Code of Alabama

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Section 41-23-213 Grant program; rulemaking authority; Alabama Broadband Accessibility Fund.
(a) The Director of ADECA may establish and administer the broadband accessibility grant program
for the purpose of promoting the deployment and adoption of broadband Internet access services
to unserved areas. By June 26, 2018, the director shall adopt rules and policies to administer
the program and begin to accept applications for grants, and shall adopt such rules as may
be necessary to meet the future needs of the grant program. (b) The program shall be administered
pursuant to policies developed by ADECA in compliance with this article. The policies shall
provide for the awarding of grants to non-governmental entities that are cooperatives, corporations,
limited liability companies, partnerships, or other private business entities that provide
broadband services. Nothing in this article shall expand the authority under state law of
any entity to provide broadband service. (c) There is... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-121.19 Dismissals, demotions, suspensions, and appeals. (a) An appointing authority
may dismiss or demote an employee holding permanent status for just cause whenever he or she
considers the good of the service will be served thereby, for reason stated in writing, served
on the affected employee, and a copy furnished to the director, which action shall become
a public record. The dismissed or demoted employee may within 10 days after notice, appeal
from the action of the appointing authority by filing with the board and the appointing authority
a written answer to the charges. The board shall order a public hearing of such charges. The
hearing shall be before a panel of three attorneys randomly selected by the presiding Judge
of Probate of Jefferson County from a list of attorneys who are licensed to practice law in
this state and who are otherwise qualified in the opinion of the judge of probate to hear
the appeal. The panel shall hear testimony offered in support and... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

an endorser or surety or in any manner an obligor for monies loaned to or borrowed from the
board. In the adjudication of claims against the fund, the records of the city director of
finance and subcustodian made and kept for the purpose of this subpart shall be deemed prima
facie, to speak the truth. (c) The board of managers shall have the sole and absolute discretion,
if the board deems it advisable to invest, reinvest, and have invested and reinvested all
funds of the system, real and personal, in the classes of bonds, mortgages, common
and preferred stocks, shares of investment companies or mutual funds, real estate investment
trusts, international equity, corporate fixed income, international fixed income, index funds,
and derivative securities, and investments recognized as alternative investments or other
investments as the board of managers may approve, subject to the limitations herein provided.
No money of the fund shall be invested, paid out, or disbursed except pursuant... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-1-6.31 Insurance and other arrangements. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision
of this article, an enterprise may purchase or procure or establish and maintain insurance
or another arrangement to indemnify or hold harmless an existing or former governing person,
delegate, officer, employee, or agent against any liability: (1) asserted against and incurred
by the person in that capacity; or (2) arising out of the person's status in that capacity.
(b) The insurance or other arrangement established under subsection (a) may insure or indemnify
against the liability described by subsection (a) without regard to whether the enterprise
otherwise would have had the power to indemnify the person against that liability under this
chapter. (c) Insurance or another arrangement that involves self-insurance or an agreement
to indemnify made with the enterprise or a person that is not regularly engaged in the business
of providing insurance coverage may provide for payment of a... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92B-12 Bonds of the authority. (a) Bonds of an authority shall be signed by the
chair or vice chair and attested to by the secretary or assistant secretary. The seal of an
authority shall be affixed thereto. A facsimile of the signature of the officers may be printed
or otherwise reproduced on any such bonds in lieu of being manually subscribed thereon, and
a facsimile of the seal of an authority may be printed or otherwise produced on any such bonds
in lieu of being manually affixed thereto, provided that the bonds have been manually authenticated
by a transfer agent of the bonds issued. Delivery of the bonds so executed shall be valid
notwithstanding any subsequent changes in officers or in the seal of an authority. (b) Bonds
may be executed and delivered by an authority at any time. The bonds shall be in such form
and denominations and of such tenor and maturities, shall bear such rate or rates of interest
or no interest, shall be payable at such times, and shall be... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

(5) To provide for the acquisition, construction, installation, equipping, operation and maintenance
of public health facilities, including the equipping and improvement of existing public health
facilities, and to vest title to such facilities or to cause or permit title to such facilities
to be vested in the authority, the State Board of Health or county board(s) of health, as
the directors shall determine; (6) To receive, take and hold by sale, gift, lease, devise
or otherwise, real and personal property of every description, and to manage the same;
(7) To acquire by purchase, gift, lease or the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or
by any other lawful means, any real, personal or mixed property, and to sell, exchange,
donate, transfer, or convey any or all of its properties, all as the authority shall determine
to be necessary or desirable for the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter; (8) To
borrow money and issue its bonds in evidence thereof subject to the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-50 Contracts for which competitive bidding required. (a) With the exception of
contracts for public works whose competitive bidding requirements are governed exclusively
by Title 39, all expenditure of funds of whatever nature for labor, services, work, or for
the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies, or other personal property involving
fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or more, and the lease of materials, equipment, supplies,
or other personal property where the lessee is, or becomes legally and contractually,
bound under the terms of the lease, to pay a total amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000)
or more, made by or on behalf of any state trade school, state junior college, state college,
or university under the supervision and control of the Alabama Community College System, the
Alabama Fire College, the district boards of education of independent school districts, the
county commissions, the governing bodies of the municipalities of the state, and the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-351 Commission may provide for insurance for properties and employees. (a) The
commission may provide insurance covering loss or damage to its properties or any properties
of others in its custody, care, or control or any properties as to which it has any insurable
interest caused by fire or other casualty and may likewise provide insurance for the payment
of damages on account of the injury or death of persons and the loss or destruction
of properties of others, and may pay the premiums out of the revenues of the commission. Nothing
in this section shall be construed to authorize or permit the institution of any civil action
or proceeding in any court against the commission for or on account of any matter referred
to in this section. Any contracts of insurance authorized by this section may, in the discretion
of the chair of the commission, provide for a direct right of action against the insurance
carrier for the enforcement of any claims or causes of action. (b) The... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-25-130 Qualifications; compensation; duties; employment of road supervisor. (a)
The DeKalb County Commission shall employ a county engineer, who shall be a thoroughly qualified
and competent, licensed professional civil engineer, possessing all of the qualifications
as specified for county engineers under the general laws of the State of Alabama. The engineer
shall reside within DeKalb County during his or her employment. (b) The county commission
shall fix the amount of the salary of the county engineer in an amount to be determined by
the county commission and as approved by the State Department of Transportation as appropriate
for experience, training, and education. The compensation shall be paid in equal monthly payments
from the county gasoline tax or road and highway funds as appropriate. (c) The employment
of the county engineer shall be made by contract to include all terms and requirements addressed
within this section and shall fully disclose all salaries, raises,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-56.30 Operation or leasing of parking facilities. (a) As used in this section,
the word person means a natural person, a corporation, a partnership, or unincorporated association.
(b) It is hereby declared to be the public policy of this state, with respect to each parking
facility, that upon an authority's acquiring a parking facility the authority shall carefully
consider and decide, whether it is in the public interest that the authority itself operate
such facility, enter into a contract with some person to operate such facility for the authority,
or lease such facility. Among the factors the authority shall consider in making such decision
are the following: (1) The relative efficiency of the alternate operations. (2) The relative
economy of the three alternate operations. (3) The overall advantage and benefit to the authority
and the public of the alternate operations. (c) In order to make the foregoing determination
the authority shall ascertain the following: The... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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