Code of Alabama

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Section 39-1-4 selection of surety company, etc.; approval of bonds, etc. (a) No officer
or employee of an awarding authority and no person acting or purporting to act on behalf of
such officer or employee of an awarding authority, except a public agency or authority created
pursuant to agreement or compact with another state, shall, with respect to any public works
contract, require the bidder to obtain or procure any surety bond or contract of insurance
specified in connection with such contract or specified by any law, ordinance, or regulation
from a particular surety company, insurance company, bonding company, agent, or broker. No
officer, employee, person, firm, or corporation acting or purporting to act on behalf of any
officer or employee of an awarding authority shall negotiate, make application, obtain, or
procure any surety bond or contract of insurance, except contracts of insurance for builder's
risk or owner's protective liability, which shall be obtained or procured by... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-8 Powers of the authority. In addition to other powers granted the authority
by this chapter, it shall have all powers consistent with the purposes of the authority as
set forth in Section 11-50A-3, which are necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate
the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including, but without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, the following enumerated powers, which shall be exercised by the authority
consistently with the provisions of Section 11-50A-3: (1) To sue and be sued and to
prosecute and defend in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties
thereto; (2) To adopt and alter a corporate seal; (3) To make and alter at pleasure all needful
bylaws, rules, and regulations for the transaction of its business and the control of its
property and affairs; (4) To have the same right of eminent domain through condemnation conferred
by Section 10-5-1, or any subsequent statute of similar import; provided... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-56 Contracts to do work - Qualification of bidders. (a) Prequalifications
of contractors. The Director of Transportation shall require all bidders to furnish a statement
under oath, on such forms as the State Department of Transportation may prescribe, of detailed
information with respect to their financial resources, equipment, past record, and experience
of both the firm and personnel of the organization, together with such other information as
the State Department of Transportation may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions
of this chapter. Such forms shall include a financial statement actually prepared by a certified
public accountant (C.P.A.) or any independent licensed public accountant approved by the Alabama
State Department of Transportation, an inventory of equipment listing its location and book
value, a listing of material and equipment houses with whom a line of credit is established
as well as those firms from whom principal materials and equipment... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-1-1 Bonds required of persons contracting for public works; commencement,
etc., of actions upon bond by persons supplying labor, etc., to contractor; offer to accept
judgment; notice of completion of project by contractor and final settlement; applicability.
(a) Any person entering into a contract with an awarding authority in this state for the prosecution
of any public works shall, before commencing the work, execute a performance bond, with penalty
equal to 100 percent of the amount of the contract price. In addition, another bond, payable
to the awarding authority letting the contract, shall be executed in an amount not less than
50 percent of the contract price, with the obligation that the contractor or contractors shall
promptly make payments to all persons supplying labor, materials, or supplies for or in the
prosecution of the work provided in the contract and for the payment of reasonable attorneys'
fees incurred by successful claimants or plaintiffs in civil... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-6 Award of contract; additional competitive bids; work done by force account;
availability of plans, etc.; use of convict labor; assignment of contract; agreements, etc.,
among bidders; advance disclosure; life cycle costs. (a) The contract shall be awarded to
the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, unless the awarding authority finds that all
the bids are unreasonable or that it is not to the interest of the awarding authority to accept
any of the bids. A responsible bidder is one who, among other qualities determined necessary
for performance, is competent, experienced, and financially able to perform the contract.
A responsive bidder is one who submits a bid that complies with the terms and conditions of
the invitation for bids. Minor irregularities in the bid shall not defeat responsiveness.
The bidder to whom the award is made shall be notified by telegram, confirmed facsimile, or
letter at the earliest possible date. If the successful bidder fails or refuses to... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-29-501 Definitions. (a) For the purposes of this article, the following words
and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) AUTHORITY. The public corporation organized
pursuant to the provisions of Sections 41-10-20 through 41-10-32. (2) AUTHORIZED PURPOSE.
Any one or more of the purposes for which grants are herein authorized to be made as specified
in Section 41-29-503(a). (3) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority.
(4) BOND. The bonds issued under the provisions of this article. (5) CAPITAL COSTS. All costs
and expenses incurred by one or more investing companies in connection with the acquisition,
construction, installation, and equipping of a qualifying project during the period commencing
with the date on which such acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping commences
and ending on the date on which the qualifying project is placed in service, including, without
limitation of all of the following: a. The costs of acquiring,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-12 Partial and final payments of contractors by awarding authorities. (a)
As used in this section the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them
as follows: (1) CONTRACTOR. Any natural person, partnership, company, firm, corporation, association,
limited liability company, cooperative, or other legal entity licensed by the Alabama State
Licensing Board for General Contractors. (2) NONRESIDENT CONTRACTOR. A contractor which is
neither a. organized and existing under the laws of the State of Alabama, nor b. maintains
its principal place of business in the State of Alabama. A nonresident contractor which has
maintained a permanent branch office within the State of Alabama for at least five continuous
years shall not thereafter be deemed to be a nonresident contractor so long as the contractor
continues to maintain a branch office within Alabama. (3) RETAINAGE. That money belonging
to the contractor which has been retained by the awarding authority conditioned on... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92C-9 Bonds of authority. (a) Source of payment. All bonds issued by an authority
shall be payable solely out of the revenues and receipts derived from the leasing or sale
by the board of its projects, or from any other source as may be designated in the proceedings
of the board under which the bonds are authorized to be issued. (b) Pledge of revenues, receipts,
and other security. The principal and interest on any bonds issued by an authority shall be
secured by a pledge of the revenues and receipts out of which the principal and interest may
be payable and may be secured by a mortgage and deed of trust or trust indenture conveying
as security for the bonds all or any part of the property of the authority from which the
revenues or receipts so pledged may be derived. (c) Resolutions. The resolution under which
the bonds of an authority are authorized to be issued and any mortgage and deed of trust or
trust indenture may contain any agreements and provisions respecting the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-9 Issuance of bonds; prerequisites; procedure; provisions; execution;
bond resolution covenants. (a) The authority shall, prior to the adoption by the board of
a resolution authorizing the issuance of any bonds, enter into one or more contracts with
two or more municipalities which are authorized to contract with the authority pursuant to
Section 11-50A-17. Any resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of bonds may
authorize those bonds to be issued in more than one series, and the issuance of each series
of bonds so authorized by that resolution need not be preceded by the entering into by the
authority of additional contracts pursuant to Section 11-50A-17. (b) The board may
by resolution or resolutions authorize the issuance of bonds. Unless otherwise provided therein,
the resolution or resolutions shall take effect immediately and need not be published or posted.
The board may authorize such types of bonds as it may determine, subject only to any agreement
with... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-672 Definitions. When used in this division, the following terms shall
have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) ANCILLARY
COSTS shall mean the costs incurred in acquiring and constructing public improvements that
benefit all or any part of the projects including, without limitation, (i) improvements to
streets, roads, and bridges, (ii) improvements to water and sewer systems, gas and electric
systems, and other utilities providing services to any part of the projects, (iii) improvements
to the police, fire, and emergency rescue services provided to the companies by local governmental
entities, and (iv) improvements to transportation systems benefiting the companies, such as
railroad spur and switching facilities. (2) AUTHORITY shall mean the Alabama 21st Century
Authority, which is provided for pursuant to the Enabling Act. (3) BOEING shall mean the Boeing
Company, a corporation, or any affiliate thereof. (4) BONDS shall mean the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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