Code of Alabama

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Section 36-19-16 Fire Marshal may request district attorney to assist in investigations, etc.;
effect of refusal to assist Fire Marshal. The Fire Marshal or deputy fire marshal, when in
the opinion of either of them it is necessary, may request the district attorney to aid in
any investigations or examinations that may be made under the provisions of this article.
Any officer who refuses to aid the Fire Marshal or deputy fire marshal in carrying out the
provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of willful neglect of duty and dealt with
accordingly. (Acts 1919, No. 701, p. 1013, §8; Code 1923, §972; Code 1940, T. 55, §44.)... - 954 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-17-213 Requirement that consignee produce permit, etc., prior to delivery, sale,
etc., of fireworks; requirement that purchaser of fireworks obtain proof that seller possesses
permit; keeping of records by permit holders. No person shall deliver, sell or ship fireworks
into or within the State of Alabama unless the consignee produces the required permit or evidence
that the consignee holds said permit. No person shall purchase fireworks from another person
without first requiring proof that the proper permit required of the seller herein has been
obtained and is current and valid. Each holder of a permit under the provisions of this article
shall keep an accurate record of each shipment received. Each holder of a permit as distributor
or wholesaler shall keep a record of each sale, delivery, or out shipment of fireworks. Such
records shall be clear, legible, and accurate, showing the name and address of the seller
or purchaser, item and quantity received or sold. Such records... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-19-2.1 Manufacture of destructive device or bacteriological or biological weapon.
(a) No person may lawfully manufacture a destructive device or bacteriological or biological
weapon without first obtaining a permit from the office of the State Fire Marshal. The office
of the State Fire Marshal shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this section including,
but not limited to, rules for all of the following: (1) The form for making application for
a permit. (2) The qualifications necessary for obtaining a permit. (3) Fees for making application,
issuance, renewal, reinstatement of a lapsed permit, and other fees deemed necessary by the
Fire Marshal relating to a permit. (b) The office shall have 30 days to investigate and review
an application, and either issue or deny a permit. A denial shall state the reasons why the
permit was not issued and what corrective action, if any, may be taken. (c) A permit shall
expire one year following the date of its issuance or renewal... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-10-204 Power to compel attendance of witnesses and production of evidence. In any
case where there is reason to believe that a destructive device, detonator, explosive, bacteriological
or biological weapon, or hoax device has been manufactured, possessed, transported, distributed,
or used in violation of Act 2009-718 or that there has been an attempt or a conspiracy to
commit a violation, the Attorney General, any district attorney, or the persons as may be
designated in writing by these officials shall have the same power to compel the attendance
of witnesses and the production of evidence before the official in the same manner as the
State Fire Marshal or pursuant to the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Alabama
Rules of Civil Procedure. (Act 2009-718, p. 2115, §15.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-28-10 Powers of commission generally; advisory committees. In addition to other
powers conferred on it by law, the commission shall have power to: (1) Hold hearings relating
to any aspect of or matter in the administration of this chapter and, in connection therewith,
compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence through subpoena, as provided
in this chapter; (2) Issue such orders as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this
chapter and enforce the same by all appropriate administrative and judicial proceedings; (3)
Require access to records relating to emissions which cause or contribute to air contamination;
(4) Secure necessary scientific, technical, administrative and operational services, including
laboratory facilities, by contract or otherwise; (5) Prepare and develop a comprehensive plan
or plans for the prevention, abatement and control of air pollution in this state; (6) Encourage
voluntary cooperation by persons and affected groups to... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-8 Oil and Gas Board - Powers as to witnesses; enforcement of subpoenas issued
by board. (a) The board or any member thereof is hereby empowered to issue subpoenas for witnesses,
to require their attendance and the giving of testimony before it and to require the production
of such books, papers and records in any proceeding before the board as may be material upon
questions lawfully before the board. Such subpoenas shall be served by the sheriff or any
other officer authorized by law to serve process in this state. No person shall be excused
from attending and testifying or from producing books, papers and records before the board
or a court or from obedience to the subpoena of the board or a court on the ground or for
the reason that the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, required of him may tend
to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty or forfeiture; provided, that nothing contained
in this section shall be construed as requiring any person to produce... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-2-26 Witnesses and evidence for examination, investigation or hearing - Generally.
(a) As to the subject of any examination, investigation, or hearing being conducted by him,
the commissioner may subpoena witnesses and administer oaths or affirmations and examine any
individual under oath or take depositions and, by subpoena duces tecum, may require and compel
the production of records, books, files, documents, and other evidence. (b) Witness fees and
mileage, if claimed, shall be allowed the same as for testimony in a circuit court. Witness
fees, mileage, and the actual expense necessarily incurred in securing attendance of witnesses
and their testimony shall be itemized and shall be paid by the person being examined if in
the proceedings in which such witness is called such person is found to have been in violation
of the law or by the person, if other than the commissioner, at whose request the hearing
is held. (c) Subpoenas of witnesses shall be served in the same manner... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35A-51.24 Investigations. The board and the director shall make a study of all matters
touching the administration and enforcement of this part and the rules and regulations adopted
thereunder. To this end, the board or the director may visit all offices and places of employment
to ascertain information and to advise with the heads of the various departments concerning
their method of handling matters affecting the service; and to ascertain if this part and
the adopted rules and regulations are fully complied with. The board or director, in the course
of such inquiries, shall have the power to administer oaths, subpoena, and require the attendance
of witnesses and the production of records, books, papers, and documents pertaining to the
subject matter under investigation. The board, or the director, shall have the authority to
inquire into the number of employees in any office or department and, after notice and an
opportunity to be heard by the appointing authority and the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-24 Conduct of investigations and requirement of reports as to organization, business,
practices, etc., of persons, firms, etc., engaged in intrastate commerce by commissioner;
access to copying, etc., of documentary evidence; powers of commissioner as to witnesses generally;
issuance of subpoenas and orders for taking of depositions; enforcement of subpoenas and orders
of commissioner, etc., generally; fees of witnesses, etc.; witnesses not to be excused from
testifying on grounds of self-incrimination; immunity from prosecution of witnesses as to
matters, etc., upon which compelled to testify. (a) The commissioner shall also have power:
(1) To gather and compile information concerning and to investigate from time to time the
organization, business, conduct, practices and management of any person, firm or corporation
engaged in intrastate commerce and the relation thereof to other persons, firms and corporations;
(2) To require, by general or special order, persons, firms... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-26-41 Failure of witnesses to appear and testify, etc., at investigations or hearings;
fees of witnesses; requirement of appearance, etc., of witnesses, etc., before board; giving
of false testimony under oath. Any person who shall be served with a subpoena, issued in the
course of an investigation or hearing conducted under any provision of this article, to appear
and testify or to produce books and papers who shall, without good cause, disobey or neglect
to obey any such subpoena shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The fees of witnesses for attendance
and travel shall be the same as fees of witnesses before the courts of record and shall be
paid from the appropriation for the expenses of the board. Any judge of a court of record,
either in term time or vacation, upon application of a member of the board or the director,
shall compel the attendance of witnesses, the production of books and papers and the giving
of testimony before the board or an agent thereof by attachment... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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