Code of Alabama

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Section 45-37A-51.224 Involuntary retirement. (a) In the event a participant shall be involuntarily
retired after having completed 20 or more years of credited service prior to attaining the
age of 60 years, such participant shall be entitled to a monthly retirement benefit equal
to the product of the final average salary multiplied by the applicable percentage rate determined
at the date of termination, multiplied by such participant's years of credited service. Should
the participant be involuntarily retired prior to attaining age 60 his or her entitlement
to the monthly retirement benefit, at this retirement date, shall additionally require that
within 60 days of the involuntary retirement the agency governing tenure of service of city
employees certify in writing to the board that such employee has not contributed by his or
her own fault or misconduct to the separation from service. Should such certification not
be made within the prescribed time, the monthly retirement benefit... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-281 Average salaries to match national average; funding; compliance. (a) The
average salary of Alabama teachers, including the State Minimum Salary Schedule, local salary
supplementals, state incentive pay such as National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
certification, and any other salary compensation paid to Alabama teachers, shall be increased
to the national average for teacher salaries as provided in this article. Beginning in the
fiscal year 2001-2002, and continuing each fiscal year thereafter until such time as the Alabama
teacher salary average has reached the national average for teacher salaries, there shall
be allocated 41.15 percent of the growth in the Education Trust Fund for teacher salaries.
The 41.15 percent of the growth shall not apply to any future new revenue source to the Education
Trust Fund, including any revenue generated from an increase in the rate or a substantial
change in the base of existing revenue sources. Provided, however, an... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-25-18 Redetermination of allowances of certain retired members. (a) Any member who
retired prior to October 1, 1975 and who has served in the armed services, as described in
Section 16-25-3, shall be entitled to claim such full-time military service and to have all
retirement allowances due on or after October 1, 1975 redetermined as if the provisions of
said section, as amended, were in effect at the time such member retired; provided, that such
retired member pays into the Teachers' Retirement System, in a lump sum prior to October 1,
1976, an amount equal to four percent of the average compensation which was paid to a teacher
during each claimed year of full-time military service, plus and together therewith, eight
percent interest compounded from the last date of such claimed military service; provided
further, that such retired member shall not receive membership service credit for more than
four years of military service and shall receive no credit for military service... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43-7.2 Additional expense allowances for members of council or governing body of
Class 1 municipalities. (a) In addition to the authority granted by Section 11-43-7.1, the
council or other governing body of any Class 1 municipality may grant to the members of the
council or governing body, an additional amount of money monthly for expenses incurred by
the members when attending to the business of the municipality within its corporate limits.
The maximum amount of the additional expense allowance shall be three hundred thirty-three
dollars and thirty-three cents ($333.33) per month. (b) Notwithstanding all other provisions
of law, any council or governing body member may elect in writing to have the expense allowances
authorized by subsection (a) of this section and Section 11-43-7.1, become subject to the
withholding of any employee contribution required to be paid into the trust fund of any pension
or retirement system in which the member is eligible to participate. A... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-22-13 Cost-of-living adjustment for certain public education employees; miscellaneous
pay provisions. (a) The state Budget Officer shall allocate to the State Board of Education,
the boards of trustees of the public universities, the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Institute
for Deaf and Blind, the Board of Youth Services School District, the Board of Directors of
the Alabama School of Fine Arts, and the Board of Trustees of the Alabama High School of Mathematics
and Science for disbursement to the employees thereof funds based on the criteria established
in this section. It is not the intent of this section to make appropriations, but the appropriations
required by this section shall be made in the annual budget act for the public schools and
colleges. (1) CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL (K-12). For the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1998,
and each year thereafter, each cell on the State Minimum Salary Schedule contained in the
annual budget act for the public schools shall be... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-123.103 Death benefits. (a) Preretirement death benefits. A vested member's beneficiary
is entitled to a preretirement joint survivorship pension, as described below. (1) MARRIED
MEMBER. If a married, active member dies, then the beneficiary may elect, on a form provided
by the pension board, to be paid in one of the following forms: a. One Hundred Percent Preretirement
Joint Survivorship Pension. If such member was eligible for a deferred retirement benefit
at the time of the member's death, then the beneficiary may elect to be paid in the form of
a 100 percent preretirement joint survivorship pension, which is a monthly annuity paid during
the beneficiary's lifetime which is equal to the actuarial equivalent of the benefits that
would have been paid to the member if, instead of dying, the member had terminated employment;
or b. Refund. The beneficiary may elect a refund of the member's employee contributions in
accordance with Section 45-37-123.104(4)b. (2) UNMARRIED... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-51.232 Firefighters' and police officers' supplemental pension survivors pension.
Effective as of July 1, 2002, in the event a firefighter or police officer retires under the
supplemental pension system established by Subpart 1, after having accumulated 20 years of
credited service under the system and shall die prior to the date on which the participant
would have accumulated 30 years of credited service under this system had he or she not retired
but had he or she continued in employment with the city, without interruption, as a firefighter
or police officer, the participant's survivor or survivors shall not receive any benefit therefrom.
However, should the retired firefighter or police officer die subsequent to the date on which
he or she would have accumulated 30 years of credited service hereunder, and should the retiree
or participant be survived by a spouse to whom he or she was legally married at the time of
the retiree's or participant's death, regardless of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-51.245 Retroactive deferred retirement option plan. (a) Effective July 1, 2002,
a participant who retires at least 90 days following July 1, 2002, who has then completed
at least 23 years of credited service, and who is otherwise entitled to retire and receive
a normal retirement benefit, shall have the opportunity to elect a back drop plan. A participant
eligible for the back drop plan can elect in writing at his or her retirement to retroactively
drop his or her credited service in excess of 20 years, for a period of months not exceeding
36 months immediately preceding the date of retirement, the back drop period; provided that
the beginning of the back drop period may not extend past the earliest date on which the participant
would have qualified for a normal retirement benefit. A participant who is not actively employed
may not make a back drop election. To be effective, a back drop election by a married participant
shall be approved in writing by his or her spouse.... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-36 Application of net commission revenues. All commission horse wagering fees,
commission greyhound wagering fees, and other fees, commissions, and moneys, including fines
and forfeitures, to which a commission shall be entitled under the provisions of this chapter
shall be paid to the treasurer of such commission and shall be deposited by said treasurer
to the account of such commission. Except for the gross profits of any commission racing day
and the commission greyhound wagering fee referable to greyhound racing on such day that may
be set aside for specific public entities or charitable organizations pursuant to Section
11-65-30.1(c), all such moneys to which a commission shall be entitled that remain after (i)
the payment of all expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter, including (without
limitation thereto) the payment of the salaries and expenses of the members and employees
of such commission, and (ii) the deposit into the breeding fund of all... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-123.100 Retirement benefits. (a) Superannuation retirement benefit. (1) ELIGIBILITY.
A member shall be eligible for a superannuation retirement benefit if: a. The member has 30
or more years of paid membership time, regardless of age; b. The member has 10 or more years
of paid membership time and has attained the age of 60; or c. The member has 30 years of service,
20 years of which are paid membership time, and has attained the age of 55. (2) CALCULATION
OF BENEFIT. If a member meets the foregoing eligibility criteria, then the member shall be
eligible to retire and receive a monthly benefit for the remainder of his or her life to be
determined by the following formula: a. Two and one-half percent multiplied by the basic average
salary multiplied by the number of years of paid membership time; plus b. Five-eights of one
percent multiplied by the basic average salary multiplied by the number of years of unpaid
membership time, if applicable. (3) SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

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