Code of Alabama

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Section 16-1-44.1 School security personnel and school resource officers. (a) As used in this
section, the following terms have the following meanings: (1) RETIRED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.
A person who was a law enforcement officer and retired in good standing from a federal, state,
or local law enforcement agency with at least 20 years of law enforcement experience. (2)
SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER. A person who is certified by the Alabama Peace Officers' Standards
and Training Commission as a law enforcement officer, whose certification is in good standing,
and who has the power of arrest. (b) A local board of education may employ persons as school
security personnel or contract with a local chief of police or sheriff to employ school resource
officers. A local board of education may allow any person employed by the board as school
security personnel or as a school resource officer to carry a firearm while on duty if the
employee satisfies all of the following qualifications: (1) He or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-21-190 Disability benefits. (a) Any member who becomes totally or permanently disabled
as a result of a heart attack or any injury received in the line of duty as a firefighter,
not as a result of his or her misconduct, and who makes proper application to the board on
a form supplied by the board and submits evidence satisfactory to the board of such total
or permanent disability and the circumstances giving rise to its occurrence, shall be entitled
to be paid benefits. The board may require that any applicant for benefits under this section
be examined by one or more physicians on behalf of the board and at its expense. Failure of
any such applicant to subject himself or herself to such examination shall be sufficient grounds
for the board to deny payment of benefits under this section. Any benefit paid under this
section shall be paid for a period of not longer than 24 calendar months as follows: (1) Seventy-two
dollars ($72) per calendar month if his or her qualified... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-166 Adoption, etc., of building codes by municipalities and counties. Any municipality
in the State of Alabama may adopt any model building code published by the Southern Building
Code Congress International and the National Electrical Code published by the National Fire
Protection Association as a municipal ordinance, enlarging the applicability thereof to include
private buildings and structures other than private schoolhouses, hotels, public and private
hospitals, and moving picture houses as it deems necessary and to prescribe penalties for
violations thereof in the same manner in which other ordinances and related penalty provisions
are adopted and prescribed. Any county commission similarly may adopt and enlarge the applicability
of any model building code published by the Southern Building Code Congress International
and the National Electrical Code published by the National Fire Protection Association for
the county, prescribing penalties for violations thereof, by... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-959 Acquisition of membership; selection and improvement of museum site; considerations;
acceptance of gifts, grants, etc.; contracts; admission fee; renovations and maintenance;
exclusive jurisdiction; allocation of funds; leases. (a) The commission shall have the duty
and authority to acquire membership and to select and improve a site for the museum, taking
into consideration the following factors: (1) Accessibility. (2) Location of nearby roads
and highways. (3) Scenic attractions. (4) Esthetic value. (5) Cost. (6) Cooperation with federal,
state, county, municipal, and other governmental authorities. (7) Protection from the hazards
of weather, fire, and any other factors which may affect the suitability of a site for the
establishment of the museum. (b) The commission may accept public or private gifts, grants,
and donations and may make and enter into contracts with other governmental departments, agencies
and boards, whether federal, state, or municipal, and with... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17A-80.02 Composition of board; personnel; annual report; meetings. (a) An historic
preservation commission created by an ordinance enacted pursuant to this part shall be composed
of not less than seven members, who shall have demonstrated training or experience in the
fields of history, architecture, architectural history, urban planning, archaeology, or law,
or who shall be residents of an historic district designated pursuant to that ordinance. A
majority of the members of the commission shall be bona fide residents of the territorial
jurisdiction of Tuscumbia. Not more than one-fifth of the members of the commission shall
be public officials. (b) Members of the commission shall be nominated by the chief executive
officer of Tuscumbia and appointed by the legislative body of Tuscumbia. Nomination and appointment
of members of the commission shall be made so as to ensure that the commission will be composed
of persons with as much of the training and experience specified... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-171.21 Baldwin County Indigent Care Board authorized. At the determination of
the county commission, there may be hereby established the Baldwin County Indigent Care Board,
hereinafter referred to as the board, whose composition and duties shall be as follows: (1)
The county commission may appoint a Baldwin County Indigent Care Board which shall consist
of four members who are duly qualified electors of Baldwin County, but no member of such board
shall be employed by any hospital. Of the members of the board first appointed under the provisions
of this section, one shall be appointed for a term of one year, one shall be appointed for
a term of two years, one shall be appointed for a term of three years and one shall be appointed
for a term of four years. Thereafter, their successors shall be appointed for terms of four
years and may be appointed to succeed themselves as members of the board. The county commission
shall appoint all members of the board. In the event the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-22-130.08 County engineer - Duties. It shall be the duty of the county engineer,
subject to the approval and direction of the county commission to: (1) Employ, supervise,
and direct such assistants as are necessary to construct and maintain properly the county
public roads, highways, and bridges. (2) Perform such engineering and surveying services as
may be required to prepare and maintain the necessary maps, plans, and records. (3) Maintain
the necessary accounting records to reflect the cost of constructing and maintaining the county
highway system. (4) Perform such other duties as are necessary and incident to the operation
of the county highway system as directed by the county commission. (5) It shall be his or
her further duty, insofar as it is feasible, to construct and maintain all county roads on
the basis of the county as a unit, without regard to any district, quadrant, or beat lines.
(Act 79-487, p. 896, ยง10.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-23-141.09 Forfeiture of funds. The purposes and use of funds generated by this part
is to enable all participating volunteer fire departments in Dale County to lower their ISO
ratings and to enable emergency medical service squads to guarantee emergency medical services
to the citizens of the county. All fire departments are required to attain and maintain an
ISO rating of "8/9" or below, within six years of the approval of this part. Any
departments not attaining this level or failing to maintain this level shall forfeit funds
generated by this part until such time as the "8/9" rating is attained or reattained.
Forfeited funds per this section shall be used or designated for use by the county volunteer
firefighters association for fire protection in the affected district. All emergency medical
service squads are required to attain and maintain a basic life support ambulance transport
license with the Alabama Department of Public Health. Any emergency medical service squad... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-26A-70.02 Composition of board; personnel; annual report; meetings. (a) An historic
preservation commission created by an ordinance enacted pursuant to this article shall be
composed of not less than seven members, who shall have demonstrated training or experience
in the fields of history, architecture, architectural history, urban planning, archaeology,
or law, or who shall be residents of an historic district designated pursuant to that ordinance.
A majority of the members of the commission shall be bona fide residents of the territorial
jurisdiction of Wetumpka. Not more than one-fifth of the members of the commission shall be
public officials. (b) Members of the commission shall be nominated by the chief executive
officer of Wetumpka and appointed by the legislative body of Wetumpka. Nomination and appointment
of members of the commission shall be made so as to ensure that the commission will be composed
of persons with as much of the training and experience specified... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-19-3 Adoption of zoning ordinances and building codes for flood-prone areas outside
municipalities. The county commission in each county of this state is hereby authorized and
may adopt zoning ordinances and building codes for flood-prone areas which lie outside the
corporate limits of any municipality in the county. Each such county commission shall have
broad authority to: (1) Establish or cause to be established comprehensive land-use and control
measures which shall specifically include the control and development of subdivisions in flood-prone
areas; (2) Establish or cause to be established building codes and health regulations incorporating
such minimum standards as shall be necessary to reduce flood damage in flood-prone areas;
(3) Provide such standards of occupancy for the prudent use of flood-prone areas in the county;
(4) Provide for the preparation of maps clearly delineating flood-prone areas and floodways
in the county and to keep the same for public... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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