Code of Alabama

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Section 40-26B-82 Effectiveness and cessation. (a) The assessment imposed under this article
shall not take effect or shall cease to be imposed and any moneys remaining in the Hospital
Assessment Account in the Alabama Medicaid Program Trust Fund shall be refunded to hospitals
in proportion to the amounts paid by them if any of the following occur: (1) Expenditures
for hospital inpatient and outpatient services paid for by the Alabama Medicaid Program for
fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022, are less than the amount paid during fiscal year 2017.
Reimbursement rates under this article for fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022, are less than
the rates approved by CMS in Sections 40-26B-79 and 40-26B-80. (2) The Medicaid Agency makes
changes in its rules that reduce hospital inpatient payment rates, outpatient payment rates,
or adjustment payments, including any cost settlement protocol, that were in effect on September
30, 2019. (3) The inpatient or outpatient hospital access payments required... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-5-44 Final settlements and payments by collectors. (a) On or before July 1 in each
year, the tax collector must make final settlement, under oath, with the Comptroller, of all
matters pertaining to the office of tax collector and pay over to the State Treasurer the
balance which may be found due from him or her for taxes with which he or she is chargeable
under the laws of the state, and at that time the tax collector must also account to the Comptroller
and pay over to the proper governmental authorities and any holder of a tax lien certificate
issued pursuant to Acts 1995, No. 95-408 all money received by the tax collector for the sale
of lands and other property which may have been sold for payment of taxes and also account
to the Comptroller for all lands bought by the state. The tax collector must also report under
oath to the Comptroller and pay over to the State Treasurer all escaped taxes assessed and
collected. For failure of any tax collector to make any of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

the Governor, except in cases where the awarding authority is a two-year or four-year college
or university governed by a board. The awarding authority or requisitioning agency shall have
the right to reject any bid if the price is deemed excessive or quality of product inferior.
Awards are final only after approval of the purchasing agent. (b)(1) The awarding authority
may award multiple purchase contracts resulting from a single invitation-to-bid where the
specifications of the items of personal property or services intended to be purchased
by a requisitioning agency or agencies are determined, in whole or in part, by technical compatibility
and operational requirements. In order to make multiple awards under this provision, the awarding
authority must include in the invitation-to-bid a notice that multiple awards may be made
and the specific technical compatibility or operational requirements necessitating multiple
awards. Multiple awards of purchase contracts with unique... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

against all persons having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the authority,
irrespective of whether the persons have actual notice thereof, from the time notice of the
mortgage, security interest, assignment, or pledge is filed for record (1) in the office of
the judge of probate in which the certificate of incorporation of the authority was filed
for record and (2) in the case of any mortgage or security interest covering any tangible
property, whether real, personal, or mixed, in the office of the judge of probate of
the county in which the property is or is to be located pursuant to any agreement made by
the authority with any person respecting the location and use of the property. The notice
shall contain a statement of the existence of such a mortgage, security interest, assignment,
or pledge, as the case may be, a description of the property, revenues, or contract rights
subject thereto and a description of the bonds secured thereby, all in terms... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-99B-11 Establishment and revision of rentals, licenses, rates, fees, and charges
for services or facilities rendered by district. Rates, fees, charges, rentals, and licenses
for services rendered by the district or facilities provided by the district from any of its
projects shall be so fixed and, from time to time, revised as at all times to provide funds
at least sufficient, taking into account other sources for the payment thereof, to: (1) Pay
the cost of operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, extending, and improving the project
or projects of the district. (2) Pay the principal of and the interest on all bonds issued
and obligations assumed by the district that are payable out of the revenues derived from
operation of the project or projects of the district as the said principal and interest become
due and payable. (3) Create and maintain such reserves for the foregoing purposes or any of
them as may be provided in any trust indenture executed by the district... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-17A-10 Indebtedness. (a) An authority from time to time may borrow money or incur
indebtedness and issue bonds, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness in such principal amounts
as the board determines by resolution to be necessary, desirable, and in the best interests
of the authority in order to provide funds to carry out its corporate powers. Indebtedness
may be incurred for any lawful purpose of the authority, including, without limitation, any
of the following: (1) Indebtedness to finance the acquisition or construction of health care
facilities. (2) Indebtedness to provide working capital or funds for operating expenses. (3)
Indebtedness to refund, extend, refinance, or restructure any indebtedness of the authority
or any indebtedness assumed or guaranteed by the authority. (b) Indebtedness may be any of
the following or any combination thereof: (1) A general obligation of the authority to the
payment of which its full faith and credit is pledged. (2) Payable solely... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-56 Contracts to do work - Qualification of bidders. (a) Prequalifications of contractors.
The Director of Transportation shall require all bidders to furnish a statement under oath,
on such forms as the State Department of Transportation may prescribe, of detailed information
with respect to their financial resources, equipment, past record, and experience of both
the firm and personnel of the organization, together with such other information as the State
Department of Transportation may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
Such forms shall include a financial statement actually prepared by a certified public accountant
(C.P.A.) or any independent licensed public accountant approved by the Alabama State Department
of Transportation, an inventory of equipment listing its location and book value, a listing
of material and equipment houses with whom a line of credit is established as well as those
firms from whom principal materials and equipment... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-50 Tax levied; collection and enforcement. (a) There is hereby levied, in addition
to all other taxes of every kind now imposed by law, and shall be collected, as herein provided,
a privilege or license tax against the person on account of the business activities engaged
in and in the amount to be determined by the application of rates against gross receipts,
as follows: Upon every person, firm or corporation engaged or continuing within this state
in the business of contracting to construct, reconstruct or build any public highway, road,
bridge, or street, an amount equal to five percent of the gross receipts derived from performance
of such contracts. The term "gross receipts" is herein defined to include only those
amounts derived and received by the contractor from the performance of such contracts. (b)
The proceeds of the taxes levied by this section, after deduction of the cost of administration
and collection of such taxes, shall be distributed as follows: (1)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-547 Bonds of the authority. (a) The authority is authorized from time to time
to sell and issue its bonds for the purpose of financing project costs pertaining to one or
more projects or for the purpose of providing funds to pay training facility management fees,
or any combination of the foregoing including, without limitation, in the case of authority
obligations issued for the purpose of providing funds to pay training facility management
fees, costs, expenses, and other items of the type described in paragraphs g., h., i., and
j. of the definition of project costs in Section 41-10-541 or to enter into guaranty agreements
wherein the authority guarantees payment, in whole or in part, of debt service referable to
obligations issued by development agencies for the purpose of financing project costs pertaining
to one or more projects; provided, however, that the principal amount of authority obligations
shall not exceed three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000). For... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-72 Procurement of professional services. Any other provision of law notwithstanding,
the procurement of professional services by any agency, department, board, bureau, commission,
authority, public corporation, or instrumentality of the State of Alabama shall be conducted
through the following selection process: (1)a. Except as otherwise provided herein, attorneys
retained to represent the state in litigation shall be appointed by the Attorney General in
consultation with the Governor from a listing of attorneys maintained by the Attorney General.
All attorneys interested in representing the State of Alabama may apply and shall be included
on the listing. The selection of the attorney or law firm shall be based upon the level of
skill, experience, and expertise required in the litigation and the fees charged by the attorney
or law firm shall be taken into consideration so that the State of Alabama receives the best
representation for the funds paid. Fees shall be... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

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