Code of Alabama

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Section 34-21A-25 Penalties and sanctions. (a) Any person who undertakes or attempts to undertake
the business of manufacturing, installing, servicing, cleaning, repairing, or maintaining
any onsite sewage system or equipment without first having obtained and having possession
of a current, valid license from the board or who knowingly presents or files false information
with the board for the purpose of obtaining a license or otherwise fraudulently obtains a
license, or who knowingly violates any provision of this chapter regulating the onsite sewage
industry shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, as defined by the state criminal code.
(b) Whenever it appears to the board that an individual has violated or is about to violate
this chapter, it may in its own name petition the circuit court of the county where the violation
is occurring or is about to occur to issue a temporary restraining order or other appropriate
injunctive relief enjoining the violation. (c) The board may... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-4 Diversion of funds; payment of debt obligations. (a) It shall be unlawful for
any official in the State of Alabama having the custody of, or in any manner connected with
the handling or having the authority to direct the use of any of the public school funds arising
under the provisions of Sections 257, 258, 259 and 260 of the Constitution of Alabama to knowingly
or intentionally divert or permit to be diverted or to use or permit the use of these funds
or any part thereof for any purpose whatsoever except for the uses and purposes as set out
in these sections of the constitution, and such official violating this section shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars ($500)
nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), and the Attorney General may also institute impeachment
proceedings against such official. (b) Nothing contained in this section shall be so construed
as to affect any appropriation heretofore made... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2A-1 (Article 1.) Definitions. For the purposes of this code, unless the context
otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings: (1) ACCUSER. A person
who signs and swears to charges, any person who directs that charges nominally be signed and
sworn to by another, and any other person who has an interest other than an official interest
in the prosecution of the accused. (2) CADET, CANDIDATE, or MIDSHIPMAN. A person who is enrolled
in or attending a state military academy, a regional training institute, or any other formal
education program for the purpose of becoming a commissioned officer in the state military
forces. (3) CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. Information that meets all of the following requirements:
a. Any information or material that has been determined by an official of the United States
or any state pursuant to law, an Executive order, or regulation to require protection against
unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national or state security. b.... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-90.2 Purchase of business license; classification of taxpayers; vehicle decals;
determination of gross receipts; construction with other provisions. (a) Every taxpayer required
to purchase a business license under this chapter shall: (1) Purchase a business license for
each location at which it does business in the municipality, except as otherwise provided
by the municipality. (2) Except as provided in Section 11-51-193, with respect to taxpayers
subject to state licensing board oversight, be classified into one or more of the following
2002 North American Industrial Classification System ("NAICS") sectors and applicable
sub-sectors, industry groups, industries, and U.S. industries thereunder: SECTOR NAICS TITLE
111 Crop Production Agriculture, farming, nursery, fruit, growers Gross Receipts and/or Flat
Rate 112 Animal Production Animal, dairy, cattle, ranching, sheep,... - 26K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-20 Board of Pardons and Paroles - Creation; composition; compensation. (a) There
shall be a Board of Pardons and Paroles which shall consist of three members. The membership
of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, or
economic diversity of the state. At least one member shall be a current or former law enforcement
officer with a minimum of 10 years' experience in or with a law enforcement agency which has
among its primary duties and responsibilities the investigation of violent crimes or the apprehension,
arrest, or supervision of the perpetrators thereof. (b) Any vacancy occurring on the board,
whether for an expired or unexpired term, shall be filled by appointment by the Governor,
with the advice and consent of the Senate, from a list of five qualified persons nominated
by a board consisting of the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-22-3 Duties generally. (a) It shall be the duty of the sheriff: (1) To execute and
return the process and orders of the courts of record of this state and of officers of competent
authority with due diligence when delivered to him or her for that purpose, according to law.
(2) To attend upon the circuit courts and district courts held in his or her county when in
session and the courts of probate, when required by the judge of probate, and to obey the
lawful orders and directions of such courts. (3) To, three days before each session of the
circuit court in his or her county, render to the county treasury or custodian of county funds
a statement in writing and on oath of the moneys received by him or her for the county, specifying
the amount received in each case, from whom and pay the amount to the county treasurer or
custodian of county funds. (4) To, with the assistance of deputies as necessary, ferret out
crime, apprehend and arrest criminals and, insofar as within their... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-9 Elimination of railroad grade crossings. Whenever the funds of the state are
being expended for the construction, maintenance, or repair of a public highway, the State
Department of Transportation shall have the power and authority to compel all railways operating
in this state to construct viaducts, tunnels, underpasses, or bridges to the full extent of
the width of the right-of-way and over the tracks as owned or operated by any railway when,
in the judgment of the State Department of Transportation, such viaducts, tunnels, underpasses,
or bridges are necessary for the safety of the general public and whereby a dangerous grade
crossing is eliminated. The State Department of Transportation may appropriate out of the
funds credited to the State Department of Transportation for the construction and maintenance
of highways an amount not to exceed 50 percent of the cost to construct said viaducts, tunnels,
underpasses, or bridges to the full extent of the width of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-17-184 Powers and duties generally. It is the duty of every district attorney and
assistant district attorney, within the circuit, county, or other territory for which he or
she is elected or appointed: (1) To attend on the grand juries, advise them in relation to
matters of law, and examine and swear witnesses before them. (2) To draw up all indictments
and to prosecute all indictable offenses. (3) To prosecute and defend any civil action in
the circuit court in the prosecution or defense of which the state is interested. (4) To inquire
whether registers have performed the duty required of them by Section 12-17-117 and shall,
in every case of failure, move against the register as provided by subsection (b) of Section
12-17-114. (5) If a criminal prosecution is removed from a court of his or her circuit, county,
or division of a county to a court of the United States, to appear in that court and represent
the state; and, if it is impracticable, consistent with his or her... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-9A-3 Independent adjuster defined; exclusions. (a) For purposes of this chapter,
an "independent adjuster" is a person who, for compensation as an independent contractor
or as an employee of an independent contractor, undertakes on behalf of an insurer to ascertain
and determine the amount of any claim, loss, or damage payable under a contract of property,
casualty, or workers' compensation insurance or to effect settlement of such claim, loss,
or damage. This chapter shall not be construed to permit persons not licensed as attorneys
to engage in activities constituting the practice of law. (b) An independent adjuster does
not include any of the following: (1) Attorneys-at-law admitted to practice in this state
when acting in their professional capacity as an attorney. (2) A salaried employee of an insurer.
(3) A person employed solely to obtain facts surrounding a claim or to furnish technical assistance
to a licensed independent adjuster. (4) An individual who is employed... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-7-3 License to operate or conduct child-care facility - Requirements; recordkeeping;
parental notifications, etc.; affidavits; inspections and investigations. (a) No person, group
of persons, or corporation may operate or conduct any facility for child care, as defined
in this chapter, without being licensed or approved as provided in this chapter. (b)(1) Except
as provided in subdivision (2), the licensure requirements of this chapter do not apply to
a child-care facility that is operating as an integral part of a local church ministry or
a religious nonprofit school, and is so recognized in the church or school's documents, whether
operated separately or as a part of a religious nonprofit school unit, secondary school unit,
or institution of higher learning under the governing board or authority of the local church
or its convention, association, or regional body to which it may be subject. (2) A child-care
facility that receives state or federal funds or is operating for... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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