Code of Alabama

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Section 34-27B-7 Issuance, use, renewal of license; temporary license. (a) The board
shall issue a respiratory therapist license to any person who meets the qualifications required
by this chapter and who pays the license fee established herein. (b) Any person who is issued
a license as a respiratory therapist under this chapter may use the words "licensed respiratory
therapist" or the letters "LRT" in connection with his or her name to denote
his or her license. (c) A license issued under this chapter shall be subject to biennial renewal.
(d)(1) The board may issue a six-month temporary license as a respiratory therapist to persons
who have graduated from a respiratory therapy educational program accredited by the Council
on Allied Health Education Programs (CAHEP) in collaboration with the Committee on Accreditation
for Respiratory Care (CoARC), or their successor organizations, and who have applied for and
are awaiting competency examination. The temporary license shall be renewable... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27B-3 License requirements; examination. (a) Except as provided in Section
34-27B-7, no person shall hold himself or herself out to be, or function as, a respiratory
therapist in this state unless licensed in accordance with this chapter. (b) In order to obtain
a respiratory therapist license, an applicant shall demonstrate to the board that he or she
is a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States, a person who
is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government,
at least 18 years of age, is a high school graduate, or has the equivalent of a high school
diploma, and meets one of the following requirements: (1) Holds credentials as a registered
respiratory therapist (RRT) or a certified respiratory therapist (CRT), as granted by the
National Board for Respiratory Care or its successor organization. (2) Holds a temporary license
issued under subsection (d) of Section 34-27B-7 and passes the examination... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27B-9 Representation as "respiratory therapist," etc. (a) A person
who does not hold a license or a temporary license as a respiratory therapist or whose license
or temporary license has been suspended or revoked may not do any of the following: (1) Use
in connection with the person's practice the words "respiratory care professional,"
"respiratory therapist," "respiratory care practitioner," "certified
respiratory care practitioner," "licensed respiratory therapist," "inhalation
therapist," or "respiratory therapy technician"; or use the letters "R.C.P."
or "L.R.T."; or use any other words, letters, abbreviations, or insignia indicating
or implying that the person is a respiratory therapist. (2) Directly or by implication represent
in any way that the person is a respiratory therapist. (b) A person who holds a license or
a temporary license to practice respiratory therapy under this chapter may use the title "respiratory
therapist" and the abbreviation "L.R.T." (Act... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-43-5 Exemptions. (a) The following persons, offices, or establishments shall
be exempt from this chapter: (1) A student of massage therapy who is rendering massage therapy
services under the supervision of a licensed massage therapy instructor, or any other supervisory
arrangement recognized and approved by the board, including, but not limited to, a temporary
permit. The student shall be designated by title clearly indicating the training status of
the student. (2) Qualified members of other professions who are licensed and regulated under
Alabama law while they are in the course of rendering services within the scope of their license
or regulation, provided that they do not represent themselves as massage therapists. (3) A
person giving massages to his or her immediate family. (4) Visiting massage therapy instructors
from another state, territory, or country teaching massage therapy, provided that the massage
therapy instructor is licensed or registered as required in his... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-13-12 Issuance of license; fees; emergency and temporary elevator mechanic
licenses; renewal; continuing education. (a) Upon approval of an application, the administrator
may issue a license which shall be renewable biennially. The fee for such license and for
any renewal thereafter shall be set by the board. (b) Whenever an emergency exists in the
state due to disaster, act of God, or work stoppage and the number of persons in the state
holding licenses granted by the administrator is insufficient to cope with the emergency,
the licensed elevator contractors shall respond as necessary to assure the safety of the public.
Any person certified by a licensed elevator contractor to have an acceptable combination of
documented experience and education to perform elevator work without direct and immediate
supervision shall seek an emergency elevator mechanic license from the administrator within
five business days after commencing work requiring a license. The administrator shall... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-41-19 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license. The board may refuse
to grant or renew, or may suspend or revoke the license of any person licensed under this
chapter who: (1) Has violated this chapter or any rule or regulation of the board. (2) Has
been convicted of a misdemeanor under this chapter. (3) Has been found guilty of gross unprofessional
conduct, dishonest practice, incompetence, including but not limited to obtaining a license
under this chapter through fraud or deceit, and aiding or abetting another person in obtaining
a license by fraud or deceit. (4) Has been convicted of a criminal felony charge impinging
on the moral and ethical character of the individual and the profession. (5) Has suffered
revocation, suspension, or denial of a certificate or license to practice geology for any
reason in another state. (Acts 1995, No. 95-399, p. 820, ยง19.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27B-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) BOARD. The Alabama State Board of Respiratory Therapy. (2) DIRECT
CLINICAL SUPERVISION. A situation where a licensed respiratory therapist or physician is available
for the purpose of communication, consultation, and assistance. (3) HEALTHCARE FACILITY. The
definition shall be the same as in Section 22-21-260. (4) MEDICALLY APPROVED PROTOCOL.
A detailed plan for taking specific diagnostic or treatment actions, or both, authorized by
the treating physician of the patient, all of which actions shall be: a. In a hospital or
other inpatient health care facility, approved by the supervising physician of the respiratory
therapist or in an outpatient treatment setting approved by the supervising physician of the
respiratory therapist. b. Except in cases of medical emergency, instituted following an evaluation
of the patient by a physician or otherwise directed by the supervising... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27B-5 State Board of Respiratory Therapy - Created; composition; liability
of members; terms; meetings; expense reimbursement and per diem allowance. (a) The Alabama
State Board of Respiratory Therapy is created to implement and administer this chapter and
shall be composed of five members appointed by the Governor. Three of the members shall be
respiratory therapists, one member shall be the chief executive officer of a hospital, and
one member shall be a physician. The respiratory therapist members of the board appointed
by the Governor shall be selected from a list of names submitted by the Alabama Society for
Respiratory Care. The list shall include two names for each appointed position to be filled.
The respiratory therapist members appointed to the board shall be registered or certified
by the National Board for Respiratory Care or its successor organization. Respiratory therapists
appointed to the initial board must be eligible to obtain a license under this chapter.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-30-4 Disciplinary proceedings - Grounds for suspension, revocation, etc.,
of license; administrative fines. (a) The State Board of Social Work Examiners may deny an
application or, after a hearing, may refuse to renew, may suspend, or may revoke any license
issued under this chapter upon proof that the person has engaged in unprofessional conduct
within the last five years, including, but not limited to: (1) Conviction of a felony; (2)
Habituation or addiction to habit-forming drugs, either of which impairs the ability to perform
his or her work; (3) Conviction of fraud or deceit in connection with services rendered as
a social worker licensed under this chapter or in establishing qualifications under this chapter;
(4) Aiding or abetting a person not licensed under this chapter who is falsely representing
himself or herself as a social worker licensed under this chapter; (5) Failing to be relicensed
and continuing to represent himself or herself as licensed after the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-39-16 Complaints; notice and hearing; judicial review. (a) Any person may
file a complaint with the board against any licensed occupational therapist or licensed occupational
therapy assistant in the state charging the person with having violated this chapter. The
complaint shall set forth specifications of charges in sufficient detail so as to disclose
to the accused fully and completely the alleged acts of misconduct for which he or she is
charged. When a complaint is filed, the secretary of the board, or the executive director
at the request of the secretary, shall mail a copy thereof to the accused by return receipt
mail at his or her address of record, with a written notice of the time and place of hearing
thereof, advising him or her that he or she may be present in person and by counsel if he
or she so desires, to offer evidence and be heard in his or her defense. (b) At the time and
place fixed for the hearing, the board shall receive evidence upon the subject matter... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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