Code of Alabama

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Section 22-24-7 Well driller's license - Refusal, suspension or revocation. (a) A license may
be refused or a license duly issued may be suspended or revoked, or the renewal thereof refused
by the board, if, after notice and hearing as provided in this section, it finds that the
applicant for, or holder of, such license: (1) Is unable to present evidence of his qualifications
suitable to the board; (2) Has intentionally made a material misstatement in the application
for such license; (3) Has willfully violated any provision of this chapter; (4) Has obtained,
or attempted to obtain, such license by fraud or misrepresentation; (5) Has been guilty of
fraudulent or dishonest practices; or (6) Has demonstrated lack of competence as a driller
of water wells. (b) Before any license shall be refused, or suspended or revoked, or the renewal
thereof refused, under this section, the board shall give notice of its intention to do so
by registered or certified mail to the applicant for, or holder... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-4A-27 Suspension or revocation of license - Notice; hearing. For any violation by
any bar pilot of any of the provisions of this chapter, or any of the rules established by
the commission under the authority conferred upon the commission by this chapter, or under
any authority which may be hereafter conferred upon the commission, the commission may suspend
or revoke the license or branch of a bar pilot so violating the law or rules of the commission.
The secretary of the commission shall notify the bar pilot in writing of the specific charge
preferred against him or her, specifying with reasonable certainty the law or rule or regulation
violated, the manner in which the same was violated, and the time and place of the offense,
and, by direction of the commission, shall fix the time for hearing of the charges not less
than five nor more than 30 days from the date of the notice. At the time and place set forth
in the notice, the bar pilot may appear in person or by counsel,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-15C-5 Powers and duties of board. The board shall perform the following duties,
subject to the other provisions of this chapter: (1) Administer fully this chapter and any
rules promulgated by the board pursuant to this chapter. (2) Prescribe, make, adopt, and amend
such rules pursuant to the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act as the board deems necessary
to carry out the provisions of this chapter. (3) For the purpose of enforcing this chapter,
conduct investigations and hearings concerning charges against registered interior designers,
at any time or place within the state, administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses,
and receive evidence in the course of any such hearings. (4) Issue, in conjunction with the
Secretary of State, any documentation necessary to prove that a registered interior designer
is practicing in accordance with and abiding by the requirements of this chapter, for which
an annual fee, in an amount determined by the board, shall be assessed and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21-25 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license; administrative fines; voluntary
disciplinary alternative program. (a) For disciplinary purposes, the board may adopt, levy,
and collect administrative fines not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation
and may institute any legal proceedings necessary to effect compliance with this chapter against
its licensees. (b)(1) The board may also deny, revoke, or suspend any license issued by it
or otherwise discipline a licensee, or holder of a multistate privilege to practice in Alabama,
upon proof of any of the following regarding the licensee: a. Is guilty of fraud or deceit
in procuring or attempting to procure a license. b. Has been convicted of a felony. c. Is
guilty of a crime involving moral turpitude or of gross immorality that would tend to bring
reproach upon the nursing profession. d. Is unfit or incompetent due to the use of alcohol,
or is addicted to the use of habit-forming drugs to such an extent as to... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-22-42 Powers and duties generally. The board shall exercise and perform, subject
to this chapter, each of the following powers and duties: (1) Conduct examinations at least
once each year to ascertain the qualifications and fitness of applicants for licenses to practice
optometry. (2) Prescribe rules and regulations for conducting and administering an examination
of applicants for licensing as optometrists and to effectuate this chapter. (3) Institute,
upon a complaint or petition, hearings of charges against licensed optometrists or other persons
as provided in this chapter. (4) Institute legal proceedings for violations of this chapter.
(5) Grant and deny licenses in conformity with this chapter, including applications for approval
to use pharmaceutical agents. (6) Formulate rules and regulations by which the board shall
determine which optometry schools and colleges in or out of the State of Alabama have been
duly accredited by a recognized and properly authorized... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-30-5 Disciplinary proceedings - Procedure. The following procedure will apply to
revocation and suspension hearings and to judicial review of these hearings: (1) Hearings
are to be conducted by a five-person panel of the Board of Social Work Examiners with recommended
decisions to be by majority vote of the panel. (2) Reasonable notice (20 days' minimum) of
charges to be served personally or by registered mail. (3) Stenographic record of proceedings.
(4) A person licensed under this chapter whose license is subject to suspension or revocation
is entitled to: a. The presence of counsel at the hearing at his expense; b. The right to
cross-examination of witnesses; c. The right to call witnesses on his or her own behalf; and
d. The right to subpoena witnesses and documents. (5) Any person affected by the action of
the board in refusing his or her application or suspending or revoking his or her license,
or any other action of the board, may appeal the action of the board by... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-26-40 Studies and reports by director; investigations and hearings as to compliance
with provisions of article, etc., generally. The director shall make studies and report to
the board upon all matters touching the enforcement and the effect of the provisions of this
article and the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder. He may visit all places of employment
and services affected by this article in order to ascertain and advise with the heads of the
various departments concerning their methods of handling those matters affecting employees
in the service, such as hours of work, attendance, training, working conditions and morale
and in order to ascertain whether the provisions of this chapter and the rules promulgated
thereunder are obeyed. The director, in the course of such inquiries, shall have the power
to administer oaths, subpoenas and require the attendance of witnesses and the production
of books, papers, documents and accounts pertaining to the subject under... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-32-150.10 Production of documents, etc.; removal of certain licensee employees;
recordkeeping; inspections; witnesses. The commission is empowered to compel the production
of any and all books, memoranda, or documents showing the receipts and disbursements of any
person, association, or corporation licensed to conduct race meetings under this part. The
commission may at any time require the removal of any employee or official employed by any
licensee hereunder whenever it has reason to believe that such employee or official is guilty
of any improper practice in connection with racing, has failed to comply with any condition
of the license, or has violated any rule adopted by the commission. The commission shall have
the power to require that the books and financial or other statements of any licensee be kept
in a manner and method provided by the commission; and the commission shall be authorized
to visit, investigate, and place auditors and inspectors in the offices,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-151.11 Production of documents, etc.; removal of certain licensee employees;
recordkeeping; inspections; witnesses. The commission is empowered to compel the production
of any and all books, memoranda, or documents showing the receipts and disbursements of any
person, association, or corporation licensed to conduct race meetings under this subpart.
The commission may at any time require the removal of any employee or official employed by
any licensee hereunder whenever it has reason to believe that such employee or official is
guilty of any improper practice in connection with racing, has failed to comply with any condition
of the license, or has violated any rule adopted by the commission. The commission shall have
the power to require that the books and financial or other statements of any licensee be kept
in a manner and method provided by the commission; and the commission shall be authorized
to visit, investigate, and place auditors and inspectors in the offices,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8A-23.262 Investigations by council or city manager. The council, the city manager,
or any person or committee authorized by either of them, shall have power to inquire into
the conduct of any office, department, board, or agency or officer of the city and to make
investigations as to municipal affairs, and for that purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer
oaths, and compel the production of books, papers, and other evidence. Failure to obey such
subpoena or to produce books, papers, or other evidence as ordered under the provisions of
this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed
one hundred dollars ($100) or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both. (Acts 1953,
No. 404, p. 472, ยง9.03.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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