Code of Alabama

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Section 40-29-23 Levy and distraint. (a) Authority of commissioner or delegate. If any person
liable to pay any final assessment of tax neglects or refuses to pay the same or fails to
appeal such final assessment within 30 days, it shall be lawful for the commissioner to collect
such tax (and such further sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses of the levy) as
herein provided or as otherwise provided by law. The commissioner may levy upon all property
and rights for property belonging to such person or on which there is a lien as provided in
this chapter for the payment of such tax. If the Commissioner of Revenue or his delegate makes
a finding that the collection of such tax is in jeopardy, notice and demand for immediate
payment of such tax may be made and, upon failure or refusal to pay such tax, collection thereof
by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 30-day period provided in this chapter. (b)
Seizure and sale of property. The term "levy" as used in this chapter... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-98-5.2 911 Fund. (a) Effective October 1, 2013, the 911 Fund shall be created as
an insured interest-bearing account into which the 911 Board shall deposit all revenues derived
from the service charge levied on voice communications service providers under this chapter
and all prepaid wireless 911 charges received from the department. The revenues deposited
into the 911 Fund shall not be monies or property of the state and shall not be subject to
appropriation by the Legislature. The 911 Board shall administer the fund and shall credit
the 911 Fund all revenues received. The fund and revenues generated by the fund may only be
used as provided in this chapter. (b) Effective October 1, 2013, there shall first be deducted,
no more than one time during each calendar month, from the total amount of the statewide 911
charges paid over to the 911 Board during such month, a sum not to exceed one percent of the
total amount, to be applied by the 911 Board exclusively for payment of... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-8-32.2 Child Labor Administrative Trust Fund. (a) The Child Labor Administrative
Trust Fund is established in the State Treasury into which shall be deposited certain assessments
under this chapter collected by the department. The fund shall constitute a separate fund
to be disbursed by the state Comptroller on order of the secretary. For two years following
May 19, 2009, the child labor division of the department shall be funded from the State General
Fund after which expenses incurred by the child labor division of the department under the
child labor law, including the salaries of all employees, travel cost, and costs of administration
and enforcement as may become necessary, either within or without the state, shall be paid
from the trust fund in the State Treasury upon warrants of the state Comptroller drawn upon
the State Treasury from time to time when vouchers therefor are approved by the secretary.
For the two years referred to in the previous sentence, the amount... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-17-6 Landscape Architect's Fund. The secretary of the board shall receive and account
for all moneys derived under the provisions of this chapter and shall not later than the tenth
day of each month pay all such moneys collected during the previous month to the State Treasurer,
who shall keep such moneys in a separate fund to be known as the "Landscape Architect's
Fund." Such fund shall be kept separate and apart from all other moneys in the Treasury
and shall be paid out for the expenses and compensation of the board and for enforcing this
chapter only by warrant of the Comptroller upon the Treasurer, upon itemized vouchers, approved
by the president and attested by the secretary of the board; provided, that no funds shall
be withdrawn or expended except as budgeted and allotted according to the provisions of Article
4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41 of this Code. Under no circumstances shall the total amount of
warrants issued by the Comptroller in payment of the expenses and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-15-12 Disposition of proceeds. Such amount of money as shall be appropriated for
each fiscal year by the Legislature to the Department of Revenue with which to pay the salaries,
the cost of operation and the management of the said department shall be deducted, as a first
charge thereon, from the taxes collected under and pursuant to Section 40-15-2; provided,
that the expenditure of said sum so appropriated shall be budgeted and allotted pursuant to
Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41 and limited to the amount appropriated to defray the expenses
of operating said department for each fiscal year. The balance of the tax collected under
and pursuant to said Section 40-15-2 shall remain in the State Treasury to the credit of the
State General Fund. (Acts 1935, No. 194, p. 256; Code 1940, T. 51, ยง441; Acts 1951, No. 939,
p. 1606.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-53 Lease authorized - Agricultural Center Fund; appropriations for rentals and
expenses. The charges made by the board pursuant to Section 2-6-51 shall be deposited monthly
in the State Treasury to the credit of a special fund therein designated the Agricultural
Center Fund and shall be used solely for the payment of the rentals payable under the lease
agreement and the said operating and administrative expenses. So much of the moneys in the
Agricultural Center Fund as may be necessary therefor are hereby appropriated for said purposes.
In the event the revenues derived from the operation of the properties covered by the lease
agreement should not be sufficient to pay, as the same respectively mature, the rentals required
to be paid by the board under the provisions of the lease agreement and to pay the said operating
and administrative expenses, there is hereby appropriated and ordered set aside in each fiscal
year during the term of the lease agreement, solely out of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-32 Requisition of moneys from trust fund. (a) Money shall be requisitioned from
the state's account in the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund solely for the payment of
benefits and in accordance with regulations prescribed by the secretary; except, that money
credited to this state's account pursuant to Section 903 of the Social Security Act, as amended,
shall be used exclusively as provided in this section. The secretary shall from time to time
requisition from the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund such amounts, not exceeding the
amounts standing to this state's account therein, as he deems necessary for the payment of
benefits for a reasonable future period. Upon receipt thereof the treasurer of the fund shall
deposit such moneys in the benefit payment account and shall issue his checks for the payment
of benefits solely from such benefit account. Expenditures of such moneys in the benefit payment
account and refunds for the clearing account shall not be subject to... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-376 Investment credit; realization methods; regulations. (a) If provided for
in the project agreement, the incentivized company is allowed an investment credit in an annual
amount equal to 1.5 percent of the capital investment incurred as of the beginning of the
incentive period, to be used as follows: (1) To offset the income taxes found in this chapter,
or as an estimated tax payment of income taxes; (2) To offset the financial institution excise
tax found in Chapter 16; (3) To offset the insurance premium tax levied by Section 27-4A-3(a),
or as an estimated payment of insurance premium tax; (4) To offset utility taxes; or (5) To
offset some combination of the foregoing, so long as the same credit is used only once. The
incentive period shall begin no earlier than the placed-in-service date. The incentive period
shall be 10 years. Should only some portion of a tax year be included in the incentive period,
the amount of the investment credit shall be prorated on a daily... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26A-17 Appropriation for administration and enforcement; disposition of proceeds
of tax. (a) Such amount of money as shall be appropriated for each fiscal year by the Legislature
to the Department of Revenue with which to pay the salaries, and the cost of operation and
management of said department, pertaining to the administration and enforcement of the provisions
of this chapter, shall be deducted, as a first charge thereon, from the taxes collected under
the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that the expenditure of said sum so appropriated
shall be budgeted and allotted pursuant to Sections 41-4-80 through 41-4-96, and limited to
the amount appropriated to defray the expenses of operating said department for each fiscal
year. (b) After payment of the aforesaid expenses, the balance of the taxes collected under
the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the
State General Fund. (Acts 1988, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 88-952,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-32-3 Requirements for selling or offering to sell service contracts. (a) Either the
provider or its designee shall: (1) Provide a receipt for, or other written evidence of, the
purchase of the service contract to the contract holder. (2) Provide a copy of the service
contract to the service contract holder within a reasonable period of time from the date of
purchase. (b) A provider may, but is not required to, appoint an administrator or other designee
to be responsible for any or all of the administration of service contracts and compliance
with this chapter. (c) Each provider of service contracts sold in this state shall file a
registration with the commissioner on a form prescribed by the commissioner. Each provider
shall pay to the commissioner a fee in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200) annually.
All fees collected shall be paid into a special revolving fund to be set up by the State Treasurer
referred to as the "Service Contract Revolving Fund." The Service... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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