Code of Alabama

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Section 40-21-80 Definitions. (a) For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall
have the respective meanings ascribed by this section: (1) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Revenue
of the State of Alabama. (2) DOMESTIC WATER. All water except water that is sold to persons
for use or consumption in industrial processes and not primarily for human consumption. (3)
GROSS RECEIPTS. The value proceeding or accruing from the furnishing of utility services,
all receipts actual and accrued, without any deduction on account of the cost of the utility
services sold, the cost of the materials used, labor or service cost, interest paid, or any
other expenses whatever, and without any deductions on account of losses. (4) GROSS SALES.
The value proceeding or accruing from the furnishing of utility services, and including the
proceeds from the sale of any utility services handled on consignment by the taxpayer, without
any deduction on account of the cost of the utility services sold, the... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-21-100 Definitions. (a) For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall
have the respective meanings ascribed by this section: (1) BUSINESS. All activities relating
to the furnishing of utility services. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Revenue of the State
of Alabama. (3) DOMESTIC WATER. All water except water that is sold to persons for use or
consumption in industrial processes and not primarily for human consumption. (4) GROSS RECEIPTS.
The value proceeding or accruing from the furnishing of utility services, all receipts actual
and accrued, without any deduction on account of the cost of the utility services sold, the
cost of the materials used, labor or service cost, interest paid, or any other expense whatever,
and without any deductions on account of losses. (5) GROSS SALES. The value proceeding or
accruing from the furnishing of utility services, and including the proceeds from the sale
of any utility services handled on consignment by the taxpayer,... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

23 of this title, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, shall relieve the seller
from the obligation to collect and pay over the transaction tax as if the sale were to a person
exempt, to the extent of the abatement, from the transaction tax. (2) ALTERNATIVE ENERGY RESOURCES.
The definition given in Section 40-18-1. (3) CONSTRUCTION RELATED TRANSACTION TAXES. The transaction
taxes imposed by Chapter 23 of this title, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof,
on tangible personal property and taxable services incorporated into an industrial
development property, the cost of which may be added to capital account with respect to the
property, determined without regard to any rule which permits expenditures properly chargeable
to capital account to be treated as current expenses. (4) DATA PROCESSING CENTER. An establishment
at which not less than 20 new jobs are located, the average annual total compensation, including
benefits, of such new jobs to be not less than... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-14-31 Definitions. As used in this article the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise; (1) ELECTRIC SUPPLIER.
Any municipality, municipally-owned utility or other governmental entity, any cooperative,
corporation, person, firm, association or other entity engaged in the business of supplying
electric service at retail; provided, however, that no person or entity, including the Tennessee
Valley Authority, who may not be lawfully regulated by the state by virtue of powers granted
by the laws of the United States which prevail over Alabama statutes, nor any university,
college or United States agency which distributes electricity at retail shall be deemed an
electric supplier for the purpose of this article. (2) ELECTRIC SERVICE AT RETAIL and RETAIL
ELECTRIC SERVICE. Electric service furnished to a customer for ultimate consumption, but does
not include wholesale electric service furnished by an electric... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

term includes: (A) proceeds to which a security interest attaches; (B) accounts, chattel paper,
payment intangibles, and promissory notes that have been sold; and (C) goods that are the
subject of a consignment. (13) "Commercial tort claim" means a claim arising in
tort with respect to which: (A) the claimant is an organization; or (B) the claimant is an
individual and the claim: (i) arose in the course of the claimant's business or profession;
and (ii) does not include damages arising out of personal injury to or the death
of an individual. (14) "Commodity account" means an account maintained by a commodity
intermediary in which a commodity contract is carried for a commodity customer. (15) "Commodity
contract" means a commodity futures contract, an option on a commodity futures contract,
a commodity option, or another contract if the contract or option is: (A) traded on or subject
to the rules of a board of trade that has been designated as a contract market for such a
contract... - 29K - Match Info - Similar pages

functions. 5. CORPORATE RECORDS OF THE COMMISSION The Commission shall maintain its corporate
books and records in accordance with the Bylaws. 6. QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, DEFENSE, AND INDEMNIFICATION
a. The Members, officers, executive director, employees, and representatives of the Commission,
the Executive Committee, and any other Committee of the Commission shall be immune from suit
and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for any claim for damage to
or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability caused by or
arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred, or that the person
against whom the claim is made had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope
of Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities; provided that nothing in this paragraph
shall be construed to protect any such person from suit and/or liability for any damage, loss,
injury, or liability caused by the intentional or willful or wanton... - 62K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-4-1 Definitions. Unless otherwise specified, when used in this article, these terms
shall have the following meanings: (1) COMMISSION. The Alabama Public Service Commission.
(2) COMMISSIONER. A member of the commission. (3) MUNICIPALITY. Any municipal corporation
organized under the laws of this state. (4) PERSON. Such term shall mean and include individuals,
associations of individuals, firms, partnerships, companies, corporations, municipalities,
governmental agencies, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever,
in the singular number as well as in the plural. (5) NONUTILITY. Any federal agency, instrumentality,
or corporation, owned by the United States, and any corporation or joint stock company in
which the United States or any of its departments, establishments, or agencies, owns more
than 50 percent of the voting shares of stock of such corporation or joint stock company.
(6) SECURITIES. Such term shall mean and include stock, stock... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

capability that enables identification of the subscriber. (2) CMRS. Commercial mobile radio
service under Sections 3(27) and 332(d) of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47
U.S.C. ยง151 et seq., and Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Pub. L. 103-66, Aug.
10, 1993, 107 Stat. 312. The term includes the term wireless and service provider by any wireless
real time two-way voice communication device, including radio-telephone communications used
in cellular telephone service, personal communication service, or the functional or
competitive equivalent of a radio-telephone communications line used in cellular telephone
service, a personal communication service, or a network radio access line. The term
does not include service whose customers do not have access to 911 or to an enhanced 911-like
service, to a communications channel suitable only for data transmission, to a wireless roaming
service or other non-local radio access line service, or to a private... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-21-82 Levy of tax; sourcing of gross sales or gross receipts from telegraph or telephone
services. (a) There is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes of every kind now imposed
by law, and shall be collected as herein provided, a privilege or license tax against every
utility furnishing electricity, domestic water, or natural gas in the State of Alabama. The
amount of the tax shall be determined by the application of rates against gross sales or gross
receipts, as the case may be, from the furnishing of such services in the State of Alabama.
The tax shall be computed monthly with respect to each person to whom such services are furnished,
in accordance with the following table: If monthly gross sales or gross receipts respecting
a person are: The tax is: Not over $40,000 4% of such gross sales or gross receipts Over $40,000
but not over $60,000 $1,600 plus 3% of excess over $40,000 Over $60,000 $2,200 plus 2% of
excess over $60,000 (b) There is hereby levied a... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-14-2 Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise; (1) ELECTRIC SUPPLIER.
Any municipality, municipally-owned utility or other governmental entity, any cooperative,
corporation, person, firm, association or other entity engaged in the business of supplying
electric service at retail; provided, however, that a university, college or United States
military base which distributes electricity shall not be deemed an electric supplier for the
purpose of this article. (2) ELECTRIC SERVICE AT RETAIL and RETAIL ELECTRIC SERVICE. Electric
service furnished to a customer for ultimate consumption, but does not include wholesale electric
service furnished by an electric supplier to another electric supplier for resale. (3) PREMISES.
The building, structure or facility to which electricity is being metered or is to be furnished
and metered, including all meters on such building,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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