Code of Alabama

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Section 12-15-314 Dispositions for dependent children. (a) If a child is found to be dependent,
the juvenile court may make any of the following orders of disposition to protect the welfare
of the child: (1) Permit the child to remain with the parent, legal guardian, or other legal
custodian of the child, subject to conditions and limitations as the juvenile court may prescribe.
(2) Place the child under protective supervision under the Department of Human Resources.
(3) Transfer legal custody to any of the following: a. The Department of Human Resources.
b. A local public or private agency, organization, or facility willing and able to assume
the education, care, and maintenance of the child and which is licensed by the Department
of Human Resources or otherwise authorized by law to receive and provide care for the child.
c. A relative or other individual who, after study by the Department of Human Resources, is
found by the juvenile court to be qualified to receive and care for the... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-293 Duties of secretary; continuing education, accounting; recovery of expenses;
advisory committees; legislative intent regarding reimbursements. (a) The Secretary of the
Department of Labor may prescribe rules and regulations for the purpose of conducting continuing
education seminars for all personnel associated with workers' compensation claims and collect
registration fees in order to cover the related expenditures. The secretary may adopt rules
and regulations setting continuing education standards for workers' compensation claims personnel
employed by insurance companies and self-insured employers and groups. (b) The secretary shall
file annually with the Governor and the presiding officer of each house of the Legislature
a complete and detailed written report accounting for all funds received and disbursed during
the preceding fiscal year. The annual report shall be in the form and reported in the time
provided by law. (c) The secretary shall establish reasonable... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-54 Period of probation; termination of probation; violation of terms of probation;
sanctions. (a) The period of probation or suspension of execution of sentence shall be determined
by the court and shall not be waived by the defendant, and the period of probation or suspension
may be continued, extended, or terminated. However, except as provided in Section 32-5A-191
relating to ignition interlock requirements, in no case shall the maximum probation period
of a defendant guilty of a misdemeanor exceed two years, nor shall the maximum probation period
of a defendant guilty of a felony exceed five years, except as provided in Section 13A-8-2.1.
When the conditions of probation or suspension of sentence are fulfilled, the court shall,
by order duly entered on its minutes, discharge the defendant. (b) The court granting probation,
upon the recommendation of the officer supervising the probationer, may terminate all authority
and supervision over the probationer prior to the... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9-12 The National Foundation's Alabama Field Offices, Y.M.H.A., Seamen's Home of
Mobile, Catholic Maritime Club of Mobile, Inc., Salvation Army, Inc., United Way organizations,
etc. (a) The National Foundation's Alabama Field Offices, all Young Men's Hebrew Associations
(Y.M.H.A.) also known as Jewish Community Centers (J.C.C.), and all real and personal property
of all Young Men's Hebrew Associations (Y.M.H.A.) also known as Jewish Community Centers (J.C.C.),
the Seamen's Home of Mobile, incorporated under Act No. 145, Acts of Alabama 1844-45, the
Girl Scouts of America and the Boy Scouts of America, and any council, troop or other subdivision
thereof now existing or hereafter created and all real and personal property of the Girl Scouts
of America and the Boy Scouts of America, and any council, troop or other subdivision thereof
now existing or hereafter created, the Catholic Maritime Club of Mobile, Inc., the Knights
of Pythias Lodges, the Salvation Army, Inc., the Elks... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-4 Exemptions. (a) There are exempted from the provisions of this division and
from the computation of the amount of the tax levied, assessed, or payable under this division
the following: (1) The gross proceeds of the sales of lubricating oil and gasoline as defined
in Sections 40-17-30 and 40-17-170 and the gross proceeds from those sales of lubricating
oil destined for out-of-state use which are transacted in a manner whereby an out-of-state
purchaser takes delivery of such oil at a distributor's plant within this state and transports
it out-of-state, which are otherwise taxed. (2) The gross proceeds of the sale, or sales,
of fertilizer when used for agricultural purposes. The word "fertilizer" shall not
be construed to include cottonseed meal, when not in combination with other materials. (3)
The gross proceeds of the sale, or sales, of seeds for planting purposes and baby chicks and
