Code of Alabama

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Section 16-25-14 Retirement of members; benefits generally. (a)(1) Any Tier I plan member who
withdraws from service upon or after attainment of age 60 and any Tier II plan member who
withdraws from service upon or after attainment of age 62, or in the case of a Tier II plan
member who is a correctional officer, firefighter, or law enforcement officer as defined in
Section 36-27-59, who withdraws from service upon or after attainment of age 56 with at least
ten years of creditable service as a correctional officer, firefighter, or law enforcement
officer may retire upon written application to the Board of Control setting forth at what
time, not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days subsequent to the execution and filing thereof,
he or she desires to be retired; provided, that any such member who became a member on or
after October 1, 1963, shall have completed 10 or more years of creditable service. (2) Any
Tier I plan member who has attained age 60 and any Tier II plan member who... - 23K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-8B-4 Alabama Board of Court Reporting - Creation; composition; meetings; compensation.
(a) There is created the Alabama Board of Court Reporting. The board shall be operative within
60 days of June 1, 2006. ACRA shall provide administrative support to the board until such
time as the board employs sufficient employees to implement and administer this chapter. (b)
The board shall consist of seven members as follows: (1) Four court reporters certified by
ABCR, NCRA, NVRA, or by the board, two of whom shall be employed in official capacities and
two of whom shall be employed in a freelance setting. (2) Two members in good standing with
the Alabama State Bar Association. (3) One additional member. (c) Appointments to the board
shall be made as follows: (1) The Governor shall appoint one official court reporter, one
freelance court reporter, and one member of the Alabama State Bar Association. ACRA, NCRA,
NVRA, and the Alabama State Bar Association shall respectively submit a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-27-4 Membership - Generally; denial of membership; absence from service; military
service. (a) The membership of the retirement system shall be composed as follows: (1) All
persons who shall become employees after October 1, 1945, shall become members of the retirement
system as a condition of their employment. (2) Any person who is an employee on October 1,
1945, shall become a member as of that date unless, within a period of 90 days next following,
such employee shall file with the Board of Control on a form prescribed by the board a notice
of his or her election not to be covered in the membership of the system and a duly executed
waiver of all present and prospective benefits which would otherwise inure to him or her on
account of his or her membership in the retirement system. (3) An employee whose membership
in the retirement system is contingent on his or her own election and who elects not to become
a member may thereafter apply for and be admitted to membership... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-11.04 Cost-of-living expense allowances of certain officials. (a) From May 1,
2002, until September 30, 2002, the Sheriff, License Commissioner, Tax Assessor, and Tax Collector
of Calhoun County shall be entitled to receive a cost-of-living expense allowance in the amount
of three percent of their annual salary for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, to
be paid in equal monthly installments from the general fund of the county for the remaining
months of the fiscal year. This expense allowance shall be in addition to any an all other
compensation, salary, and expense allowance provided for by law. (b)(1) On and after October
1, 2002, the sheriff, license commissioner, tax assessor, and tax collector shall be entitled
to receive a cost-of-living expense allowance per annum in the amount of three percent of
their annual salary on May 1, 2002, to be paid in equal monthly installments from the general
fund of the county. This expense allowance shall be in addition to any... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-11.05 Additional expense allowances and uniform compensation increases for certain
county officers. (a) As used in this section, county means Calhoun County and county official
means each local Calhoun County official covered by Chapter 2A of Title 11. (b)(1) Commencing
July 1, 2007, the following county officers shall receive the following additional expense
allowances payable in biweekly installments from the funds from which their salaries, compensation,
or expense allowances are paid. a. The county revenue commissioner shall receive an expense
allowance of seven thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,800) per annum. b. The county license
commissioner shall receive an expense allowance of five thousand six hundred dollars ($5,600)
per annum. c. Each county commissioner shall receive an expense allowance of ten thousand
dollars ($10,000) per annum. (2) The chair of the county commission when serving as chair
