Code of Alabama

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Section 36-15-62 Appointment of investigators for the office of the Attorney General - Compensation.
(a) The chief investigator and other investigators appointed pursuant to this article shall
be compensated at a rate to be set by the Attorney General. In setting the rate of compensation
the Attorney General may take into consideration that amount paid to other law enforcement
officers of the State of Alabama including, but not limited to, those officers of corresponding
duties, lengths of service, and responsibilities in the Alabama Department of Public Safety.
(b) In the event anyone serving in the classified service of the State of Alabama shall accept
appointment as an investigator and shall later be removed or resign from the position of investigator,
the person shall revert to his or her former position in which he or she held status in the
classified service. The reversion shall be without loss of salary or other benefits which
would have accrued to the person and to which he or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-9-6 Protective placement or other protective services. (a) An interested person
may petition the court to order protective placement or other protective services for an adult
in need of protective services. No protective placement or other protective services may be
ordered unless there is a determination by the court that the person is unable to provide
for his or her own protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation, sexual abuse, or emotional
abuse. Upon a petition, setting forth the facts and name, age, sex, and residence of the person,
the court of the circuit in which the person resides shall appoint a day, not more than 30
days from the filing of the petition, for the hearing on the petition. If, on the hearing
of a petition, the person is not represented by counsel, the court shall appoint a guardian
ad litem to represent him or her. A jury of six persons shall be impanelled for the hearing
to serve as the trier of facts. (b) Costs of court proceedings under this... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-13-7 Identifying information of state employees on records available for public
inspection. (a) As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) EMPLOYEE. Any person who is regularly employed by the state and who is subject to the
provisions of the state Merit System or any person who is regularly employed by a criminal
justice agency or entity or by a law enforcement agency within the state or any honorably
retired employee thereof, to include, but not be limited to, the following: A judge of any
position, including a judge of a municipal court; a district attorney; a deputy district attorney;
an assistant district attorney; an investigator employed by a district attorney; an attorney,
investigator, or special agent of the Office of the Attorney General; a sheriff; a deputy
sheriff; a jailor; or a law enforcement officer of a county, municipality, the state, or special
district, provided the law enforcement officer is certified by the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-232.20 Rehabilitation board; rules and regulations; inmate wages; escape from
custody; work release program requests; annual report. (a) This section shall apply to Calhoun
County. (b) The following words shall have the following meanings: (1) BOARD. The Calhoun
County Rehabilitation Board, which shall be composed of the sheriff who shall act as chair;
the district attorney; the senior circuit judge; the senior district judge; and a fifth person
to be selected by the Calhoun County Commission. (2) INMATE. Any person convicted of a crime
and sentenced to the county jail or state prison. (c)(1) The board shall adopt written procedures
of operation and administration and shall elect one of its members as chair on an annual basis.
Meetings shall generally be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. (2) Any
rules, regulations, or policies promulgated by the board shall be written upon the minutes
of the board, and shall be acknowledged and signed by each member of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-4-3 County board of registrars to purge disqualified electors. (a) Each county board
of registrars shall purge the computerized statewide voter registration list on a continuous
basis, whenever it receives and confirms information that a person registered to vote in that
county has died, become a nonresident of the state or county, been declared mentally incompetent,
been convicted of any offense designated pursuant to Section 17-3-30.1 as a felony involving
moral turpitude for the purposes of Article VIII of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 since
being registered, or otherwise become disqualified as an elector. Except as provided below,
a person convicted of a disqualifying criminal offense shall be notified by certified mail
sent to the voter's last known address of the board's intention to strike his or her name
from the list. No person convicted of a disqualifying crime may be stricken from the poll
list while an appeal from the conviction is pending. (b) On the date... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-52-92 Applicability to counties. (a) This article shall not be applicable to any
county unless and until the judge of probate with the approval of the county commission of
that particular county makes a finding that there exists in the county provisions for implementation
of the community mental health officer program and the necessary facilities to detain persons
pursuant to this article. In that event, the judge of probate shall open a case under a docket
number and enter therein findings upon the records of the court which shall also expressly
state the intention thereby to invoke this article. Notification and a copy of the court's
findings and statement shall be served on all designated mental health facilities located
within the county, all law enforcement agencies within the county, the Commissioner of the
state Department of Mental Health, the state Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the
Governor of the State of Alabama, and any other persons deemed... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2-89 Actions against members of military court, etc., as to sentences, warrants,
etc.; actions against officers or enlisted men for acts performed in line of duty; defense
of actions against present or former members of National Guard at state expense. No action
or proceedings shall be prosecuted or maintained against a member of a military court or officer
or person acting under its authority or reviewing its proceedings on account of the approval
or imposition or execution of any sentence or any warrant, writ, execution, process, or mandate
of a military court, nor shall any officer or enlisted man be liable to civil action or criminal
prosecution for any act done while in the discharge of his military duty, which act was done
in the line of duty. If a civil action shall be commenced in any court by any person against
any present or former member of the National Guard of this state for any act done by such
present or former member while on any duty under this chapter, or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-29-90.05 Powers, duties, and functions of authority. (a) The general powers, duties,
and functions of the authority shall be as follows: (1) Shall have perpetual succession in
its corporate name. (2) May sue and be sued in its corporate name. (3) May adopt, use, and
alter a corporate seal, which shall be judicially noticed. (4) May enter into such contracts
and cooperative agreements with federal, state, and local governments, with agencies of such
governments, and with private individuals, corporations, associations, and other organizations
whether organized under the laws of Alabama or of another state, as the board may deem necessary
or convenient to enable it to carry out the purposes of this article. (5) May adopt, amend,
and repeal bylaws. (6) May appoint managers, officers, employees, attorneys, and agents as
the board deems necessary for the transaction of its business, fix their compensation, define
their duties, and require bonds of such of them as the board may... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-108 Directive order of discontinuance; appeal; injunction; hearings by board;
imposition of penalties. (a) Due to the inherent nature of liquefied petroleum gas which could
cause a danger to the public or to a liquefied petroleum gas user, the board or the board
administrator shall have the administrative authority to issue a written directive order requiring
any person who violates any of the provisions of this article as amended from time to time
or any rule or regulation promulgated by the board to discontinue the operation of any LP-gas
business or LP-gas system immediately and prohibit such person from commencing operations
until said violations have been corrected. When a written directive is issued by the board
or the board administrator, it shall be immediately complied with by the recipient. When a
directive order has been issued against a person, the recipient may, within five days, appeal
to the circuit court of the county in which the said violations occurred.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-2-212 Controlled substances prescription database program; powers and duties of
department; trust fund; advisory committee; review committee. (a) The department may establish,
create, and maintain a controlled substances prescription database program. In order to carry
out its responsibilities under this article, the department is granted the following powers
and authority: (1) To adopt regulations, in accordance with the Alabama Administrative Procedure
Act, governing the establishment and operation of a controlled substances prescription database
program. (2) To receive and to expend for the purposes stated in this article funds in the
form of grants, donations, federal matching funds, interagency transfers, and appropriated
funds designated for the development, implementation, operation, and maintenance of the controlled
substances prescription database. The funds received pursuant to this subdivision shall be
deposited in a new fund that is established as a separate... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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