Code of Alabama

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Section 40-29-72 Rules for application of assessable penalties; "person" defined.
(a) Penalty assessed as tax. The penalties and liabilities provided by this article shall
be paid upon notice and demand by the commissioner or his delegate, and shall be assessed
and collected in the same manner as taxes. Except as otherwise provided, any reference in
this title to "tax" imposed by this title shall be deemed also to refer to the penalties
and liabilities provided by this article. (b) "Person" defined. The term "person,"
as used in this article, includes an officer of a corporation, or a member of a partnership,
who as such officer, or member is under a duty to perform the act in respect of which the
violation occurs. (Acts 1983, 4th Ex. Sess., No. 83-891, p. 128, §23.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-602 Damages. The damages shall be three times the estimated loss of revenue, plus
the cost of the repair or replacement of equipment necessitated by violation of this article
and all other costs and expenses, including a reasonable attorney's fee, incurred by the utility
resulting from a violation of this article and incurred in collecting the damages provided
for by this article. (Acts 1988, No. 88-542, p. 840, §2.)... - 739 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-253 Transportation or shipment of skins or hides of fur-bearing animals without
payment of state tax; bonds of dealers. It shall be a violation of this article, subject to
the same penalties as are provided for other offenses in Section 9-11-235, for any person,
firm or corporation or association to ship or carry from this state any skin or hide of any
fur-bearing animal on which the state tax is due without the state tax first being paid. Any
nonresident dealer or his or its agent operating in this state shall be required to post a
cash deposit or bond of $1,000.00, and any resident dealer shall be required to post a cash
deposit or a bond of $500.00 to guarantee payment of all taxes due by such dealer under the
provisions of this article. (Acts 1935, No. 383, p. 813, §11; Code 1940, T. 8, §94.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-31-17 Penalty. Any person who engages in business as a grain dealer without securing
a license or who does not have a valid license or is in violation of this article or the rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder or who shall impede, obstruct, hinder or otherwise
prevent or attempt to prevent the commissioner or his duly authorized agent in performance
of his duty in connection with this article or its rules and regulations or any grain dealer
who refuses to permit inspection of his premises, books, accounts or records as provided in
this article, besides having his license suspended, revoked or refused to be renewed, may
also upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. In case of a continuing
violation or violations, each day and each violation constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Acts 1981, No. 81-391, p. 611, §17.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-1-4 Suspension from sale, seizure, and condemnation of articles sold, stored, etc.,
in violation of chapter. Any food, drug, or cosmetic regulated by this chapter which is found
to be manufactured, processed, compounded, refined, packed, packaged, stored, sold, or transported
in violation of this chapter shall be subject to suspension from sale, seizure, and condemnation
in the manner provided in Article 2 of Chapter 2 of Title 2 of this Code. (Acts 1953, No.
91, p. 134, §8; Acts 1953, No. 475, p. 591, §8; Acts 1963, No. 534, p. 1146; Acts 1965,
No. 857, p. 1600, §5.)... - 900 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-134 Grounds for suspension, revocation, etc., of certificates; reregistration.
(a) The board has power to suspend, revoke, or place on probation a certificate of apprenticeship
where the apprentice is guilty of any of the following acts or omissions: (1) Failure to devote
not less than an average of 30 hours per week to the duties of his or her apprenticeship.
(2) Failure to make an annual report to the board as required by this chapter. (3) Absence
from duty except on vacation for an aggregate of more than 10 days in any six months or 20
days in any year, without leave of absence granted by the board. (4) Gross immorality. (5)
Being on duty as an apprentice while under the influence of liquor or illegal drugs. (6) Disobedience
of proper orders or instructions of his or her superiors. (7) Violation of this chapter or
any rule of the board adopted pursuant to this chapter. (8) Soliciting business for a funeral
director or for any embalmer. (9) Fraud or misrepresentation in... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-9-18 Grounds for disciplinary action. (a) The board may invoke disciplinary action
as outlined in subsection (b) whenever it shall be established to the satisfaction of the
board, after a hearing as hereinafter provided, that any dentist or dental hygienist has been
guilty of the following: (1) Fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in obtaining any license,
license certificate, annual registration certificate, money, or other thing of value. (2)
Gross immorality. (3) Is a menace to the public health or to patients or others by reason
of a disease. (4) Is an habitual user of intoxicants or drugs rendering him or her unfit for
the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene. (5) Has been convicted for violation of federal
or state narcotics or barbiturate laws. (6) Is guilty of negligence or gross negligence. a.
For the purposes of this subdivision, negligence is defined as the failure to do what a reasonably
prudent dentist or dental hygienist would have done under the same or... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-20-12 Time limitation on bringing of civil actions; time of accrual of cause of action.
Except as otherwise provided in paragraph l. of subdivision (3) of Section 8-20-4, any civil
action commenced under the provisions of this chapter must be brought within four years after
the cause of action has accrued. The cause of action shall not accrue until the discovery
by the aggrieved party of the fact or facts constituting a violation of the provisions of
this chapter. (Acts 1981, No. 81-390, p. 596, §12.)... - 823 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-12-211 Taking or possession of alligators, eggs, parts or skins prohibited except
as provided; applicability of section; penalty. No person shall take or possess the eggs of
alligators, alligators, or their parts or skins in any county of this state except as provided
for in this article, and the provisions of this section shall not apply to legal finished
products, alligators or parts thereof legally acquired prior to May 17, 1989, or alligators
harvested or collected under a permit from the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources. Violation of this section is a Class C felony. (Acts 1989, No. 89-874,
p. 1749, §12.)... - 970 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54B-13 Retention of municipal police powers. Notwithstanding the improvement of
any street or sidewalk incident to a self-help business improvement district, a municipality
and its governing body shall retain its police powers and other rights and powers relating
to the street or part thereof constituting or included in a self-help business improvement
district, and no such action shall be interpreted or construed to be a vacation, in whole
or in part, of any municipal street or part thereof, it being intended that the establishment
of a self-help business improvement district pursuant to this article is a matter of a regulation
only. (Acts 1994, No. 94-677, §13.)... - 991 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

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