Code of Alabama

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Section 11-44E-183 Interest of official or employee in contracts with city or public utility
prohibited; acceptance of gifts, etc.; penalty. No member of the commission, the mayor, officer,
or employee appointed shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract
for work or material, or the profits thereof, in services to be furnished or performed for
the city; and no such member of the commission, the mayor, or employee shall be financially
interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract for work or material, or the profits thereof,
in any services to be furnished or performed for any person, firm, or corporation operating
interurban railway, street railway, gas works, cable television systems, electric light or
power plant, heating plant, telegraph line, or telephone exchange within the territorial limits
of said city. No such member of the commission, the mayor, officer, or employee of such city
shall be interested in or be an employee or an attorney of any... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-4.3 Ethics Commission - Electronic database filing and access. (a) The commission,
by April 1, 2012, shall implement and maintain each of the following: (1) A system for electronic
filing of all statements, reports, registrations, and notices required by this chapter. (2)
An electronic database accessible to the public through an Internet website which provides
at least the following capabilities: a. Search and retrieval of all statements, reports, and
other filings required by this chapter, excluding complaints made confidential by Section
36-25-4(b), by the name of the public official or public employee to which they pertain. b.
Generation of an aggregate list of all things of value provided to each public official or
public employee and family member of a public official or public employee as reported pursuant
to Section 36-25-19, searchable and retrievable by the name of the public official or public
employee. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the commission shall... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-3 State Ethics Commission - Creation, composition; annual reports; compensation;
political activities; director; personnel. (a) There is hereby created a State Ethics Commission
composed of five members, each of whom shall be a fair, equitable citizen of this state and
of high moral character and ability. The following persons shall not be eligible to be appointed
as members: (1) a public official; (2) a candidate; (3) a registered lobbyist and his or her
principal; or (4) a former employee of the commission. No member of the commission shall be
eligible for reappointment to succeed himself or herself. The members of the commission shall
be appointed by the following officers: The Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, or in the absence
of a Lieutenant Governor, the Presiding Officer of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House
of Representatives. Appointments shall be subject to Senate confirmation and persons appointed
shall assume their duties upon confirmation by the... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-63-2 Loans, grants, etc., of property, payment of principal or interest on outstanding
bonds and securities, etc., by municipalities for assistance of related public corporations
authorized generally; issuance of bonds by municipalities to provide moneys for loans, payments,
etc., generally; creation of irrevocable trust funds for payment of corporate securities.
(a) In addition to all other powers that a municipality may have with respect to a related
public corporation, any municipality may, with or without consideration and on such terms
as its governing body may deem advisable: (1) Lend or donate money to, or perform services
for the benefit of, a related public corporation; (2) Donate, convey, transfer, lease, or
grant to a related public corporation any property of any kind; (3) Pay, or provide for the
payment of, the principal of or interest on any then outstanding bonds or other securities
theretofore issued by a related public corporation, whether or not such... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-14 Filing of statement of economic interests. (a) A statement of economic interests
shall be completed and filed in accordance with this chapter with the commission no later
than April 30 of each year covering the period of the preceding calendar year by each of the
following: (1) All elected public officials at the state, county, or municipal level of government
or their instrumentalities. (2) Any person appointed as a public official and any person employed
as a public employee at the state, county, or municipal level of government or their instrumentalities
who occupies a position whose base pay is seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) or more
annually, as adjusted by the commission by January 31 of each year to reflect changes in the
U.S. Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index, or a successor index. (3) All candidates,
provided the statement is filed on the date the candidate files his or her qualifying papers
or, in the case of an independent candidate, on the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-4.2 State Ethics Commission - State Ethics Law training programs. (a) At the
beginning of each legislative quadrennium, the State Ethics Commission shall provide for and
administer training programs on the State Ethics Law for members of the Legislature, state
constitutional officers, cabinet officers, executive staff, municipal mayors, council members
and commissioners, county commissioners, and lobbyists. (1) The training program for legislators
shall be held at least once at the beginning of each quadrennium for members of the Legislature.
An additional training program shall be held if any changes are made to this chapter, and
shall be held within three months of the effective date of the changes. The time and place
of the training programs shall be determined by the Executive Director of the State Ethics
Commission and the Legislative Council. Each legislator must attend the training programs.
The State Ethics Commission shall also provide a mandatory program for any... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-52.225 Officers and employees not to be privately interested in city contracts.
No member of the council, officer, or employee elected or appointed shall be interested, directly
or indirectly, in any contract for work or material, or the profits thereof, or services to
be furnished or performed for the city, and no such member of the council, officer, or employee
shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract for work or material, or the
profits thereof, or services to be furnished or performed for any person, firm, or corporation
operating interurban railway, street railway, gas works, electric light or power plant, heating
plant, telegraph line, or telephone exchange within the territorial limits of the city. No
such member of the council, officer, or employee of such city shall be interested in or an
employee or attorney of any corporation operating any public service utility within the city.
No such member of the council, officer, or employee shall... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8A-23.265 Officers and employees not be privately interested in city contracts.
No member of the council, officer, or employee elected or appointed shall be interested, directly
or indirectly, in any contract for work or material, or the profits thereof, or services to
be furnished or performed for the city, and no such member of the council, officer, or employee
shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract for work or material, or the
profits thereof, or services to be furnished or performed for any person, firm, or corporation
operating interurban railway, street railway, gas works, electric light or power plant, heating
plant, telegraph line, or telephone exchange within the territorial limits of the city. No
such member of the council, officer, or employee of such city shall be interested in or an
employee or attorney of any corporation operating any public service utility within the city.
No such member of the council, officer, or employee shall receive,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-25-1 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter the following terms, unless a
different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following respective
meanings: (1) RETIREMENT SYSTEM. The Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama as defined in
Section 16-25-2. (2) PUBLIC SCHOOL. Any day school conducted within the state under the authority
and supervision of a duly elected or appointed county or city board of education and any educational
institution supported by and under the control of the state or any private nondenominational
school operated nonprofit for the education of children of school age residing within a district
where no public school is available for the children. (3) TEACHER. Any teacher, principal,
superintendent, supervisor, college professor, administrative officer, or clerk employed in
any public school or public college within the state or employed in any private nondenominational
school operated nonprofit for the education of children of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-1-16 Acts declared unlawful. No person shall assume or use the title or designation
"certified public accountant," the abbreviation "CPA" or any other title,
designation, words, letters, abbreviation, sign, card, or device tending to indicate that
the person is a certified public accountant, unless the person has received a certificate
as a certified public accountant under Section 34-1-4 and if in public practice, holds a permit
issued under Section 34-1-11, which is not revoked or suspended, hereinafter referred to as
a live permit, and all of the offices of the person in this state for the practice of public
accounting are maintained and registered as required under Section 34-1-10, or the person
is practicing pursuant to Section 34-1-7; provided, however: (1) A foreign accountant who
has registered under Section 34-1-5 and who holds a live permit issued under Section 34-1-11
may use the title under which he or she is generally known in his or her country, followed
by the... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

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