Code of Alabama

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Section 40-18-15 Deductions for individuals generally. (a) No deduction shall be allowed for
any losses, expenses, or interest deferred or disallowed pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 267 or for
any cost required to be capitalized in accordance with 26 U.S.C. § 263A; otherwise, there
shall be allowed as deductions: (1) All ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred during
the taxable year in carrying on any trade or business, as determined in accordance with 26
U.S.C. § 162. (2) Interest paid or accrued within the taxable year on indebtedness, limited
to the amount allowable as an interest deduction for federal income tax purposes in the corresponding
tax year or period pursuant to the provisions of 26 U.S.C. §§ 163, 264, and 265. (3) The
following taxes paid or accrued within the taxable year: a. Income taxes, Federal Insurance
Contribution Act taxes, taxes on self-employment income and estate and gift taxes imposed
by authority of the United States or any possession of the United... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-35 Deductions allowed to corporations. (a) The following items shall be deducted
from federal taxable income for purposes of computing taxable income under this chapter: (1)
Refunds of state and local income taxes. (2) Federal income tax paid or accrued during the
taxpayer's taxable year. The portion of federal income tax deductible by a corporation earning
income from sources both inside and outside of Alabama shall be determined by the ratio that
the corporation's taxable income, computed without the deduction for federal income tax, apportioned
and allocated to Alabama bears to the corporation's taxable income, computed without the deduction
for federal income tax, apportioned and allocated everywhere. (3) Interest income earned on
obligations of the United States. (4)a. Interest income earned on obligations of the State
of Alabama or its subdivisions or instrumentalities thereof to the extent included in gross
income for the purposes of federal income taxation. b.... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-2 Tax levied on gross receipts; certain sales exempt; disposition of funds. There
is levied, in addition to all other taxes of every kind now imposed by law, and shall be collected
as herein provided, a privilege or license tax against the person on account of the business
activities and in the amount to be determined by the application of rates against gross sales,
or gross receipts, as the case may be, as follows: (1) Upon every person, firm, or corporation,
(including the State of Alabama and its Alcoholic Beverage Control Board in the sale of alcoholic
beverages of all kinds, the University of Alabama, Auburn University, and all other institutions
of higher learning in the state, whether the institutions be denominational, state, county,
or municipal institutions, any association or other agency or instrumentality of the institutions)
engaged or continuing within this state, in the business of selling at retail any tangible
personal property whatsoever, including... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-242 Levy of tax; advisory referendum; collection of tax; disposition of funds.
(a) This section shall only apply to Calhoun County. (b) As used in this section, state sales
and use tax means the tax imposed by the state sales and use tax statutes, including, but
not limited to, Sections 40-23-1, 40-23-2, 40-23-4, 40-23-60, 40-23-61, 40-23-62, and 40-23-63.
