Code of Alabama

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Section 11-99A-6 Powers of a district. Any district shall have the following powers, in addition
to those stated elsewhere in this chapter: (1) To have perpetual existence, subject to termination
as herein provided. (2) To have and use a corporate seal, but the use of a corporate seal
on any document shall not be required for the validity of a document or the due execution
and delivery thereof. (3) To sue and to be sued and to be a party to suits, actions, and proceedings,
but subject to the limitations on liability and the immunity granted in this chapter. (4)
To enter into contracts and agreements affecting the affairs of the district, including contracts
with the United States of America and any other public person. (5) To borrow money and to
incur indebtedness and to evidence the same by bonds, all without an election. (6) To acquire
and dispose of land, real property, personal property, and interests therein of any nature.
(7) To acquire, construct, install, and operate... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-31 Treasurer; separate accounts; disposition of interest and penalties. (a) The
secretary shall designate an employee of the unemployment compensation agency as treasurer
of the fund who shall pay all vouchers or checks duly drawn upon the fund, in such manner
as the secretary may prescribe. The secretary shall also designate an employee of the unemployment
compensation agency as alternate treasurer who, in case of extended absence of the treasurer
shall, upon written notice from the secretary, perform all duties of the treasurer. The treasurer
shall maintain within the fund the following separate accounts: A clearing account; an unemployment
trust fund account; an unemployment benefit payment account; a fraud interest penalty account;
and such other account or accounts as may be necessary for the payment of any federal unemployment
benefits. All moneys payable to the fund, upon receipt thereof by the secretary, shall be
forwarded to the treasurer who shall immediately... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-8A-410 Escrow of deposits. (a) As used in this section, except as otherwise provided,
the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) HARD COSTS. Any and all costs associated
with the actual building and construction of the condominium project, including, but not limited
to, site preparation, building materials, shell features, interior enclosures, fit-out costs,
mechanical and electrical systems, and fixtures. The term hard costs does not include financing
costs, compensation paid to architects, engineers, consultants, sales persons, or attorneys
or for advertising or other marketing costs. (2) QUALIFIED PURCHASER. a. An individual, a
group of individuals, or an entity owned directly or indirectly solely by individuals where
each individual shall have an income of more than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000)
for the calendar year immediately preceding the date of the purchaser's signing of the purchase
contract, or a joint income with his or her spouse of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-323 Purpose; employees; compensation and benefits; payment of expenses; implementation;
additional duties of director. (a) The Office of Indigent Defense Services is established
to carry out the administrative duties relating to the provision of indigent defense services.
The director shall use existing employees of the Department of Finance and its existing offices,
as assigned by the Director of Finance. The director's salary shall not exceed the state salary
paid to a district attorney and be paid at the same time and in the same manner that salaries
of other state employees are paid. The Director of the Office of Indigent Defense Services
shall be entitled to annual and sick leave, insurance, retirement, and other state employee
benefits, including cost-of-living raises authorized by the Legislature for state employees.
(b) The director may enter into contracts, and accept funds, grants, and charitable donations
from any public or private source to pay expenses... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-18-4 License - Required; exemptions; penalties for violation of section. (a) License
required. No person shall engage in the business of lending in amounts of less than one thousand
five hundred dollars ($1,500) and contract for, exact or receive, directly or indirectly,
on or in connection with any such loan, any charges whether for interest, insurance, compensation,
consideration, or expense, which in the aggregate are greater than the interest that the lender
would be permitted by law to charge for a loan of money if he or she were not a licensee under
this chapter, except as provided in and authorized by this chapter and without first having
obtained a license from the supervisor. For the purpose of this section, a loan shall be deemed
to be in the amount of less than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) if the net amount
or value advanced to or on behalf of the borrower, after deducting all payments for interest,
expenses, and charges of any nature taken... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-88-7.1 Additional powers. (a) Any authority organized or operating pursuant to Chapter
88 of Title 11 shall, in addition to all other powers now or hereafter granted by law, have
the following powers and rights: (1) To borrow money for temporary use for any of its corporate
purposes and, in evidence of such borrowing, to issue from time to time revenue bonds or notes
maturing not later than 36 months from the date of issuance. Any such temporary borrowing
may be made in anticipation of the sale and issuance of long-term revenue bonds, and in such
event, the principal proceeds from the sale of such long-term revenue bonds shall, to the
extent necessary, be used for payment of the principal of and the interest on the temporary
revenue bonds or notes issued in anticipation of the sale and issuance of such long-term revenue
bonds. Any such temporary borrowing may also be made with respect to a project simultaneously
with or after the sale and issuance of long-term revenue bonds... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30F-3 Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter,
shall have the following respective meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) AUTHORITY. The corporation organized pursuant to this chapter as a public corporation,
agency, and instrumentality of the state and known as the "Alabama Land Recycling Finance
Authority." (2) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution, order, or other proceedings adopted
by the board of directors of the authority authorizing the issuance of agreements and related
matters. (3) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority. (4) DEPARTMENT.
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management or any successor. (5) ELIGIBLE PROPERTY.
Property which qualifies under Section 22-30E-6 for participation in the voluntary cleanup
program established pursuant to Chapter 30E of this title, and which is owned and operated
by an applicant or applicants which qualifies for the limitation of liability as... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-61 Definitions. The following terms, wherever used or referred to in this article
shall have the following respective meaning, unless a different meaning clearly appears from
the context: (1) AUTHORITY or HOUSING AUTHORITY. A public body organized as a body corporate
and politic in accordance with the provisions of this article for the purposes, with the powers
and subject to the restrictions set forth in this article. (2) COUNTY. All of the county except
that portion which lies within the territorial boundaries of any city or incorporated town.
(3) COUNTY COMMISSION. The governing body of any county. (4) HOUSING COMMISSIONER. One of
the members of an authority appointed in accordance with the provisions of this article. (5)
GOVERNMENT. Such term shall include the state and federal governments and any subdivision,
agency, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of either of them. (6) STATE. The State
of Alabama. (7) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Such term shall include the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-60-2 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. The State of Alabama hereby
agrees to the following interstate compact known as the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation
Compact: ARTICLE I. PURPOSES. The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint and
cooperative action among the compacting states: 1. To promote and protect the interest of
consumers of individual and group annuity, life insurance, disability income, and long-term
care insurance products; 2. To develop uniform standards for insurance products covered under
the compact; 3. To establish a central clearinghouse to receive and provide prompt review
of insurance products covered under the compact and, in certain cases, advertisements related
thereto, submitted by insurers authorized to do business in one or more compacting states;
4. To give appropriate regulatory approval to those product filings and advertisements satisfying
the applicable uniform standard; 5. To improve coordination of... - 45K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-9-24 Broker's licenses; bond or other security required of brokers; powers of commission
as to brokers' accounts, reports and records. (a) No person shall, for compensation, sell
or offer for sale transportation subject to this chapter or shall make any contract, agreement
or arrangement to provide, procure, furnish or arrange for such transportation or shall hold
himself or itself out by advertisement, solicitation or otherwise as one who sells, provides,
procures, contracts or arranges for such transportation, unless such person holds a brokers
license issued by the commission to engage in such transaction; provided, that no such person
shall engage in transportation subject to this chapter unless he or it holds a certificate
or permit as provided in this chapter. In the execution of any contract, agreement or arrangement
to sell, provide, procure, furnish or arrange for such transportation, it shall be unlawful
for such person to employ any air carrier who, or which, is... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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