Code of Alabama

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Section 7-9A-102 Definitions and index of definitions. (a) Article 9A definitions. In this
article: (1) "Accession" means goods that are physically united with other goods
in such a manner that the identity of the original goods is not lost. (2) "Account,"
except as used in "account for," means a right to payment of a monetary obligation,
whether or not earned by performance, (i) for property that has been or is to be sold, leased,
licensed, assigned, or otherwise disposed of, (ii) for services rendered or to be rendered,
(iii) for a policy of insurance issued or to be issued, (iv) for a secondary obligation incurred
or to be incurred, (v) for energy provided or to be provided, (vi) for the use or hire of
a vessel under a charter or other contract, (vii) arising out of the use of a credit or charge
card or information contained on or for use with the card, or (viii) as winnings in a lottery
or other game of chance operated or sponsored by a State, governmental unit of a State, or... - 29K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-2-9 Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources - Powers and duties as to
state parks, etc., generally. The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, acting
through the Division of Parks, shall have the following powers and authorities: (1) To acquire
in the name of the State of Alabama by purchase, lease, agreement, license, condemnation or
otherwise land deemed necessary or desirable to be preserved, improved, protected and maintained
as a part of the state park system and to accept in his discretion, in fee or otherwise, land
donated, entrusted, conveyed or devised to the state for like purposes and with like discretion
to accept gifts, contributions or bequests of money or other personal property of value to
be used or expended for the benefit of the state park system; (2) To contract and make cooperative
agreements with the federal government and with states, counties, municipalities, corporations,
associations or individuals for the purpose of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-80-15 Regulation of fertilizer. (a) A county commission or municipal governing body
may not adopt or continue in effect any ordinance, rule, or resolution regulating the registration,
packaging, labeling, sale, distribution, transportation, storage, or application of fertilizers.
The entire subject matter of the foregoing shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Department
of Agriculture and Industries. (b) For purposes of this section, the term fertilizer means
any substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients which is used for its plant
nutrient content and which is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant
growth, except unmanipulated animal and vegetable manures, marl, lime, limestone, wood ashes,
boiler ashes produced by the pulp and paper or the electric utility industry, and similar
products exempted by regulation of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries. (c) This
section shall not affect, supersede, or override any zoning... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-7B-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, except in those instances
where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) ADVISORY COUNCIL. A group of
13 voting members consisting of: Two representatives of the Department of Revenue, a representative
of the Department of Public Safety, and a representative of the Department of Insurance as
well as three insurance company representatives appointed by the Commissioner of Insurance,
a representative of the American Insurance Association, a representative of the National Association
of Mutual Insurance Companies, a representative of the Property and Casualty Insurers Association
of America, a representative of the Alabama Independent Agents Association, a representative
of the Alabama Probate Judges Association appointed by the president of the association, and
a representative of the Alabama Association of Tax... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-672 Definitions. When used in this division, the following terms shall have the
following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) ANCILLARY COSTS shall
mean the costs incurred in acquiring and constructing public improvements that benefit all
or any part of the projects including, without limitation, (i) improvements to streets, roads,
and bridges, (ii) improvements to water and sewer systems, gas and electric systems, and other
utilities providing services to any part of the projects, (iii) improvements to the police,
fire, and emergency rescue services provided to the companies by local governmental entities,
and (iv) improvements to transportation systems benefiting the companies, such as railroad
spur and switching facilities. (2) AUTHORITY shall mean the Alabama 21st Century Authority,
which is provided for pursuant to the Enabling Act. (3) BOEING shall mean the Boeing Company,
a corporation, or any affiliate thereof. (4) BONDS shall mean the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-31-141.11 Fire protection fee levied on dwellings and commercial buildings. (a)
The expenses of establishing and maintaining a district shall be paid for by the proceeds
of a fire protection fee which shall be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay
the expense. One percent of the fee shall be appropriated to fund the Geneva County office
of the Alabama Forestry Commission. One percent of the fee shall be appropriated to the Geneva
County Volunteer Firefighters Association. The fee shall be levied at a uniform rate upon
each dwelling and commercial building served by the system. The term commercial building shall
not apply to any utility distribution or transmission poles or towers or utility substations.
The fee shall be collected, administered, and enforced at the same time, in the same manner,
and under the same requirements and laws as are the ad valorem taxes of the state. The property
owner would be provided the same rights in this situation as he or she... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92A-1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) ARTICLES.
The articles of incorporation or articles of reincorporation of an authority. (2) AUTHORITY.
A public corporation incorporated and reincorporated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(3) AUTHORIZED OPERATIONAL AREA. The county or counties in which the authority has been or
is proposed to be authorized to operate, as designated in its articles of incorporation in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter. If an authority does not designate an authorized
operational area, then such authority's authorized operational area shall be deemed for all
purposes to be solely the county of incorporation of the authority. (4) BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
The board of directors of an authority. (5) BOND OR BONDS. A bond or bonds issued under the
provisions of this chapter. (6) COUNTY OF INCORPORATION. The county... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-271 Definitions. For the purposes of this division, unless otherwise indicated,
the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
(1) ADJACENT AREA. An area which is adjacent to and within 660 feet of the nearest edge of
the right-of-way of any interstate or primary highway, which 660 feet distance shall be measured
horizontally along a line normal or perpendicular to the centerline of the highway. (2) BUSINESS
AREA. Any part of an adjacent area which is zoned for business, industrial, or commercial
activities under the authority of any law of this state or not zoned, but which constitutes
an unzoned commercial or industrial area as defined in this section. (3) CENTERLINE OF THE
HIGHWAY. A line equidistant from the edges of the median separating the main-traveled ways
of a divided highway or the centerline of the main-traveled way of a nondivided highway. (4)

Section 38-14-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Human Resources. (2) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL or FAMILY
MEMBER. A person whose household income is equal to or less than 80 percent of the median
household income for the state or less than 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines,
whichever is greater. (3) EMERGENCY. Payments for necessary medical expenses of the account
owner or family member, expenses to avoid the eviction of the account owner from the account
owner's primary residence, and for necessary living expenses following a loss of income (4)
FIDUCIARY ORGANIZATION. Any nonprofit, fund-raising organization that is exempt from taxation
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended; any certified community
development financial institution; any credit union chartered under federal or state law;
or any Indian tribe as defined in Section 4(12) of the Native American... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) AMERICAN PYROTECHNICS
ASSOCIATION. An association of the fireworks industry promoting safety and regulatory compliance
in the design and use of legal fireworks. (2) ASSISTANT. A person who works under the supervision
of a pyrotechnic operator in accordance with NFPA 1123, NFPA 1126, and NFPA 160. (3) CO-LEAD.
A person who works under the supervision of a pyrotechnic operator in accordance with NFPA
1123, NFPA 1126, and NFPA 160 and is in training to become a pyrotechnic display operator
or pyrotechnic special effects operator, or both. (4) CONSUMER FIREWORKS. Small fireworks
devices containing restricted amounts of pyrotechnic composition designed primarily to produce
visible or audible effects by combustion that comply with the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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