shall receive compensation the same as currently set per annum for... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49A-60 Retirement benefits. (a) This section shall apply to any municipality in
the State of Alabama having a population, according to the latest federal census, between
175,000 and 225,000 persons. (b) Any elected official of any such municipality who previously
has served, or who is presently serving, or who in the future may serve as such elected official,
and serves for a period of not less than 12 years, shall be paid a retirement benefit equal
to 30 percent of the average compensation he or she received as a salary during the five highest
paid years which he or she served as such elected official, which benefit shall be payable
monthly. (c) Any elected official of any such municipality who previously has served, or who
is presently serving, or who in the future may serve as such elected official, and serves
for a period of not less than 16 years, shall be paid a retirement benefit equal to 40 percent
of the average compensation he or she received as a salary during the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-27-24 Funds for assets of retirement system - Creation; composition; disposition
of funds; appropriations. (a) Effective October 1, 1997, all the assets of the retirement
system shall be credited according to the purpose for which they are held among three funds,
namely, the Annuity Savings Fund, the Pension Accumulation Fund, and the Expense Fund. The
operation of the former Pension Reserve Fund and the Annuity Reserve Fund shall be discontinued
as of such date and the balance of the former Pension Reserve Fund shall be transferred to
the Pension Accumulation Fund, and the balance of the former Annuity Reserve Fund shall be
transferred to the Pension Accumulation Fund. (b) Annuity Savings Fund. The Annuity Savings
Fund shall be a fund in which shall be accumulated contributions from the compensation of
members to provide for their annuities. Contributions to and payments from the Annuity Savings
Fund shall be made as follows: Effective October 1, 1971, each employer shall... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2B-2 Alabama Tax Tribunal. (a) Statement of Purpose. To increase public confidence
in the fairness of the state tax system, the state shall provide an independent agency with
tax expertise to resolve disputes between the Department of Revenue and taxpayers, prior to
requiring the payment of the amounts in issue or the posting of a bond, but after the taxpayer
has had a full opportunity to attempt settlement with the Department of Revenue based, among
other things, on the hazards of litigation. By establishing an independent Alabama Tax Tribunal
within the executive branch of government, this chapter provides taxpayers with a means of
resolving controversies that insures both the appearance and the reality of due process and
fundamental fairness. The tax tribunal shall provide hearings in all tax matters, except those
specified by statute, and render decisions and orders relating thereto. A tax tribunal hearing
shall be commenced by the filing of a notice of appeal protesting... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-27-16 Retirement, etc., of employees; retirement allowances. (a)(1) RETIREMENT,
member who withdraws from service upon or after attainment of age 60 and any Tier II plan
member who withdraws from service upon or after attainment of age 62 may retire upon written
application to the Board of Control setting forth at what time, not less than 30 days nor
more than 90 days subsequent to the execution and filing thereof, he or she desires to be
retired; provided, that any such member who became a member on or after October 1, 1963, shall
have completed 10 or more years of creditable service; provided further, that a Tier I plan
member employed as a state policeman shall be eligible to file application for service retirement
upon attaining age 52 and a Tier II plan member employed as a state policeman or employed
as a correctional officer, firefighter, or law enforcement officer as defined... - 34K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-123.01 Definitions. For the purposes of this part, the following terms shall
have the following meanings: (1) ACT. The act adding this part, to be called the General Retirement
System for Employees of Jefferson County Act. (2) ACTIVE MEMBER. An individual who currently
is employed by the county or other entities set forth in subdivision (20) and is making employee
contributions to the system. (3) ACTUARIAL EQUIVALENT. Effective July 30, 1984, or such other
dates as set forth in Exhibit A, which is maintained in the office of the pension board, a
form of benefit differing in time, period, or manner of payment from a specific benefit provided
under the plan but having the same value when computed using the mortality tables, the interest
rate, and any other assumptions last adopted by the pension board, which assumptions shall
clearly preclude any discretion in the determination of the amount of a member's benefit.
(4) ACTUARIAL GAIN. As defined in Section... - 27K - Match Info - Similar pages

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