poults. Nothing herein shall be construed to exempt or exclude from the computation of... - 34K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-7 Uniform revenue procedures. (a) Maintenance of records; audit and subpoena
authority; authority to issue regulations. (1) In addition to all other recordkeeping requirements
otherwise set out in this title, taxpayers shall keep and maintain an accurate and complete
set of records, books, and other information sufficient to allow the department to determine
the correct amount of value or correct amount of any tax, license, permit, or fee administered
by the department, or other records or information as may be necessary for the proper administration
of any matters under the jurisdiction of the department. The books, records, and other information
shall be open and available for inspection by the department upon request at a reasonable
time and location. (2) The department may examine and audit the records, books, or other relevant
information maintained by any taxpayer or other person for the purpose of computing and determining
the correct amount of value or correct... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-41-19 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license. The board may refuse to grant
or renew, or may suspend or revoke the license of any person licensed under this chapter who:
(1) Has violated this chapter or any rule or regulation of the board. (2) Has been convicted
of a misdemeanor under this chapter. (3) Has been found guilty of gross unprofessional conduct,
dishonest practice, incompetence, including but not limited to obtaining a license under this
chapter through fraud or deceit, and aiding or abetting another person in obtaining a license
by fraud or deceit. (4) Has been convicted of a criminal felony charge impinging on the moral
and ethical character of the individual and the profession. (5) Has suffered revocation, suspension,
or denial of a certificate or license to practice geology for any reason in another state.
(Acts 1995, No. 95-399, p. 820, ยง19.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-41-3 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) BOARD. The Alabama Board of Licensure for Professional Geologists. (2) GEOLOGIST.
A person who holds a degree in the geological sciences from an accredited college or university.
(3) GEOLOGIST-IN-TRAINING. A person who holds a degree in the geological sciences from an
accredited college or university and who has successfully passed the part of the professional
examination covering fundamental or academic geological subjects. (4) GEOLOGY. The science
dealing with the earth and its history; its constituent rocks, minerals, liquids, gases, and
other materials of which it is composed, and the study of the processes responsible for the
development and change in the component parts of the earth, for the benefit of mankind. (5)
GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. Character that tends to ensure the faithful discharge of the professional
duties of the licensed professional geologist based on truth and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-19-14 State Board of Midwifery - Powers and duties; scope of licensed practice of
midwifery. (a) The board shall do all of the following consistent with this chapter: (1) Approve,
renew, suspend, or revoke licenses for the practice of midwifery. (2) Investigate and conduct
hearings regarding complaints against a licensed midwife in order to determine if disciplinary
action is warranted. (3) Establish reasonable licensure fees, including, but not limited to,
initial application, renewal, and reinstatement fees. (4) Develop standardized forms including,
but not limited to, a midwife disclosure form, informed consent form, emergency care form,
and applications for licensure and renewal. (5) Impose administrative fines, not to exceed
one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation, for violating this chapter, a board rule, or
a condition of a license. (6) Establish levels of professional liability insurance that must
be maintained by a licensed midwife at a limit of no less than one... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-41-18 Illegal acts. (a) It is unlawful for any person except a licensed professional
geologist or a subordinate under his or her direction, as defined in Section 34-41-7(b)(6);
a geologist explicitly exempt from licensing pursuant to Section 34-41-7; and those persons
explicitly exempt under Section 34-41-8(b)(1) to prepare any geologic plans, reports, or documents
which relate to the public welfare or safeguarding of life, health, property, or the environment.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to publicly practice, offer or attempt to publicly practice
geology, use in connection with his or her name or otherwise assume, or advertise any title
or description tending to convey the impression that he or she is a licensed professional
geologist, unless that person has been duly licensed. (c) One year after the initial board
calls for applications, it shall be unlawful for anyone other than a professional geologist
licensed under this chapter to stamp or seal any plans, plats,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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