Code of Alabama

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Section 9-10-36 Issuance of bonds; issuance of notes and renewal notes; redemption of notes
or bonds; liability on notes or bonds; disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds; issuance
of interim receipts, etc. (a) Any such corporation is hereby authorized to provide by resolution
for the issuance of bonds of the corporation for any of its corporate purposes, including
the refunding of its bonds. The principal of and the interest on any issue of such bonds shall
be payable solely from, and may be secured by a pledge of, tolls, rentals, sales receipts
and other revenues of all or any part of the project or projects financed in whole or in part
with the proceeds of such bond issue or with the proceeds of bonds refunded or to be refunded
by such issue. The proceeds of any such bonds may be used or pledged for the payment or security
of the principal or of the interest on bonds and for the establishment of any or all reserves
for such payment or security or for other corporate purposes as... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-114 Form and contents of bonds; redemption. (a) Any bonds of the corporation may
be executed and delivered by it at any time and from time to time, shall be in such form and
denominations and of such tenor and maturities, shall bear such rate or rates of interest,
payable and evidenced in such manner, may contain provisions for redemption prior to maturity,
and may contain other provisions not inconsistent herewith, all as may be provided by the
resolution of the board of directors whereunder such bonds are authorized to be issued; provided,
that no bond of the corporation shall have a specified maturity date later than 30 years after
its date. Each bond of the corporation may be made subject to redemption at the option of
the corporation under such terms and conditions and at such premiums, if any, as may be provided
in the resolution under which the bond is authorized to be issued. The corporation may pay
out of the proceeds of the sale of its bonds all expenses,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10A-15 Issuance of bonds. Bonds authorized by Section 9-10A-14 shall not be issued
until proposed by order or resolution of the board of directors of the watershed management
authority specifying the purpose for which the funds are to be used and the proposed undertaking,
the amount of bonds to be issued and the rate of interest they are to bear and are approved
by the Director of the state Department of Finance. An authority, with such approval, shall
have power and is authorized from time to time to issue its negotiable bonds. Said bonds may
be issued in one or more series, may bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times
not exceeding 40 years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates, payable
in such manner, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, be
executed in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places and
be subject to such terms of redemption, with or without premium, be... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-9 Issuance of bonds; prerequisites; procedure; provisions; execution; bond resolution
covenants. (a) The authority shall, prior to the adoption by the board of a resolution authorizing
the issuance of any bonds, enter into one or more contracts with two or more municipalities
which are authorized to contract with the authority pursuant to Section 11-50A-17. Any resolution
of the board authorizing the issuance of bonds may authorize those bonds to be issued in more
than one series, and the issuance of each series of bonds so authorized by that resolution
need not be preceded by the entering into by the authority of additional contracts pursuant
to Section 11-50A-17. (b) The board may by resolution or resolutions authorize the issuance
of bonds. Unless otherwise provided therein, the resolution or resolutions shall take effect
immediately and need not be published or posted. The board may authorize such types of bonds
as it may determine, subject only to any agreement with... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-55 Issuance and sale of bonds authorized generally; form, terms, denominations,
etc., thereof; bonds to be deemed negotiable instruments; redemption. Bonds of the authority
may be sold from time to time as the board of directors may deem advantageous; provided, that
the aggregate principal amount of bonds of the authority which may be issued under this article
shall be limited to $20,000,000.00, but the said limitation shall not apply to refunding bonds
which may be issued under this article and also shall not apply to bonds of the authority
which may be issued under any other act which may at any time hereafter be enacted. The bonds
shall be in such forms and denominations and of such tenor and maturities, shall bear such
rate or rates of interest payable and evidenced in such manner and may contain other provisions
not inconsistent with this article as may be provided in the resolution or resolutions of
the board of directors of the authority wherein the bonds are... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-36-252.06 Bonds of the authority; obligations. (a) In addition to all other powers
now or hereafter granted by law, the authority shall have the following powers, together with
all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form: (1)
To sell and issue bonds of the authority in order to provide funds for any corporate function,
use, or purpose, any such bonds to be payable solely out of one or more of the following:
a. Any or all proceeds or receipts from the privilege, license, or excise tax levied on the
sale, distribution, storage, use, or consumption of tobacco and certain tobacco products in
Jackson County by Section 45-36-247. b. Any or all proceeds from any tax received by the Jackson
County Commission which are required by law to be deposited to the credit of the Jackson County
Water Authority. c. The revenues derived from any water, sewer, or garbage system or facility
of the authority. (2) To pledge for payment of any bonds issued... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89-8 Bonds of district - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale; execution and delivery;
refunding; liability thereon; security for payment of principal and interest and payment thereof
generally; provisions in mortgages, deeds of trust or trust indentures executed as security
for payment of bonds generally. All bonds issued by the district shall be signed by the chairman
of its board or other chief executive officer and attested by its secretary and the seal of
the district shall be affixed thereto, and any interest coupons applicable to the bonds of
the district shall be signed by the chairman of its board or other chief executive officer;
provided, that a facsimile of the signature of one, but not both, of said officers may be
printed or otherwise reproduced on any such bonds in lieu of his manually signing the same,
a facsimile of the seal of the district may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any such
bonds in lieu of being manually affixed thereto and a facsimile of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-3A-14 Refunding bonds. (a) Any bonds issued by the authority under this chapter
may from time to time thereafter be refunded by the issuance of refunding bonds of the authority;
provided, however, that no refunding bonds shall be issued unless the present value of all
debt service on the refunding bonds (computed with a discount rate equal to the true interest
rate of the refunding bonds and taking into account all underwriting discount and other issuance
expenses) shall not be greater than 95 percent of the present value of all debt service on
the bonds to be refunded (computed using the same discount rate and taking into account the
underwriting discount and other issuance expenses originally applicable to such bonds) determined
as if such bonds to be refunded were paid and retired in accordance with the schedule of maturities
(considering mandatory redemption as a scheduled maturity) provided at the time of their issuance.
Provided further that the average maturity of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-11-3 Authority for issuance; form, terms, denominations, retirement, etc.; security
for payment of principal and interest on warrants generally. The county commission of each
such county, in addition to all other powers which it may now have, is hereby empowered from
time to time to authorize, sell and issue interest-bearing warrants of the county in anticipation
of and payable solely out of that portion of the highway gasoline tax required by law to be
distributed to that county. The said warrants may be in such denomination or denominations,
may have such maturity or maturities not exceeding 20 years from their date, may bear interest
at such rate or rates and payable at such times, may be made payable at such place or places
whether within or without this state and may be sold at such time or times and in such manner,
whether publicly or privately, all as the county commission of the county shall determine
most advisable by resolution duly adopted at any lawful meeting of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-526 Bonds - Sale or issuance generally. The corporation may issue bonds at any
time and from time to time as the board may determine to be most advantageous for the purpose
of paying the purchase price of and all expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition
of any properties or other assets of the corporation and for the purpose of furnishing adequate
working capital for the corporation. Such bonds shall be revenue bonds payable solely out
of the revenues derived from the operation of all or any part of any utility owned by the
corporation as may be provided at the time of the authorization of such bonds. All bonds shall
be signed by such officer or officers as the board may direct, but the facsimile of any signature
may be impressed on any interest coupons in lieu of the original signature. The bonds shall
be in such form, whether registered or bearer, shall be in such denominations, shall bear
such dates and have such maturities not exceeding 40 years from their... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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