Code of Alabama

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Section 37-9-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) AIR CARRIER. This term includes both a common carrier by aircraft and a contract carrier
by aircraft. (2) AIR COMMERCE. The carriage by aircraft of persons or property, or any class
or classes thereof, for compensation or hire in intrastate commerce in this state, including
such aircraft operations of carriers by rail, water or motor vehicle, and/or express or forwarding
companies, except pilot training, flight instruction, sale of property and services for aircraft,
engines and accessories. (3) AIRCRAFT. Any contrivance now known or hereafter invented, used,
or designed for navigation of or flight in the air. (4) BROKER. Any person not included in
the term "air carrier" and not a bona fide employee or agent of any such carrier,
who or which, as principal or agent, sells or offers for sale any transportation subject to
this chapter, or negotiates for or holds himself, or itself, out by... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-21-100 Definitions. (a) For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall
have the respective meanings ascribed by this section: (1) BUSINESS. All activities relating
to the furnishing of utility services. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Revenue of the State
of Alabama. (3) DOMESTIC WATER. All water except water that is sold to persons for use or
consumption in industrial processes and not primarily for human consumption. (4) GROSS RECEIPTS.
The value proceeding or accruing from the furnishing of utility services, all receipts actual
and accrued, without any deduction on account of the cost of the utility services sold, the
cost of the materials used, labor or service cost, interest paid, or any other expense whatever,
and without any deductions on account of losses. (5) GROSS SALES. The value proceeding or
accruing from the furnishing of utility services, and including the proceeds from the sale
of any utility services handled on consignment by the taxpayer,... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-23-121 Powers of office. The office shall have the following powers to: (1) Ensure
that assets and needs of water transportation and intermodal infrastructure are properly considered
and reflected in the state's comprehensive transportation and strategic planning policies.
(2) Assist and coordinate with public and private entities in the development of the state's
rivers, ports, harbors, and intermodal facilities. (3) Coordinate with the Coalition of Alabama
Waterway Associations and other interests to formulate recommendations on annual budget requirements
for federal waterway projects, infrastructure development, and related needs. (4) Coordinate
with each of Alabama's individual waterway associations to promote the continued development,
maintenance, and multiple use benefits of federally maintained navigation channels within
the state and to market the benefits of improved water transportation. (5) Coordinate with
local and state development agencies to ensure a better... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-806 Powers of commission. The commission shall be authorized: (1) To investigate
and select available sites for housing historic exhibits, including the surrounding grounds,
with such state, federal or local agencies and governments and private individuals, corporations,
associations or other organizations as may be involved, taking into consideration all pertinent
factors affecting the suitability of such sites; to acquire, transport, renovate, maintain
and exhibit appropriate and suitable military or historic units, articles, exhibits and attractions;
to have full, complete and exclusive jurisdiction over the sites and any related exhibits;
(2) To promote tourism throughout the Cahaba Valley by attending travel shows; issuing news
releases, calendars of events and newsletters; publishing brochures and pamphlets; constructing
mobile travel exhibits; producing films and other visual presentations as may be necessary;
and advertising in magazines and/or newspapers; (3) To... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-20 Terms of operator's license. (a) An operator's license issued under this chapter,
whether for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel
wagering thereon, shall be for an initial period of 20 years, but shall be subject to renewal
as provided in this section. A commission shall have no power to modify the terms of an operator's
license, once issued, without the prior written consent of the holder of such license. An
operator's license shall be reviewed annually, but such license shall be revocable by the
commission only if the holder thereof shall not be in compliance with the provisions of this
chapter or the valid rules, regulations and orders of the commission and such noncompliance
shall have continued for 60 days after written notice shall be given to such holder by the
commission stating the circumstances of noncompliance and demanding corrective action. (b)
A commission issuing an operator's license shall state therein... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-20A-4 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words shall have
the following meanings: (1) ADULT SEX OFFENDER. A person convicted of a sex offense. (2) CHILD.
A person who has not attained the age of 12. (3) CHILDCARE FACILITY. A licensed child daycare
center, a licensed childcare facility, or any other childcare service that is exempt from
licensing pursuant to Section 38-7-3, if it is sufficiently conspicuous that a reasonable
person should know or recognize its location or its address has been provided to local law
enforcement. (4) CONVICTION. A verdict or finding of guilt as the result of a trial, a plea
of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere, or an Alford plea regardless of whether adjudication
was withheld. Conviction includes, but is not limited to, a conviction in a United States
territory, a conviction in a federal or military tribunal, including a court martial conducted
by the Armed Forces of the United States, a conviction for an offense committed... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-29-4 Registration of insurers. (a)(1) Every insurer which is authorized to do business
in this state and which is a member of an insurance holding company system shall register
with the commissioner, except a foreign insurer subject to registration requirements and standards
adopted by statute or regulation in the jurisdiction of its domicile which are substantially
similar to those contained in this section and both of the following: a. Subdivision (1) of
subsection (a) of Section 27-29-5, and subsections (b) and (d) of Section 27-29-5. b. Either
subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of Section 27-29-5 or a provision such as the following:
Each registered insurer shall keep current the information required to be disclosed in its
registration statement by reporting all material changes or additions within 15 days after
the end of the month in which it learns of each change or addition. (2) Any insurer which
is subject to registration under this section shall register within 15... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-11-35 Powers of the board. (a) The board shall have the power to adopt and amend
bylaws and rules not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, as may be
reasonably necessary for the proper performance of its duties and the regulation of its procedures,
meetings, records, examinations, and conduct. The board shall have the power to adopt and
amend from time to time rules of professional conduct for professional engineers, engineer
interns, professional land surveyors, land surveyor interns, and corporations, partnerships,
or firms holding certificates of authorization. The board shall adopt and have an official
seal, which shall be affixed to each certificate issued. (b) In carrying into effect its duties
in any case involving the revocation of licensure or any disciplinary proceeding involving
a licensee or the holder of a certificate of authorization or practicing or offering to practice
without licensure, or false statement in connection with an... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27-51 Acts constituting violation of article - Sell, etc.; without license; failure
to provide certain documents at time of registration; failure to follow rules of advertising.
It shall be a violation of this article for any seller of vacation time-sharing plans to:
(1) Sell, lease, encumber, or convey in any manner or to solicit or advertise such transactions
unless the seller has been duly licensed under the provisions of Section 34-27-66 and unless
the vacation time-sharing plan and the units thereby affected have first been registered with
the commission. Provided, however, that the registration requirements of this article shall
not apply to nor restrict the listing and resale of any vacation time-sharing plan when: a.
The vacation time-sharing plan to be resold is within an existing time-sharing facility currently
registered with the commission pursuant to the requirements of this article; and b. The vacation
time-sharing plan to be resold is subject to the identical... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-3 Registration and bonds of dealers, agents, investment advisers, etc. (a) It is
unlawful for any person to transact business in this state as a dealer or agent for securities
unless he or she is registered under this article. It is unlawful for any dealer or issuer
to employ an agent unless the agent is registered. (b) It is unlawful for any person to transact
business in this state as an investment adviser or as an investment adviser representative
unless: (1) He or she is so registered under this article; (2) His or her only clients in
this state are investment companies as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, other
investment advisers, broker-dealers, banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations,
insurance companies, employee benefit plans with assets of not less than $1,000,000, and governmental
agencies or instrumentalities, whether acting for themselves or as trustees with investment
control, or other institutional investors as are designated by... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

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