(c)(1) The County Commission of Calhoun County may levy in the police jurisdictions of the
incorporated municipalities in the county and in the unincorporated areas of the county, in
addition to all other taxes a sales and use tax, parallel to the state sales and use tax,
of up to two percent of the gross sales, gross receipts, or the fair and reasonable market
value of tangible personal property, as appropriate, except where a different rate is provided
herein. Notwithstanding any other part or provision of this section, no additional tax levied
by this section shall be levied or collected on the sale, storage, use, or... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-1 Definitions. Throughout this chapter, the following words and phrases as used
therein shall be considered to have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context
shall clearly indicate a different meaning in the connection used: (1) COMPENSATION. The money
benefits to be paid on account of injury or death, as provided in Articles 3 and 4. The recovery
which an employee may receive by action at law under Article 2 of this chapter is termed "recovery
of civil damages," as provided for in Sections 25-5-31 and 25-5-34. "Compensation"
does not include medical and surgical treatment and attention, medicine, medical and surgical
supplies, and crutches and apparatus furnished an employee on account of an injury. (2) CHILD
or CHILDREN. The terms include posthumous children and all other children entitled by law
to inherit as children of the deceased; stepchildren who were members of the family of the
deceased, at the time of the accident, and were dependent upon him or... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-255 Manufactured homes. (a) Every person, firm, or corporation who owns, maintains
or keeps in this state a manufactured home as defined according to subsection (n) of this
section, except a manufactured home that constitutes a part of the inventory of a manufacturer
or dealer, shall pay an annual registration fee of $24 for an owner occupied single wide (one
transportable module) manufactured home, $48 for an owner occupied double wide or larger (two
or more transportable modules) manufactured home, $48 for a commercial single wide (one transportable
module) manufactured home, or $96 for a commercial double wide or larger (two or more transportable
modules) manufactured home, provided, however, that any manufactured home 10 years of age
or greater but less than 20 years of age shall pay 75 percent of the above stated fees, and
any manufactured home 20 years of age or greater shall pay 50 percent of the above stated
fees; and upon payment thereof such owner shall be... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-150 Annual identification markers. (a) The commissioner shall provide by regulation
for the issuance of an annual identification marker for every Alabama IFTA-based carriers'
qualified vehicles and the qualified vehicles from non-IFTA-member jurisdictions, as defined
in Article 9 of Chapter 17 of this title, for a fee based on administrative costs of administering
the agreements pursuant to Article 9 of Chapter 17 of this title. The identification marker
shall be in the form and of the size as the commissioner may prescribe. (b) The identification
marker shall be attached or affixed to the vehicle in the place and manner prescribed by the
commissioner so that the same is clearly displayed at all times. (c) The identification markers
herein provided for shall be issued on an annual basis as of January 1 each year and shall
be valid through the next succeeding December 31. (d) All identification markers issued by
the commissioner shall remain the property of the state. (e)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-13-120 Compensation; election; oath and bond; office space, equipment; chief clerk;
powers and duties; issuance of licenses; disposition of funds. (a)(1) Effective October 1,
1991, there is hereby created the office of commissioner of licenses. The salary of the commissioner
of licenses shall be in the amount of thirty-six thousand dollars ($36,000) annually. The
annual salary shall be payable in equal biweekly installments from the general funds of the
county, as all other county employees are paid. (2) The office of commissioner of licenses
shall be established upon the occurrence of a vacancy before October 1, 1991, in either the
office of tax assessor or tax collector, then, in that event, the officer remaining after
the office of revenue commissioner is established, shall be the license commissioner for the
remainder of the unexpired term for which he or she was elected as either tax assessor or
as tax collector, as the case may be, and the license commissioner shall be... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-5-11 Certificates of registration and numbers generally - Application for and issuance
of certificate and number; certificate requirements; distinctive identification stickers;
replacement stickers; fees; rules. (a) The owner of each vessel requiring numbering by this
state shall file an application for a number with the probate judges' offices, or license
commissioner, in the county of residence of the purchaser, or the county in which the vessel
is domiciled, or in the county where the vessel is purchased on forms approved by the Alabama
State Law Enforcement Agency. The application shall be filed by the owner of the vessel and
shall be accompanied by a fee in accordance with Section 33-5-17. Upon receipt of the application
and its approval by the authorized issuing official, the official shall enter the same upon
the records and issue to the applicant a certificate of registration stating the number awarded
to the vessel, the name and address of the owner, and a... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-84 Operations. (a) There is hereby created within the judge of probate's office
of Chambers County a license division which shall issue all licenses issued through the judge
of probate's office, except marriage licenses. The county commission shall furnish suitable
quarters and provide the necessary forms, books, stationery, records, equipment, and supplies,
except such stationery forms and supplies as are furnished pursuant to law by the State Department
of Finance or the State Comptroller. The county commission shall also provide such clerks,
and other assistants for the judge of probate as shall be necessary from time to time for
the proper and efficient performance of the duties of his or her office. The judge of probate
shall have authority to employ such clerks, and other assistants, and to fix their compensation;
however, the number and compensation of such clerks and other assistants shall be subject
to the approval of the county commission. The compensation of the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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