhibition, trade, business, vocation,
occupation, or profession not prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the state which may
be engaged in or carried on in the municipality. (2) To fix the amount of licenses, the time
for which they are to run, not exceeding one license year, to provide a penalty for doing
business without a license, and to charge a fee not exceeding ten dollars ($10) for issuing
each license. The issuance fee shall be increased every five license years by the Department
of Revenue by an amount equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the U.S. Department of
Labor's Producer Price Index during that five-year period, rounded to the nearest dollar,
with the base year being 2006. The Department of Revenue shall notify all municipalities and
the Alabama League of Municipalities of any such fee increase no later than... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-17A-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) ALTERNATIVE CONTAINER. A nonmetal receptacle or enclosure, without ornamentation
or a fixed interior lining, which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which
is made of cardboard, pressed-wood, composition materials (with or without an outside covering),
or pouches of canvas or other materials. (2) ARRANGEMENT CONFERENCE. The meeting occurring
either at need or preneed between the seller and the purchaser during which funeral or cemetery
merchandise and services are discussed. (3) ARRANGEMENT CONFERENCE FEE. The charge to the
purchaser in conjunction with the arrangement conference. (4) AT NEED. At the time of death,
or immediately following death. (5) AUTHORIZING AGENT. One who is lawfully authorized to control
the final disposition of human remains. (6) BELOW-GROUND CRYPT. A preplaced enclosed chamber,
which is usually constructed of reinforced concrete,... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-10 Confidentiality, disclosure, and exchange of tax returns and tax information.
THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section,
it shall be unlawful for any person to print, publish, or divulge, without the written permission
or approval of the taxpayer, the return of any taxpayer or any part of the return, or any
information secured in arriving at the amount of tax or value reported, for any purpose other
than the proper administration of any matter administered by the department, a county, or
a municipality, or upon order of any court, or as otherwise allowed in this section. Statistical
information pertaining to taxes may be disclosed at the discretion of the commissioner or
his or her delegate to the legislative or executive branch of the state. Upon request, the
commissioner or his or her delegate may make written disclosure as... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-311 Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases used in this article, and
others evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, in the absence of clear implication
herein otherwise, be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) APPLICANT.
A natural person who files a written application with the governing body of a county, municipality,
or educational institution, or two or more thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Section
22-21-313. (2) AUTHORITY. A public corporation organized, and any public hospital corporation
reincorporated, pursuant to the provisions hereof. (3) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. The resolution
adopted by the governing body of an authorizing subdivision, in accordance with the provisions
of Section 22-21-313 or Section 22-21-341, that authorizes the incorporation of an authority
or the reincorporation of a public hospital corporation. (4) AUTHORIZING SUBDIVISION. Each
county, municipality, and educational institution with... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-8-87 Dismantling, destroying, changing identity of vehicle; certificate requirements;
insurance claims; "total loss"; removal of identification numbers, plates, etc.;
transfer of salvage vehicles; inspections; "component parts"; rebuilt vehicles;
flood vehicles; online verifications. (a) Each owner of a motor vehicle and each person mentioned
as owner in the last certificate of title who scraps, dismantles, destroys, or changes the
motor vehicle in such a manner that it is not the same motor vehicle described in the certificate
of origin or certificate of title shall as soon as practicable cause the certificate of origin
or certificate of title, if any, and any other documents or information required by the department
to be mailed or delivered to the department for processing. The department shall, with the
consent of any holder of liens noted on the surrendered certificate, enter a cancellation
upon its records. Upon cancellation of a certificate of origin or certificate of... - 32K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-12-5 Powers, duties and functions. The powers, duties and functions of the agency
shall be as follows: (1) GENERALLY. The agency a. Shall have perpetual succession in its corporate
name. b. May sue and be sued in its corporate name. c. May adopt, use and alter a corporate
seal, which shall be judicially noticed. d. May enter into such contracts and cooperative
agreements with the federal, state and local governments, with agencies of such governments,
with private individuals, corporations, associations, trusts and other organizations
as the board may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to carry out the purposes of this
chapter, including the planned, orderly residential development of the area. e. May adopt,
amend and repeal bylaws. f. May appoint such managers, officers, employees, attorneys and
agents as the board deems necessary for the transaction of its business, fix their compensation,
define their duties, require bonds of such of them as the board may... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-244 Tobacco products. (a) Upon adoption of the Legislature, there is hereby imposed
on every person, firm, or corporation that sells, stores, delivers, uses, or otherwise consumes
tobacco or tobacco products in Chambers County, a county privilege, license, or excise tax
in the following amounts: (1) Twenty-five cents ($.25) for each package of cigarettes made
of tobacco or any substitute therefor. (2) Twelve cents ($.12) for each cigar of any description
made of tobacco or any substitute therefor, but not including cigarette sized and near cigarette
sized cigars which shall be taxed in the same manner as cigarettes under subdivision (1).
(3) Twenty-five cents ($.25) for each sack, can, package, or other container of smoking tobacco,
including granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other kinds and forms of tobacco
which are prepared in such manner suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette. (4) Twenty-five
cents ($.25) for each sack, plug, package, or other... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

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