Code of Alabama

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Section 41-16-120 Powers and duties; definitions. (a) The Director of the Department of Economic
and Community Affairs shall be responsible for the distribution, transfer, or disposal of
all surplus personal property owned by the state and all right, title, interest, and equity
in the property shall be transferred to the department for such purpose. The director may
delegate to the Director of the Surplus Property Division such supervision and control of
the distribution or disposal of state owned surplus personal property. (b) As used in this
article, the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context
clearly indicates otherwise: (1) DIVISION. Surplus Property Division of the Department of
Economic and Community Affairs. (2) SURPLUS PROPERTY. That property declared by the property
manager of each state department, bureau, board, commission, or agency to be surplus and so
designated in writing to the director of the division. All real property owned... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-6A-4 Departmental functions; clearinghouse for energy data. The programs and activities
of the department shall include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) To develop and
promulgate a state energy policy; (2) To report regularly to the Governor and annually to
the Legislature on the programs and activities of the department and to recommend needed changes
in law or administrative practice; (3) To periodically assess state energy requirements, and
to coordinate with the state geologists, the State Oil and Gas Board, and other parties and
with appropriate governmental agencies in their determination of available energy supplies
and their capacities and their development; (4) To formulate and update annually a comprehensive
state energy management program which shall identify alternative ways in which projected demands
for all forms of energy may be met; (5) To formulate and update annually a contingency plan
to provide for adequate energy supplies during any energy... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-594 Establishment of rules and policies; Privacy and Security Committee; fees.
(a) The commission shall establish its own rules and policies for the performance of the responsibilities
charged to it in this article. (b) The commission shall establish rules and policies that
will restrict the information obtained under authority of this article to the items germane
to the implementation of this article and restrict the use of information only to authorized
persons and agencies. (c) The chair of the commission shall appoint a Privacy and Security
Committee from the membership of the commission who are elected officials, or their designees,
consisting of a chair and three members, to study the privacy and security implications of
sharing criminal justice information and to formulate policy recommendations for consideration
by the commission concerning the collection, storage, dissemination, or usage of criminal
justice information. (d) The commission may adopt rules and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35-245 Levy, collection, and enforcement; disposition of funds. (a)(1) The Houston
County Commission is hereby authorized to impose upon every person, firm, or corporation who
sells, stores, delivers, uses, or otherwise consumes tobacco or certain tobacco products in
Houston County a county privilege, license, or tax in the following amounts: a. Five cents
($.05) for each package of cigarettes, made of tobacco or any substitute therefor. b. Two
cents ($.02) for each cigar of any description made of tobacco or any substitute therefor.
c. Two cents ($.02) for each sack, can, package, or other container of smoking tobacco, including
granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other kinds and forms of tobacco which
are prepared in such manner as to be suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette. d. Three
cents ($.03) for each sack, plug, package, or other container of chewing tobacco, which tobacco
is prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing only and not... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-261 Permits for propagation of game birds, and game or fur-bearing animals for
private purposes. (a) The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, upon the payment
of a fee of $1.00, may issue an annual permit to any individual, association, partnership,
firm, or corporation owning property in the State of Alabama permitting the permit holder
to engage in the business of raising game birds and game or fur-bearing animals for propagation
purposes in the State of Alabama under the rules and methods as may be prescribed by the Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources, for the exclusive purpose of stocking private or protected
lands under the ownership, supervision, or control of the holder of the permit. The holder
of the permit shall not be authorized to dispose of any game or fur-bearing animals propagated
under the permit authorized by this section. (b) Any permittee having game birds or game or
fur-bearing animals in his or her possession at the time of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-2-3 Powers and duties as to state parks and parkways, etc. The Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources, for the purpose of establishing, developing and maintaining state parks
and parkways, may acquire land by donation, purchase, condemnation or lease and for these
purposes may use such funds as may be available to it and not otherwise obligated and may
enter into agreements with the federal government or other agencies for acquiring by lease,
purchase or otherwise such lands as in its judgment are desirable for state parks or parkways.
As to the purchase of lands, such agreements may provide for a division of the payments over
a period of years, in which case the payments may be secured by mortgage; provided, that no
liability shall attach to the State of Alabama or any of its departments, boards, bureaus
or commissions or any member or official thereof if the security specifically given in any
such mortgage is insufficient to pay said mortgage at a forced sale or... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-8A-4 Commission - Powers. The commission shall have the following powers: (1) To
have succession by its corporate name until it shall have been dissolved as provided herein;
(2) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend in any court having jurisdiction of the
subject matter and of the parties thereof; (3) To adopt and use a seal and to alter the seal
at pleasure; (4) To designate and maintain a principal office in the City of Montgomery; (5)
To adopt, and from time to time amend and repeal, bylaws and rules and regulations, not inconsistent
with this chapter, to carry into effect the powers and purposes of the commission in the conduct
of its business; (6) To allocate funds through the State Soil and Water Conservation Committee
to the soil and water conservation districts of the state for use by them in making cost-share
grants and approving technical assistance to eligible persons as provided herein; (7) To appoint,
employ, contract with, and provide for the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-251 Powers of coastal municipalities. (a) Any coastal municipality may do any
of the following: (1) Plan, establish, develop, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, regulate,
and protect beach projects, including, without limitation, joint beach projects with one or
more other coastal municipalities. (2) Finance the cost of beach projects in whole or in part
by the issuance of bonds, warrants, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness. (3) Pledge to
the payment thereof its full faith and credit and any taxes, licenses, or revenues which the
coastal municipality may then be authorized to pledge to the payment of bonded or other indebtedness.
(4) Make and enforce rules and regulations governing the use of and activities upon the areas
included within any beach project established by the coastal municipality with the concurrence
of the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, acting through
the Lands Division of the department. (5) Acquire or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-29 State horse wagering fee. No license tax, fee, or equivalent charge shall
be levied by the state against horse racing or pari-mutuel wagering thereon licensed and regulated
by a commission during a period beginning with April 5, 1984, and continuing until the fifth
anniversary of the date on which racing events shall first be conducted under the jurisdiction
of such commission. Beginning with such fifth anniversary of the date on which racing events
shall first be conducted under the jurisdiction of a commission, and continuing thereafter
for so long as such commission shall continue in existence, each horse racing operator licensed
by such commission shall pay to the Department of Revenue of the state (or such other department
or agency of the state as may be provided by law) a state horse wagering fee in an amount
equal to one percent of the horse racing handle of such operator. The state horse wagering
fee shall be paid in installments referable to the calendar... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-27-3 Authority of local governing bodies as waste collections and disposal; household
exemptions; state regulatory program. (a) Generally. (1) The county commission or municipal
governing body may, and is hereby authorized to, make available to the general public collection
and disposal facilities for solid wastes in a manner acceptable to the department. The county
commission or municipal governing body may provide such collection or disposal services by
contract with private or other controlling agencies and may include house-to-house service
or the placement of regularly serviced and controlled bulk refuse receptacles within reasonable
(generally less than eight miles) distance from the farthest affected household and the wastes
managed in a manner acceptable to the department. (2) Any county commission or municipal governing
body providing services to the public under this article shall have the power and authority
by resolution or ordinance to adopt rules and... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

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