Code of Alabama

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Section 9-17-26 Tax for expenses of administration and enforcement of article - Records, returns
and remittances of producers; determination of gross value at point of production; rules and
regulations. (a) It shall be the duty of every person producing or in charge of production
of crude petroleum or natural gas from any well or wells in the State of Alabama for sale,
transport, storage, profit or for use to keep and preserve such records of the amount of all
such crude petroleum oil or natural gas produced for sale, transport, storage, profit or for
use as may be necessary to determine the amount of the tax for which he is liable under the
provisions of Section 9-17-25 and Section 9-17-35. (b) It shall be the further duty of every
such person to file with the Department of Revenue, not later than the fifteenth day of the
second calendar month following the month of production, a return, subscribed by the person
who completes such return, which must contain a printed declaration that... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-32-7 Powers of authority. (a) The authority shall exercise powers and duties necessary
to the discharge of its powers and duties in corporate form as follows: (1) Have succession
by its corporate name in perpetuity subject to Section 11-32-20. (2) Sue and be sued in its
own name in civil suits and actions and defend suits against it. (3) Adopt and make use of
a corporate seal and alter the same at its pleasure. (4) Adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation
and conduct of its affairs and business. (5) Acquire, receive, take, by purchase, gift, lease,
devise, or otherwise, and hold property of every description, real, personal, or mixed, whether
located in one or more counties or municipalities and whether located within or outside the
authorizing county. (6) Make, enter into, and execute contracts, agreements, leases, and other
instruments and take other actions as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish any purpose
for which the authority was organized, or exercise any... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-90 Municipal business licenses; branch offices; application. (a) All municipalities
shall have the following powers: (1) To license any exhibition, trade, business, vocation,
occupation, or profession not prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the state which may
be engaged in or carried on in the municipality. (2) To fix the amount of licenses, the time
for which they are to run, not exceeding one license year, to provide a penalty for doing
business without a license, and to charge a fee not exceeding ten dollars ($10) for issuing
each license. The issuance fee shall be increased every five license years by the Department
of Revenue by an amount equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the U.S. Department of
Labor's Producer Price Index during that five-year period, rounded to the nearest dollar,
with the base year being 2006. The Department of Revenue shall notify all municipalities and
the Alabama League of Municipalities of any such fee increase no later than... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-521 Definitions. In this compact, the following terms have the following meanings:
(a) BYLAWS. Those bylaws established by the interstate commission pursuant to Section 34-24-530
for its governance, or for directing and controlling its actions and conduct. (b) COMMISSIONER.
The voting representative appointed by each member board pursuant to Section 34-24-530. (c)
CONVICTION. A finding by a court that an individual is guilty of a criminal offense through
adjudication, or entry of a plea of guilty or no contest to the charge by the offender. Evidence
of an entry of a conviction of a criminal offense by the court shall be considered final for
purposes of disciplinary action by a member board. (d) EXPEDITED LICENSE. A full and unrestricted
medical license granted by a member state to an eligible physician through the process set
forth in the compact. (e) INTERSTATE COMMISSION. The interstate commission created pursuant
to Section 34-24-530. (f) LICENSE. Authorization by a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-13-7 Powers of authority generally. Each authority shall have the following powers,
together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate
form; (1) To have succession by its corporate name for the duration of time (which may be
in perpetuity) specified in its certificate of incorporation; (2) To sue and be sued in its
own name in civil suit and actions; (3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter
the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its
affairs and business; (5) To acquire, receive, take and hold, whether by purchase, gift, lease,
devise, or otherwise, property of every description, whether real, personal or mixed, whether
in one or more counties and whether within or without the boundaries or corporate limits (as
the case may be) of any authorizing subdivision, and to manage said property, and to develop
any undeveloped property owned, leased or controlled by it in a... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-13 Examination of taxpayer's records; additional assessments; disclosure requirements;
taxpayer notification. (a) The Department of Revenue, a governing body of a self-administered
county or municipality, or an agent of such a municipality or county may not conduct an examination
of a taxpayer's books and records for compliance with applicable sales, use, rental, or lodgings
tax laws except in accordance with this section and with the Alabama Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
and Uniform Revenue Procedures Act. (b) Additional sales, use, rental, or lodgings tax may
be assessed by the Department of Revenue, a governing body of a self-administered county or
municipality, or an agent of such a municipality or county within any applicable period allowed
pursuant to Section 40-2A-7(b), even though a preliminary or final assessment has previously
been entered by the Department of Revenue, a governing body of a self-administered county
or municipality, or an agent of such a municipality... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-22-23 Submission and review of proposed rules; fiscal note required for rules with
economic impact. (a) The notice required by subdivision (a)(1) of Section 41-22-5 shall be
given, in addition to the persons named in the notice, to each member of the committee and
such other persons in the legislative department as the committee requires. The form of the
proposed rule presented to the committee shall be as follows: New language shall be underlined
and language to be deleted shall be typed and lined through. (b)(1) Within the 45-day period
between the date of publication in the Alabama Administrative Monthly that a rule has been
certified and the date it becomes effective, and subject to subsection (h) of Section 41-22-5.1,
the committee shall study all proposed rules and may hold public hearings. The committee may
adopt a policy providing when a public hearing will be held on a rule meeting specified criteria.
In the event the committee fails to give notice to the agency of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-27-47 Local plans required. (a) Each county and any municipality as described below
shall submit to the department, within one and one-half years of May 16, 1989, a plan for
the management of solid waste generated within its boundaries. A county's plan shall include
the municipal jurisdictions within its boundaries except that any municipality may choose
to submit its own solid waste management plan intended for implementation within its city
limits and thereby be excluded from its county plan. Cities which do not choose to exclude
themselves from their county's plan shall be responsible to share in the county's costs proportionately
on a per capita basis. The content of all plans shall be consistent with the requirements
of this article and every plan shall not become final until it has been officially adopted
and approved pursuant to the requirements of this article. In the event a county or city does
not submit a required plan or if said plan does not meet the minimum... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-70 Qualifications of applicants. (a) The following constitute the requirements
for the issuance of a certificate of qualification for a license to practice medicine in this
state: (1) MEDICAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT. All applicants for a certificate of qualification
shall present a diploma or evidence of graduation from any of the following institutions:
a. A college of medicine or school of medicine accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical
Education of the American Medical Association. b. A college of osteopathy accredited by the
American Osteopathic Association. c. A college of medicine or school of medicine not accredited
by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education which is approved by the Board of Medical Examiners.
The board may, within its discretion, withhold approval of any college of medicine not designated
in either a., or b., above which: 1. Has had its accreditation withdrawn by a national or
regional accreditation organization; or 2. Has had its... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-19-4 Additional charges for default or deferral; prepayment; renewal or refinancing;
real property transactions. (a) When a scheduled payment in a consumer credit transaction
is in default 10 days or more, the creditor may charge and collect a late charge not exceeding
the greater of eighteen dollars ($18) or five percent of the amount of the scheduled payment
in default, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100). The late charge may be collected only
once on any scheduled payment, regardless of the period during which the scheduled payment
remains in default. (b) With respect to the deferral of one or more wholly unpaid scheduled
payments in a consumer credit transaction, in which the finance charge was determined by the
precomputed method, the creditor may collect, by agreement with the debtor either before or
after default, an additional charge for each full month that any wholly unpaid scheduled payments
are outstanding after the due date of each scheduled payment equal to... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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