Code of Alabama

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Section 23-8-6 Approved contractors and suppliers; bidding. (a) All county and municipal projects
let to contract shall utilize contractors and material suppliers listed on the ALDOT's list
of approved contractors and suppliers. ALDOT's list of approved contractors and material suppliers
shall include the ALDOT's Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise List. Beginning October
1, 2020, and October 1 of every other year, each county and municipality shall provide a list
of all contractors who have been awarded projects under this section to the President Pro
Tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and the Chair of the Joint Transportation
Committee. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no bidding shall be required
by the county for asphalt or other road construction or repair materials if the county has
an annual contract for providing such materials. (b) For all municipal projects, the appropriate
plans and bid opening date shall be published in electronic... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-2-83 Disposal of vehicles. (a) Any other provisions to the law contrary notwithstanding,
the Secretary of the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency shall be responsible for the disposal
of any agency vehicles or property. Such vehicles or property shall be sold by the Secretary
or his or her designee either at public auction or by a negotiated sale by the Alabama State
Law Enforcement Agency to any other state department or agency. The Alabama State Law Enforcement
Agency may sell vehicles and property under this subsection to any county or municipal law
enforcement agency or any county or municipal entity. Any state department or agency may negotiate
for the purchase of the vehicle or property for their use in compliance with state law. (b)
Every proposal to make a sale at public auction shall be advertised for at least two weeks
in advance of the date fixed for the auction. Such advertisement shall appear at least once
a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-350 Transportation of motor fuel; inspections. (a) Each person operating a refinery
or terminal in Alabama shall prepare and provide to the driver of every highway vehicle receiving
motor fuel at the facility a shipping document setting out on its face the destination state
as represented to the terminal operator by the shipper or the shipper's agent. Failure to
comply with this subsection may result in a department imposed penalty of not less than five
hundred dollars ($500) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), to be multiplied by the
sum of the current violation plus prior violations of this subsection. (b) Every person transporting
motor fuel in Alabama in a highway vehicle other than in its supply tank shall carry on board
a shipping document issued by the facility where the motor fuel was obtained. The shipping
document shall set out on its face the state of destination of the motor fuel transported
in the highway vehicle. Violation of this subsection... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-360 Disposition of aviation fuel proceeds. The revenue, less the cost of collection,
obtained from the tax levied in subdivision (3) of subsection (a) of Section 40-17-325 shall
be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the Department of Transportation and be used
exclusively for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring, engineering, construction, improvement,
and maintenance of existing or proposed airports and other air navigation facilities within
the state, for the payment of the salaries of all employees who have been transferred from
the Alabama Department of Aeronautics to the Department of Transportation under Article 12
of Chapter 1 of Title 23, and for the payment of administrative expenses incurred by the Department
of Transportation in performing aeronautical activities and for the further purpose of creating
a sinking fund for the payment of the interest and retirement of the principal of all bonds
which may be hereafter lawfully issued, sold, and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-27-9 Registration, application, and fees; registration powers of commissioner; appeal
and review. (a) Every pesticide or device which is distributed, sold, or offered for sale
within this state or delivered for transportation or transported in intrastate commerce or
between points within this state through any point outside this state shall be registered
with the commissioner upon application forms prescribed and furnished by the commissioner,
and such registration or registrations shall be renewed during the registrant's renewal year,
due January 1 of the renewal year. The applicant shall pay a biennial registration fee established
by the Board of Agriculture and Industries not to exceed six hundred dollars ($600). The fee
shall be paid according to the schedule in subsection (i). The fee shall accompany the application
for registration and be deposited to the credit of the Agricultural Fund of the State Treasury
for the exclusive benefit of the Pesticide Management Division... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-14E-1 Definitions. The following terms as used in this section shall have the following
meanings: (1) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. (2) GOVERNOR.
The Governor of the State of Alabama. (3) GROUND LEASE. A lease of the project site which
shall provide for the rights and responsibilities of the state and any other person which
is a party thereto. (4) GULF STATE PARK. The real property comprising approximately 6,150
acres, and any future additions thereto, including facilities and fixtures located thereon
and appurtenances thereto, owned and managed by the state and the department in south Baldwin
County, Alabama. (5) GULF STATE PARK PROJECT COMMITTEE. The committee established pursuant
to subsection (d) of Section 9-14E-5. (6) PARTY TO AN EXECUTED PROJECT AGREEMENT. The state
or any person who is a party to and is obligated to the state under a project agreement, or
any part thereof. (7) PERSON. Any private person or any public person. (8)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-8-7 Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program-II Committee.
(a) There is hereby created the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program-II
(ATRIP-II) Committee. The appointing authorities shall coordinate their appointments to assure
the committee membership is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic, urban,
rural, and economic diversity of the state. All members of the ATRIP-II Committee shall be
appointed within 30 days after March 12, 2019, and shall serve until a successor is named.
Members of the ATRIP-II Committee shall consist of: (1) The Director of the State Department
of Transportation who shall serve as Chair of the ATRIP-II Committee. (2) The Lieutenant Governor
or his or her designee. (3) One member appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(4) One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (5) Four members
appointed by the Governor, at least one of whom shall be a... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-4 Filing of guaranties by bidders; prequalification procedures and criteria; responsibility
of prequalified bidders; revocation of prequalification; rejection of bidder. (a) The bidder
shall be required to file with his or her bid either a cashier's check drawn on an Alabama
bank or a bid bond executed by a surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such
bonds in the State of Alabama, payable to the awarding authority for an amount not less than
five percent of the awarding authority's estimated cost or of the contractor's bid, but in
no event more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), except if the awarding authority is the
Department of Transportation, then the bid guarantee shall not be more than fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000). The bid guaranties as provided in this section shall constitute all of
the qualifications or guaranty to be required of contractors as prerequisites to bidding for
public works, except as required by the State Licensing Board for... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-7-22 Powers generally; consent of Department of Finance required for issuance or
sale of bonds or other evidence of indebtedness by authority. (a) Subject only to the Constitution
of the State of Alabama, each authority incorporated under this chapter shall have power:
(1) To sue and be sued; (2) To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure; (3) To acquire,
by purchase, gift, devise, lease or exercise of the power of eminent domain or other mode
of acquisition, hold and dispose of property real and personal, tangible and intangible, and
interests therein in its own name, subject to mortgages or other liens or otherwise, and to
pay therefor in cash or on credit and to secure and procure payment of all or any part of
the purchase price thereof on such terms and conditions as it shall determine; (4) To make
and enter into contracts, indentures of trust, leases and bonds; (5) To borrow money and to
issue negotiable bonds and provide for the rights of the holders thereof; (6) To... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-171 Levy; amount; certificates of exemption. Every distributor, manufacturer,
retail dealer, or storer of lubricating oil, as herein defined, shall pay an excise tax of
$.02 per gallon upon the selling, distributing, or withdrawing from storage in this state
for any use lubricating oil as herein defined; provided, that this excise tax shall neither
be levied upon the sale of lubricating oil in interstate commerce nor upon any sale of lubricating
oil destined for out-of-state use which is transacted in a manner whereby an out-of-state
purchaser takes delivery of such oil at a distributor's plant within this state and transports
it out-of-state; and provided further that this excise tax shall not be levied on lubricating
oil sold to city and county governing bodies, city and county boards of education, the Alabama
Institute for Deaf and Blind, the Department of Youth Services school district, and private
and church schools as defined in Section 16-28-1, and which offer... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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