Code of Alabama

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Section 38-12A-2 Enumeration of rights. The Department of Human Resources shall ensure
that each foster parent shall have all of the following rights: (1) The right to be treated
with dignity, respect, trust, value, and consideration as a primary provider of foster care
and a member of the professional team caring for foster children. (2) The right to receive
information concerning the rights enumerated in this section. (3) The right to a concise
written explanation of their role as foster parents in partnership with children and their
families, the department, and other providers, the role of the department, and the rights
and role of the members of the birth family of a child in foster care. (4) The right to training
and support for the purpose of improving skills in providing daily care and meeting the needs
of the child in foster care. (5) The right to training, consultation, and assistance in evaluating,
identifying, and accessing services to meet their needs related to their role... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-2-6 Duties, powers, and responsibilities of state department. The aim of
the state department shall be the promotion of a unified development of welfare activities
and agencies of the state and of the local governments so that each agency and each governmental
institution shall function as an integral part of a general system. In order to carry out
effectively these aims, it shall be the duty and responsibility of the state department to:
(1) Administer or supervise all forms of public assistance including general home relief,
outdoor and indoor care for persons in need of assistance, also including those duties that
have to do primarily with the determination of need and authorization of relief. (2) Exercise
all the powers, duties, and responsibilities previously vested by law in the State Child Welfare
Department. (3) Provide services to county or municipal governments including the organization
and supervision of counties for the effective carrying out of welfare... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-13-2 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words shall have
the following meanings: (1) ADULT. An individual 19 years of age and older. (2) ADULT CARE
FACILITY. A person or entity holding a Department of Human Resources license or approval or
certification to provide care, including foster care, for adults. (3) APPLICANT. A person
or entity who submits an application for license as a child care or adult care facility to
the Department of Human Resources or a child placing agency, or an application for employment
or for a volunteer position to a Department of Human Resources licensed child care or adult
care facility. With regard to child care and adult care facilities in a home setting, the
term includes an adult household member whose residence is in the home. The term also includes
an individual who submits an application for a volunteer position or for employment with the
Department of Human Resources in a position in which the person has unsupervised... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-2-105 Coordination council - Composition; meetings; duties. (a) The committee
shall convene a council composed of the chair of the committee or his or her designee and
the commissioner or the commissioner's designee of each department of state government that
administers services to children, youth, and their families, including, but not limited to,
the Department of Education, the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Mental Health,
the Department of Public Health, the Medicaid Agency, the Department of Youth Services, the
Department of Rehabilitation Services, one member from the Alabama Association of County Directors
of Human Resources appointed by that organization, one member from the Alabama Residential
Child Care Association appointed by that organization, two members from the Alabama Foster
Parent Association appointed by that organization, one member from the Juvenile Court Judges
Association appointed by that organization, one guardian ad litem... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-13-4 Mandatory criminal history check notice; suitability determinations;
checks on subsequent activity. (a) Every employer, child care facility, adult care facility,
the Department of Human Resources, and child placing agency required to obtain a criminal
history background information check pursuant to this chapter shall obtain, prior to or upon
the date of employment, or issuance of a license or approval or renewal thereof, and maintain
in the agency or personnel file, a request with written consent for the criminal history background
information check and a statement signed by the applicant, volunteer, or employee indicating
whether he or she has ever been convicted of a crime, and if so, fully disclosing all convictions.
The statement shall include a notice and questionnaire the same as or similar to the following:
(1) MANDATORY CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK NOTICE: Alabama law requires that a criminal history
background information check be conducted on all persons who hold a... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-44B-1 Compact. ARTICLE I PURPOSE It is the purpose of this compact to remove
barriers to education success imposed on children of military families because of frequent
moves and deployment of their parents by: A. Facilitating the timely enrollment of children
of military families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty
in the transfer of education records from the previous school district(s) or variations in
entrance/age requirements. B. Facilitating the student placement process through which children
of military families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling,
sequencing, grading, course content or assessment. C. Facilitating the qualification and eligibility
for enrollment, educational programs, and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic,
and social activities. D. Facilitating the on-time graduation of children of military families.
E. Providing for the promulgation and enforcement of... - 46K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-1-4 Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency to provide criminal conviction information
on applicants for positions involving child care and treatment; such information to be confidential;
applicant to be denied status if has felony conviction; children may be removed from home.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, upon request to the Alabama
State Law Enforcement Agency, by the Department of Human Resources, or by any other youth
service agency approved by the department, such center shall provide information to the department
or an approved agency concerning the felony criminal conviction record in this or another
state of an applicant for a paid or voluntary position, including one established by contract,
whose primary duty is the care or treatment of children, including applicants for adoption
or foster parents. All information, including any criminal conviction record, procured by
the department or an approved agency shall be confidential and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-301 Definitions. For purposes of this article, the following words and
phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) ABANDONMENT. A voluntary and intentional relinquishment
of the custody of a child by a parent, or a withholding from the child, without good cause
or excuse, by the parent, of his or her presence, care, love, protection, maintenance, or
the opportunity for the display of filial affection, or the failure to claim the rights of
a parent, or failure to perform the duties of a parent. (2) AGE APPROPRIATE or DEVELOPMENTALLY
APPROPRIATE. Activities or items that are generally accepted as suitable for children of the
same chronological age or level of maturity or that are determined to be developmentally appropriate
for a child based on the development of cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral capacities
that are typical for an age or age group and, in the case of a specific child, activities
or items that are suitable for the child based on the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-5-222 Requirements for child passenger restraints. (a) Every person transporting
a child in a motor vehicle operated on the roadways, streets, or highways of this state, shall
provide for the protection of the child by properly using an aftermarket or integrated child
passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards and the
requirements of subsection (b). This section shall not be interpreted to release in
part or in whole the responsibility of an automobile manufacturer to insure the safety of
children to a level at least equivalent to existing federal safety standards for adults. In
no event shall failure to wear a child passenger restraint system be considered as contributory
negligence. The term "motor vehicle" as used in this section shall include
a passenger car, pickup truck, van (seating capacity of 10 or less), minivan, or sports utility
vehicle. (b) The size appropriate restraint system required for a child in subsection (a)
must... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-13-3 Criminal history background information check required for certain individuals;
exemptions. (a) On November 1, 2000, every employer, child care facility, adult care facility,
the Department of Human Resources, and child placing agency shall request the Alabama State
Law Enforcement Agency to conduct a criminal history background information check for the
following: (1) An employment applicant, employee or volunteer of an employer, child care facility,
adult care facility, or child placing agency. (2) A current foster parent for a child or adult
or adult household member of a foster family or applicant and an adult household member of
a foster family seeking approval to operate as a foster parent or foster family home for a
child placing agency or the Department of Human Resources. Unless otherwise provided in this
chapter, no criminal history background information check shall be conducted on a current
foster parent or household member of a foster family if a Federal... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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