Code of Alabama

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Section 12-15-140 Content of order; order may set forth reasonable conditions of behavior
for parents, persons responsible for care; enumeration of certain specific requirements which
may be included in order. (a) The protection or restraint order may set forth reasonable conditions
of behavior to be observed by a person who is a parent, legal guardian, legal custodian, or
other person legally responsible for the care of the child subject to a juvenile court proceeding,
or the spouse of the parent, or spouse of any other person legally responsible for the care
of the child, or relatives of any of the above, or residents of the home of the child, or
any other person. (b) The protection or restraint order, among other things, may require any
person or persons to do any of the following: (1) Stay away from the home in which the child
subject to a juvenile court proceeding resides, the family or the child. (2) Vacate the home
in which the child subject to a juvenile court proceeding... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-128 Authority and criteria for continuation of detention or shelter care
of children taken into custody beyond 72 hours. (a) An allegedly delinquent child, dependent
child, or child in need of supervision lawfully taken into custody shall immediately be released,
upon the ascertainment of the necessary facts, to the care, custody, and control of the parent,
legal guardian, or legal custodian of the child or other suitable person able to provide supervision
and care for the child, unless the juvenile court or juvenile court intake officer, subject
to the limitations in Section 12-15-208, finds any of the following: (1) The child
has no parent, legal guardian, legal custodian, or other suitable person able to provide supervision
and care for the child. (2) The release of the child would present a clear and substantial
threat of a serious nature to the person or property of others and where the child is alleged
to be delinquent. (3) The release of the child would present a... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-127 Release, delivery to detention or shelter care facility, medical facility
of children taken into custody generally. (a) A person taking a child into custody without
an order of the juvenile court shall, with all possible speed, and in accordance with this
chapter and the rules of court pursuant thereto: (1) Release the child to the parents, legal
guardian, or legal custodian of the child or other suitable person able to provide supervision
and care for the child and issue verbal counsel and warning as may be appropriate. (2) Release
the child to the parents, legal guardian, or legal custodian of the child upon his or her
promise to bring the child before the juvenile court when requested, unless the placement
of the child in detention or shelter care appears required. If a parent, legal guardian, or
other legal custodian fails, when requested, to bring the child before the juvenile court
as provided in this section, the juvenile court may issue an order directing that... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-102 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases
have the following meanings: (1) ADULT. An individual 19 years of age or older. (2) AFTERCARE.
Conditions and supervision as the juvenile court orders after release from the Department
of Youth Services. (3) CHILD. An individual under the age of 18 years, or under 21 years of
age and before the juvenile court for a delinquency matter arising before that individual's
18th birthday, or under 19 years of age and before the juvenile court for a child in need
of supervision matter or commitment to the State Department of Mental Health or under 19 years
of age and before the juvenile court for a proceeding initiated under Section 12-15-115(b)(2).
Where a delinquency petition alleges that an individual, prior to the individual's 18th birthday,
has committed an offense for which there is no statute of limitation pursuant to Section
15-3-5, the term child also shall include the individual subject to the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-215 Disposition of delinquent children or children in need of supervision
generally. (a) If the juvenile court finds on proof beyond a reasonable doubt, based upon
competent, material, and relevant evidence, that a child committed the acts by reason of which
the child is alleged to be delinquent or in need of supervision, it may proceed immediately
to hear evidence as to whether the child is in need of care or rehabilitation and to file
its findings thereon. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, a finding that the child
has committed an act which constitutes a felony is sufficient to sustain a finding that the
child is in need of care or rehabilitation. If the juvenile court finds that the child is
not in need of care or rehabilitation, it shall dismiss the proceedings and discharge the
child from any detention or other temporary care theretofore ordered. If the juvenile court
finds that the child is in need of care or rehabilitation, it may make any of the... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-12-4 Individualized service plan. (a) The department shall determine whether
the person is able to care effectively for the foster child by the following methods: (1)
Reviewing personal and professional references. (2) Observing during a home visit of the kinship
foster parent with household members. (3) Interviewing the kinship foster parent. (b) The
department and the kinship foster parent shall develop an individualized service plan for
the foster care of the child. The plan shall be periodically reviewed and updated. If the
plan includes the use of an approved daycare center or family daycare home, the department
shall pay for child care arrangements, according to established rates. (c) The kinship foster
parent shall cooperate with any activities specified in the individualized service plan for
the foster child, such as counseling, therapy, court sessions, or visits with the foster child's
parents or other family members. (d) Whether appointed kinship guardian by the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-209 Children to be released when full-time detention or shelter care not
required; conditions imposed upon release; amendment of conditions or return of child to custody
upon failure to conform to conditions imposed. (a) When the juvenile court finds that full-time
detention or shelter care of a child is not required, the juvenile court shall order the release
of the child, and in so doing, may impose one or more of the following conditions: (1) Place
the child in the custody of a parent, legal guardian, legal custodian, or any other person
whom the juvenile court deems proper, or place the child with a department, agency, or organization
agreeing to supervise the child. (2) Place restrictions on the travel, association, or place
of abode of the child during the period of his or her release, or place the child under electronic
or telephone monitoring, if available. (3) Impose any other condition deemed reasonably necessary
and consistent with the criteria for detaining... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-15-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE. A substance intended to be used as a precursor
in the manufacture of a controlled substance, or any other chemical intended to be used in
the manufacture of a controlled substance. Intent under this subdivision may be demonstrated
by the substance's use, quantity, manner of storage, or proximity to other precursors, or
to manufacturing equipment. (2) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. Controlled substance as defined in subdivision
(4) of Section 20-2-2. (3) DRUG PARAPHERNALIA. Drug paraphernalia as defined in Section
13A-12-260. (4) RESPONSIBLE PERSON. A child's natural parent, stepparent, adoptive parent,
legal guardian, custodian, or any other person who has the permanent or temporary care or
custody or responsibility for the supervision of a child. (5) SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. Serious
physical injury as defined in Section 13A-1-2. (Acts 1977, No. 502, p. 658, ยง2;... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-125 Taking into custody of children generally. (a) A child or minor may
be taken into custody for any of the following reasons: (1) Pursuant to an order of the juvenile
court. (2) By a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe that the child
or minor has run away from a juvenile detention, residential, shelter, or other care facility.
(3) By a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe that the child or minor
is suffering from an illness or injury or is in immediate danger from the surroundings of
the child or minor and that the immediate removal of the child or minor from those surroundings
is necessary for the protection of the health and safety of the child or minor. (b) In addition
to the grounds listed in subsection (a), a child may also be taken into custody for any of
the following reasons: (1) By a law enforcement officer for an alleged delinquent act pursuant
to the laws of arrest; (2) By a law enforcement officer who has... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-207 Filing of petition and conduct of hearing as to necessity for continuation
of detention or shelter care of a child; violation of probation and aftercare. (a) When a
child is not released from detention or shelter care as provided in Section 12-15-127,
a petition shall be filed and a hearing held within 72 hours of placement in detention or
shelter care, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays included, to determine probable cause and to
determine whether or not continued detention or shelter care is required. (b) Notice of the
detention or shelter care hearing, either verbal or written, stating the date, time, place,
and purpose of the hearing and the right to counsel shall be given by a juvenile probation
officer to the parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian if they can be found and to the
child if the child is over 12 years of age . (c) At the commencement of the detention or shelter
care hearing, the juvenile court shall advise the parent, legal guardian, legal... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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