Code of Alabama

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Section 28-3-54 Refund on overpayment or erroneous payment of taxes or licenses and of prepaid
taxes where loss sustained prior to sale at retail; petition. Where any licensee of the Alcoholic
Beverage Control Board in the payment of taxes or licenses which are paid directly to the
board, and where, by a mistake of fact or law, has paid an amount in excess of the amount
due or has made an erroneous payment, or where taxes have been prepaid to the board and the
alcoholic beverages upon which the tax has been prepaid is, prior to the sale of the same
at retail, lost or destroyed by fire, theft or casualty or is damaged by fire or other casualty
resulting in destruction of or damage to the beverages or beverage containers, the Comptroller
is authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of such licensee, and the Treasurer
is authorized to pay such warrant for the amount of such overpayment or erroneous payment
or prepayment of taxes or licenses. Provided, however, claims for... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-11-36 Receipts and disbursements. The executive director of the board shall receive
and account for all money derived under this chapter. All funds collected shall be deposited
with the State Treasurer. With the exception of the civil penalties deposited in the General
Fund as provided in Section 34-11-11.1, the State Treasurer shall keep the money in a separate
fund to be known as the "Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Fund."
The fund shall be kept separate and apart from all other money in the Treasury, and shall
be paid out only by warrant of the Comptroller upon the Treasurer, upon itemized vouchers,
approved by the executive director of the board. No funds shall be withdrawn or expended except
as budgeted and allotted according to Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41. Any funds or money
in the hands of the State Treasurer, known as the Professional Engineers and Professional
Land Surveyors Fund, at the end of the state fiscal year in excess of that... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-39-6 Board of Occupational Therapy established; composition; fund created. (a) There
is established the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy. (1) The board shall consist
of five members, four of whom shall be involved in the practice of occupational therapy, of
which one shall be an occupational therapy assistant. The remaining member shall be a member
of another health profession or a member of the public with an interest in the rights or the
concerns of health services. Each member of the board shall be a citizen of this state. The
occupational therapy board members shall be appointed by the Governor from a list submitted
by the Alabama Occupational Therapy Association. In appointing members to the board, the association
and the Governor, to the extent possible, shall select those persons whose appointments ensure
that the membership of the board is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic,
urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. Those board... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-65 Online database of state expenditures. (a) In this section, state entity shall
mean, the State of Alabama, a political subdivision, an agency, board, commission, or department
of the state, the State Board of Education, a public college or trade school, or a public
university, except that the term shall not mean a county, a municipal corporation, a county
board of education, a city board of education, or a professional licensure agency board that
is self-sustaining by its own revenues and fees. (b) The Comptroller shall establish and post
on the Internet a database of state expenditures, including contracts and grants, that are
electronically searchable by the public, except as provided by subsection (d). The database
shall include all of the following: (1) The amount, date, payor, and payee of expenditures.
(2) A listing of state expenditures by each of the following: a. The object of the expense
with links to the warrant or check register level. b. To the extent... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-1-243.08 Charge of State Department of Revenue; disposition of tax proceeds. The
State Department of Revenue shall charge the county, for collecting the taxes authorized to
be levied herein, the costs of the department in collecting the taxes; provided such charge
shall not, in any event, exceed five percent of the total amount of the taxes collected hereunder.
Such charge for collecting the taxes for the county may be deducted each month from the tax
proceeds collected before the amount of the proceeds due the county for that month is certified
as provided in this section. The commissioner shall pay into the State Treasury all taxes
collected under this subpart, as such taxes are received by the State Department of Revenue;
and on or before the first of each successive month (commencing with the month next succeeding
the month in which the department makes the first collection of any of the taxes authorized
to be levied hereunder) the commissioner shall certify to the state... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-10-244.08 Charge of State Department of Revenue: its disposition of tax proceeds.
The State Department of Revenue shall charge the county, for collecting the taxes authorized
to be levied herein, the costs of the department in collecting the taxes; provided such charge
shall not, in any event, exceed five percent of the total amount of the taxes collected hereunder.
Such charge for collecting the taxes for the county may be deducted each month from the tax
proceeds collected before the amount of the proceeds due the county for that month is certified
as provided in this section. The commissioner shall pay into the State Treasury all taxes
collected under this subpart, as such taxes are received by the State Department of Revenue;
and on or before the first of each successive month (commencing with the month next succeeding
the month in which the department makes the first collection of any of the taxes authorized
to be levied hereunder) the commissioner shall certify to the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-241.31 Charges for collection of taxes; tourism and convention promotion. The
State Department of Revenue shall charge Calhoun County for collecting the county taxes levied
such amount or percentage of total collections as may be agreed upon by the governing body
of the county, but such charge shall not in any event exceed 10 percent of the total amount
of special county taxes collected hereunder within the county. Such charge for collecting
the taxes for the county may be deducted each month from the taxes collected before certifying
the amount of the proceeds thereof due Calhoun County for that month. The State Commissioner
of Revenue shall pay into the State Treasury all taxes collected under this subpart, as such
taxes are received by the Department of Revenue; and on or before the first day of each successive
month (commencing with the month following the month in which the department makes the first
collections hereunder), the commissioner shall certify to the State... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-22-23 Grounds for revocation or suspension. Any of the following shall constitute
grounds for revocation of license or suspension of license for a definite period of time,
for a private or public reprimand, for probation, for the levying and collection of an administrative
fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation, for the institution of any
legal proceedings necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter: (1) Fraud, deceit,
dishonesty, or misrepresentation, whether knowingly or unknowingly, in the practice of optometry
or in obtaining any license, license certificate, annual registration certificate, or other
thing of value. (2) Incompetency. (3) Conviction of a felony or a misdemeanor which involves
moral turpitude. (4) Gross immorality. (5) Habitual drunkenness or addiction to the use of
morphine, cocaine, or other drugs having similar effect. (6) Insanity, as adjudged by a court
of competent jurisdiction. (7) Directly or indirectly employing,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-40-14 Athletic Trainers Fund created; expenditure of funds. There is hereby created
in the State Treasury a fund to be known as the Athletic Trainers Fund. All receipts of the
Alabama Athletic Trainers Board shall be deposited into this fund. The expenses incurred by
the Alabama Athletic Trainers Board in carrying out the provisions of this chapter shall be
paid out of the Athletic Trainers Fund by warrant of the Comptroller upon the Treasurer upon
itemized vouchers, approved by the chair of the board or his or her designee. The Alabama
Board of Athletic Trainers may make grants, and to otherwise arrange with qualified individuals,
institutions, or agencies to develop and promote athletic training programs and continuing
education programs for athletic trainers. No funds shall be withdrawn or expended except as
budgeted and allotted according to Sections 41-4-80 to 41-4-96 and Sections 41-19-1 to 41-19-12,
inclusive, and only in amounts as stipulated in the general... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-13-6 Mansion Fund. There is hereby created in the State Treasury a fund to be known
as the Mansion Fund. The purpose of said fund shall be to pay for all expenses incident to
the operation and maintenance of the official residence of the chief executive of the State
of Alabama, including all provisions, servants, upkeep and other items, and also all expenses
for public or official memorials, entertainment, travel and other items incident to his office
or authorized by him; except, that no part of said fund shall be used to pay the personal
household expenses of the Governor or any of the members of his immediate family. The money
appropriated to said Mansion Fund shall be subject to withdrawal and expenditure upon voucher
authorized, approved and certified by the Governor, upon which the Comptroller shall issue
his warrant. The expenditures from said Mansion Fund shall be limited to the amount appropriated
thereto by the Legislature and shall be budgeted and allotted... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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