Code of Alabama

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Section 16-44A-58 Funding. The trust shall undertake efforts to secure private funds, gifts,
grants, bequests, and other funds to construct, operate, and endow the Alabama Veterans Living
Legacy. (Act 2008-551, p. 1198, §9.)... - 532 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-47-194 Acquisition of personal property for museum; place of display. The University
of Alabama may acquire from the Alabama Museum of Natural History, Incorporated or elsewhere,
by gift, purchase or otherwise, any personal property which may be deemed necessary or advisable
in the proper operation or management of the University of Alabama Museum provided for in
this article. Upon such acquisition such property shall become the property of the said University
of Alabama to be used, sold, traded or otherwise disposed of as may be deemed proper or advisable;
such property may be displayed by the University of Alabama any place deemed by it to be advisable.
(Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 102, p. 2018, §5.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-2-34 Commencement of actions - Six years. The following must be commenced within
six years: (1) Actions for any trespass to person or liberty, such as false imprisonment or
assault and battery; (2) Actions for any trespass to real or personal property; (3) Actions
for the detention or conversion of personal property; (4) Actions founded on promises in writing
not under seal; (5) Actions for the recovery of money upon a loan, upon a stated or liquidated
account or for arrears of rent due upon a parol demise; (6) Actions for the use and occupation
of land; (7) Motions and other actions against the sureties of any sheriff, coroner, constable,
or any public officer and actions against the sureties of executors, administrators, or guardians
for any nonfeasance, misfeasance, or malfeasance, whatsoever, of their principal, the time
to be computed from the act done or omitted by their principal which fixes the liability of
the surety; (8) Motions and other actions against... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22A-16 Pollution Control Grant Fund. (a) There is hereby created a fund known as
the Pollution Control Grant Fund. This fund shall consist of (1) All appropriations made to
the fund; and (2) All grants, gifts, bequests or donations made to the fund from any source
whatsoever. This fund shall be used and expended by the Alabama Department of Environmental
Management in accordance with the terms of the appropriation, gift, bequest, grant or donation
from which said moneys are derived and in the absence of such terms or stipulations, shall
be expended by said department in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b). All necessary
expenses of said department in implementing the provisions of this section shall likewise
be paid out of the fund on the requisition of the director of said department as may be deemed
advisable. (b) Except as provided in subsection (a), the Alabama Department of Environmental
Management is authorized to make grants to any county, municipality or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-2A-2 License required; permission to supervise multiple facilities. (a) All administrators
of assisted living facilities or specialty care assisted living facilities as recorded in
the records of the State Department of Public Health shall be issued a provisional license,
as defined herein, upon the effective date of this act. On and after September 1, 2003, no
assisted living facility in the state may operate unless it is under the supervision of an
administrator who holds a currently valid assisted living administrator's license, or new
initial provisional license, issued by the board. No person shall practice or offer to practice
assisted living administration in this state or use any title, sign, card, or device to indicate
that he or she is an assisted living administrator unless the person shall have been duly
licensed as an assisted living administrator or as a provisional assisted living administrator
in this state. In the event an assisted living administrator dies,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-60-24 Donations; sale of property of college. The board of trustees is hereby invested
with full and ample authority to receive and accept for the use and benefit of the college
all gifts, donations, devises and bequests of any and all money and real and personal property
necessary and useful in carrying into effect the objectives and purposes of this article.
The board of trustees, in the name of such corporation, may sell and dispose of any such property
when, in the judgment of such board, such sale or other disposition thereof may aid in carrying
into effect the objectives of this article and the building up and sustaining of the college.
(Acts 1961, No. 888, p. 1397, §5.)... - 1004 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-60-54 Donations; sale of property of college. The board of trustees is hereby invested
with full and ample authority to receive and accept for the use and benefit of the college
all gifts, donations, devises and bequests of any and all money and real and personal property
necessary and useful in carrying into effect the objectives and purposes of this article.
The board of trustees, in the name of such corporation, may sell and dispose of any such property
when, in the judgment of such board, such sale or other disposition thereof may aid in carrying
into effect the objectives of this article and the building up and sustaining of the college.
(Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 151, p. 2095, §5.)... - 1015 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-32-3 Acquisition of waste disposal site. The Department of Energy may accept gifts
or grants of title to real property for establishing a low-level radioactive waste disposal
site. Further, upon the determination by the Governor of the existence of a need for a site
by Alabama citizens within the next five years, the Department of Energy may acquire title
to real property by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise for the establishment of a low-level
radioactive waste site. Such need may include designation of the State of Alabama as a host
state for a low-level radioactive treatment, storage or disposal site by the Southeast Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Management Commission. (Acts 1982, No. 82-328, p. 441, §3; Acts 1983, No.
83-511, p. 720, §3.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-8-9 Duties and responsibilities of association for administration and management
of property. The association provided for by the declaration shall be responsible for the
administration and management of the condominium property in accordance with this chapter,
the declaration, and the bylaws. The association may be incorporated or unincorporated. All
unit owners will be stockholders or members. Unless otherwise provided in the declaration,
the association, acting through its officers or governing board, shall have the powers enumerated
below: (1) The association may maintain, repair, replace, clean, and sanitize the common and
limited common elements. (2) The association may assess and collect funds and may pay for
common expenses and limited common expenses out of such funds as are appropriate. (3) In addition
to the enforcement of the covenants and restrictions concerning use, occupancy, and transfer
of units which are included in the declaration pursuant to section... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-252 Definitions. The following words, phases, or terms as used in this part,
unless the context indicates otherwise, shall have the following meanings: (1) ABANDONED PROPERTY.
Wrecked or derelict property having no value other than nominal salvage value, if any, which
has been left abandoned and unprotected from the elements and shall include wrecked, inoperative,
or partially dismantled motor vehicles, trailers, boats, machinery, refrigerators, washing
machines, plumbing fixtures, and other similar articles which have no value other than nominal
salvage value, if any; and is in a condition violative of Alabama statutes. (2) ADMINISTRATIVE
DEPARTMENT. The department charged by the Mobile County Commission with the administrative
management of this part. (3) COMMISSION. The Mobile County Commission of Mobile County, Alabama.
(4) BULKY WASTE. Items whose large size precludes or complicates their handling by normal
collection, processing, or disposal methods. (5) BUNDLE. A... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

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